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134  Iraq Investment Map 2020-2021

                   10. Education Sector

                   Sustainable  development  concept  is  always  at  the  forefront  of  the  international
                   community interests, and since people has always occupied the first priority among the
                   sustainable development factors, international world gave more importance to paying
                   strong attention to develop the mental abilities and learning opportunities for human
                   beings making education a human right for each individual in the society guaranteed by
                   all international laws. The education standards in any country are seen as a measure for
                   its advancement and development. In Iraq; laws guarantee the opportunity of obtaining
                   good education for all Iraqis.
                   Education is still one of the greatest concerns of countries and despite the big progress
                   in the primary education and the increase in the numbers of pupils joining schools and
                   anti- illiteracy movements,  big efforts are still being made increasingly  to  improve
                   education quality by the government and it is still a big challenge for the developing
                   countries  including  Iraq  to  keep  pace  with  the  intellectual  advancement  and  skill
                   development starting from pre school s to high school levels.
                   Iraq is one of the most important countries that gave special attention to education
                   system since the mid twentieth century, as it owns many reliable universities which are
                   listed among the best ones in the Arab region. Iraqi universities were established in the
                   beginning of the second half of the twentieth century starting with Baghdad University
                   in 1957, Mustansyriah University 1963, whereas other universities were established
                   after  1980  like  University  of  Technology,  Basra  University,  Mosul  University,
                   Sulaimanyah University in addition to a number of technical institutes. Iraq is in need
                   for  many  educational  institutions  to  meet  the  increasing  demand  as  a  result  of
                   population growth, the reality that provides investors with great opportunities to invest
                   in this sector.
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