Page 5 - investment-map-En-2021
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relations in a way that facilitates the process of integration in the international economic
                   system.  This  is  part  of  our  new  economic  philosophy  which  contributed  positively  to
                   achieving significant growth in many economic indicators, That the Iraqi economy will
                   be among the most developed economies in the world in the coming years.
                   Iraq  has  achieved  a  number  of  positive  economic  developments  over  the  past  years
                   despite the economic challenges, including the global decline in oil prices, the cost of war
                   on  terrorist  organizations,  law  inforcment,  reconstruction  and  returning  the  displaced
                   people to their cities, the Iraqi government succeeded in developing an efficient policy to
                   control inflation and control government spending and structuring The government banks
                   to  keep abreast  of developments  in the banking business  in  the world,  as  well as  Iraq
                   completed  a  set  of  policies  of  standby  arrangements  with  the  International  Monetary
                   Fund and the signing of several international conventions.
                   It  is  well  known  that  Iraq  has  considerable  human  and  material  resources  to  achieve
                   development  in  Iraq,  as  well  as  the  availability  of  many  investment  opportunities
                   distributed across different sectors with different investment patterns, most notably direct
                   investment or investment partnerships with state-owned public companies.

                   This diversity in the economy comes from the strategic tracks and policies developed to
                      improve  the  private  sector  within  the  directions  of  the  National  Development  Plan
                      2018-2022, including:

                   • Promoting an economic approach based on a leading role for the private sector in all
                      economic and social activities.
                   • Raising competitiveness of the private sector and improving its productive and export
                   • Increase demand and expand the local market in order to absorb domestic production
                      and allocate part of it for export purposes.
                   • Creating a stable macroeconomic environment that promotes growth.
                   •  Reform  of  the  tax  and  customs  system  to  simplify  procedures  and  improve  the
                      investment environment.
                   • Establishment of industrial and investment free zones and economic cities.
                   • Develop incentives to attract foreign capital.
                   • Identify and distribute roles between the private sector and the public sector in order to
                      ensure a gradual transition to a market economy.
                   • Develop an investment policy that makes the infrastructure sector and basic services
                      priorities  of  its  strategic  objectives  (electricity,  water,  roads  and  bridges  ...),  which
                      supports  the  effectiveness  of  private  investment  and  promotes  the  entry  of  foreign
                      investment to Iraq.
                   • Develop a supportive financial policy from specialized banks (industrial, agricultural,
                      real estate) and other governmental financial institutions for the purpose of supporting
                      the principle of competition.
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