Page 127 - investment-map-En-2021
P. 127
116 Iraq Investment Map 2020-2021
- Recycling hot gases resulting from Partnership
scrap melting
- Steel and iron plant Partnership
- Ductile pipes production line Partnership
- Rehab the second phase for steel Rehab and develop
and iron plants to reach 1 m
- Iron structure manufacturing plant Rehab and develop
- Transport and reinstall tires Partnership
recycling factory
14 State Co. for designing - Vertical housing units Partnership
and implementing -
15 Industrial Zones - Industrial Zones in Nineveh Investment
- Industrial Zones in Najaf Investment
- Industrial Zones in Semawa Investment
- Industrial Zones in Babylon Investment
- Industrial Zones in Wasit Investment
- Industrial Zones in Karbala Investment
- Industrial Zones in Maysan Investment
- Industrial Zones in Dewaniya Investment
- Industrial Zones in Saladin Investment
- Industrial Zones in Thi Qar Investment
16 State Co. for - Old Qadisiyah bricks Factory Partnership
Construction industries - (Dewaniya)
17 State Co. for leather - Sewing lines/ Al Najaf factory Partnership
and textiles industries
- shoes production lines PU+EVA Partnership
- Leather and Wool Collection Partnership
Center in Baghdad and Kufa
- Lingerie production lines / Wasit Partnership
weaving and knitting factory
- Cotton and metal tents factory Partnership
- Plastic mat production plant / Partnership
Nasiriyah fabric
- - Advanced textile / textile Partnership
production lines in Hilla +
Diwaniyah textile
- Mechanical / Carpet Factory Partnership
- Different types of blankets Partnership
- Waladi Factory in Mosul- men, Partnership
women and kids
- Home towels / Mosul Factory Partnership