Page 135 - investment-map-En-2021
P. 135

124  Iraq Investment Map 2020-2021

                        Available Investment Opportunities Announced by Provinces
                                  Investment Commission in Industrial Sector

              No         Project name         Suggested Industries      Land allocated for       Location
                                                                            the project

              1      Industrial Zone          Electric & Mechanic      93 dunem/ Tikrit        Saladin
                                             factories                 center
              2      Garbage recycling        Garbage recycling        16 dunem part of plot   Saladin
                                                                       10/m5 Shesheen
              3      Wheat Mill               Wheat Mill               2 dunem plot            Saladin
              4      Vegetable oil factory    Vegetable oil factory    200 dunem Kut 15/3,     Wasit
                                                                       18/12, 3/3 Al
              5      Dairy products plant      Dairy products plant    Al Aziziya/ according  Wasit
                                                                       to project need
              6      Industrial Zone           Industrial Zone         1600 dunem/ Jassan      Wasit
              7      Cement factory           Cement factory           Badra district          Wasit
                                                                       according to project
                                                                       need /
              8      Dates pressing &         Dates pressing &         Al Aziziya & Swaira/    Wasit
                     Canning                 Canning                   according to project
              9      Chemical Fertilizers     Chemical Fertilizers     Badra district          Wasit
                                                                       according to project
                                                                       need /
              10     Hiteen company/          Transformation &         6000 dunem/ Al          Babylon
                     industrial location     Assembling industries     Eskandariya district

              11     Food industry city       Food industries          146 dunem/              Babylon
                                             (canning, Dates           Mahaweel
                                             processing, oils)
              12     Construction             Concrete, metal          320 dunem/ Imam         Babylon
                     Industries city         sections, electric boards   district
              13     Abo Smeech               Heavy and transformed    2600 dunem/ Al Kifl     Babylon
                     Industrial city         industry
              14     Sodium Carbonates         Sodium Carbonates       50 dunem                Al Muthana
              15     Cement paper bags        Cement paper bags        50 dunem                Al Muthana
              16     Dairy products           Dairy products           25 dunem                Al Muthana
              17     Vegetable oil            Vegetable oil            20 dunem                Al Muthana
              18     Detergents production    Detergents production    20 dunem                Al Muthana
              19     Multipurpose             Small & medium           4000 dunem              Al Muthana
                     industrial zone         industries
              20     Calcium Chloride         Calcium Chloride/                                Al Muthana
                                             Semawa Desert
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