Page 129 - investment-map-En-2021
P. 129

118  Iraq Investment Map 2020-2021

                   21    State Company for         - Abo Al Khaseeb Fertilizer factory   Rehab and develop
                         Fertilizer Industry/
                         South Zone
                   22    State Co. for Mishraq     - granular sulfur production line     Rehab and develop
                                                   - Establishing a factory to produce   Partnership
                                                    alum from local kaolin, with an
                                                    implicit unit for producing
                                                    concentrated sulfuric acid
                                                   - Establishing a factory for the      Partnership
                                                    production of sodium sulfate
                   23    State Company for         - Crude oil treatment units           Partnership
                         communication and
                         power equipment
                                                   - Chlorine and cortical caustic soda   Partnership
                                                   - Hydrochloric acid factory           Partnership
                                                   - Medical alcohol production plant    Partnership
                                                   - Formalin production plant           Partnership
                                                   - Urea formaldehyde production        Partnership
                                                   - Coke production plant from oil      Partnership
                                                   - Galvanization plant                 Partnership
                                                   - Towers and structures plant         Partnership
                                                   - LED lights plant                    Partnership
                                                   - Plastic parts production            Partnership
                                                   - Production of electrical            Partnership
                                                   - UHF,VHF communication devices       Partnership
                                                   - Power generating from trash         Partnership
                                                   - Assembly of sewage plants, heavy    Partnership
                                                    industrial water treatment and
                                                    sterilization systems
                                                   - Establishing a training workshop    Partnership
                                                    for transferring scientific
                                                    knowledge in implementing
                                                    various engineering, oil and gas
                                                   - E-governance and smart              Partnership
                                                   - Systems to improve the power        Partnership
                                                    factor and increase the efficiency
                                                    of performance of various electric
                                                    power plants using modern
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