Page 195 - investment-map-En-2021
P. 195

160  Iraq Investment Map 2020-2021

     31.       Numaniya   Ahrar       42/ Fhayl     4/1    500        Agriculture   unavailable     -        means                         558313

     32.       Al Azizia   Zubaidia   10/Sharqi     5/2    200        Agriculture   unavailable     -        means                         516584
                                       Taweel                                                                                              3620203

     33.      Al Hay    Mouafaqiya   22/ Qura Ifak    14/2   3624     Agriculture    available               Means                        X: 563462
                                                                                                                                          Y: 3550411

     34.       Al Azizia   Debino    29 western    10/32   980        Agriculture   unavailable     -        means                         515937
                                      Shadheef     11/32                                                                                   3630776
     35.       Al        Taj Al     21 Al Jezeera    401/1   4000     Agriculture    available      -        means             Inside     X: 494234      License was
             Sewara       Deen                                                                                                            Y: 3652700      granted to
                                                                                                                                                         Abbas Talal,
                                                                                                                                                         canceled by
                                                                                                                                                        Prime Minister
     36.       Al        Taj Al     21 Al Jezeera    401/1   1700     Agriculture    available      -        means                         495399        Run by State
             Sewara       Deen                                                                                                             3665820        real-estate
                                                                                                                                                         office, now
     37.       Al Azizia   Al Azizia   34 Al Jezeera    191/1   1600   Agriculture   available      -        means                                        Palestine
                                                                                                                                                          land, now
                                                                                                                                                         granted for
     38.       Kut       Shaikh      1/ Al Uoja      1       1000     Agriculture    available      -        means                         603046
                          Saad                                                                                                             367112
     39.       Kut       Shaikh     45 / Ramadan     1      12920     Agriculture    available      -        means                         624625
                          Saad       Ajir 39 Al                                                                                            3610196
                                      Beda 38
                                    Gheriba east
     40.       Kut       Shaikh          1         15 west   3040     Agriculture                 Tigris     Means      7.5    Mixed       629690
                          Saad                     masnak                                          river                                   3588401
                                                   16 east
                 Total                 379888 dunam

        Number of opportunities              40

                       Notes: Two investment opportunities were not checked for coordinates as mentioned in the table

                       -  Investment Map 2019 was not updated by Wasit Province Agri Office
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