Page 15 - of Khadrun’, and that Mark said about the lineage of Jesus son of ‎Mary that he was 'The word of God which He placed in the human ‎body, so it became human’, and that Luke said, 'Jesus son of Mary ‎and his mother were humans of flesh and blood, so the Ho
P. 15

Investor Guide to Iraq 2021

                                                   Percentage distribution of required investments            %

                                                   Sector                        Investment (billion ID(      %
                                                   Agriculture                   7574.2                       3.4
                                                   oil                           8468.7                       38.4
                                                   Mining                        28.6                         0.01
                                                   Transformational              4854.3                       2.2
                                                   Power & water                 20243.3                      9.2
                                                   Building & construction       12233.6                      5.5
                                                   Transportation &              39582.1                      17.9
                                                   Trade                         8545.1                       3.9
                                                   Finance & insurance           5677.2                       2.6
                                                   Services                      37219.0                      16.9
                                                   Total                         220640.0                     100

                                Third: Average per capita

                                The plan aims at achieving a real GDP growth rate of 7% with a population growth rate of 2.5%. It is expected that the average
                                real per capita will increase by 4.5%. The average per capita GDP and fixed prices for 2007 are about 4.9 million dinars in 2015
                                and about 5.1% Dinars for 2016, where the average per capita is expected to reach about 6.9 million dinars at the end of the plan
                                in 2022.

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