Page 129 - investment-map-En-2021
P. 129
118 Iraq Investment Map 2020-2021
21 State Company for - Abo Al Khaseeb Fertilizer factory Rehab and develop
Fertilizer Industry/
South Zone
22 State Co. for Mishraq - granular sulfur production line Rehab and develop
- Establishing a factory to produce Partnership
alum from local kaolin, with an
implicit unit for producing
concentrated sulfuric acid
- Establishing a factory for the Partnership
production of sodium sulfate
23 State Company for - Crude oil treatment units Partnership
communication and
power equipment
- Chlorine and cortical caustic soda Partnership
- Hydrochloric acid factory Partnership
- Medical alcohol production plant Partnership
- Formalin production plant Partnership
- Urea formaldehyde production Partnership
- Coke production plant from oil Partnership
- Galvanization plant Partnership
- Towers and structures plant Partnership
- LED lights plant Partnership
- Plastic parts production Partnership
- Production of electrical Partnership
- UHF,VHF communication devices Partnership
- Power generating from trash Partnership
- Assembly of sewage plants, heavy Partnership
industrial water treatment and
sterilization systems
- Establishing a training workshop Partnership
for transferring scientific
knowledge in implementing
various engineering, oil and gas
- E-governance and smart Partnership
- Systems to improve the power Partnership
factor and increase the efficiency
of performance of various electric
power plants using modern