Page 200 - investment-map-En-2021
P. 200

162  Iraq Investment Map 2020-2021

 Predisposing land for Agricultural Investment in the Province of Holly Najaf for 2020-2021

 note  township   County  Plot  Area / dunam    Type    Usage    Availability   Method of   Coordinates

 sSeq  No.   No.   of water   irrigation      x            Notes

 .           share        and depth           y

 1   Shabaka          700.000                X: 419609
                                         Y: 3460629

 2   Shabaka         10.000               X: 422220

                                         Y: 3487620

 3   Shabaka         20.000               X: 439500


 4      5/   1   70.000                   X:390378
 Jezera                                  Y: 3557375

 Number of opportunities    4   Total area in donum    800.000

 Agriculture office in Najaf / letter no. 16887 in 19/12/2019
   195   196   197   198   199   200   201   202   203   204   205