Investment opportunities/ State company for petrochemical industries

State company for petrochemical industries

Announcement of

Investment opportunities (as a partnership contract)


The state company for petrochemical industries announces to all manufacturers & producers companies registered inside & outside of Iraq and all investors to participate in below project according to the technical specification and commercial conditions which could be obtaine from our company at Basra khur Al-zubair against un refundable amount of (2,000,000) Iraqi diners and from our company’s web site :- or M.web site :- offers should be submitted in three enclosed envelopes with the stamp of companies name . The first envelop technical offer, second commercial offer and the third contain the following documents. (the financial statements of last two years, certificate of companies registration, and the offers validity should be for not less than three months) these offers should submitted to our company at Basra khur Al-zubair or(send the original hard copy through registered mail by DHL,TNT ,…etc. to our P.box933 Basra / Iraq if it is safe & guarantee to reach our company ). Our company is not committed to accept the lowest offer prices & Announcement fee will be paid by the winner.



NOTE / The tender box should be open after (30) days on publication of the announcement UN local newspapers. In case we didn’t receive proper offer we shall re-tender the project till one year.



Bid bond Cost estimated Closing data Investment opportunities Let

350 million Iraqi dinar



(30days) thirty days from the publishing the announcement in the local newspapers


Liquid N2 unit 100 ton/day 1


400 million Iraqi dinar (30days) thirty days from the publishing the announcement in the local newspapers


The project establishment of chlorine and caustic soda plant of Basra paper mill 2


 Construction of   a Housing Compound (Horizontal buildings) for NIC Staff 

Investment Opportunity/ Second time announcement

 Construction of   a Housing Compound (Horizontal buildings) for NIC Staff

According to investment law no. 13 for the year 2006 as amended and its regulations,
NIC is pleased to announce the investment opportunity of Constructing a Housing Compound (Horizontal buildings)  on part of the land lot No.  (11/7 District 18 Amiriyah- Baghdad Province ) with total area of 30 Donum owned by NIC, the project is to include (220) Housing unit of 200m² each in addition to a business center and entertainment area.

Local and foreign companies willing to invest in this opportunity are invited to apply through filling in the Investment application form available on the NIC website: and provide all the documents mentioned in the application within (30) days from the date of publishing this announcement , in case of the synchronicity of another curfew with the duration of this extension it will be further extended in the same curfew days number, and if it happens that the last date of receiving the offers is an official holiday it will be postponed to the following day.

For any further information please visit the NIC premises- Ones Stop Shop dept. located at Baghdad – (IZ next to Avicenna Hospital) or send email to: or contact number 07706771719

Required documents

– application form (stamped and approved by the Administration dept. of the National Investment commission) with a buying receipt of the application form
– Executive briefing
– Economic feasibility study
– Financing plan guarantied by a credited financial institution
– Implementation Timetable
– Company establishment papers and its final records with a briefing of its work history (legal person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the investors (natural person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the company representative
– A list of the similar works previously implemented by the company or the investor (4 maximum)



Construction of   an Exemplary Security Forces city

Investment Opportunity/Extended for first time

Construction of   an Exemplary Security Forces city

Following to the previous announcement published in Al- Sabah Local Newspaper with the number (4830) dated  21.05.2020 and Al- Zaman Local Newspaper with the number (6668) dated 21.05.2020 regarding the investment opportunity of (Operating a fuel Station in Bismayah City)

According to investment law no. 13 for the year 2006 as amended and its regulations,

NIC is pleased to announce the extension of the above mentioned announcement duration for (15) days from the date of publishing this notice, due to the curfew imposed during the last period, in case of the synchronicity of another curfew with the duration of this extension it will be further extended in the same curfew days number, and if it happens that the last date of receiving the offers is an official holiday it will be postponed to the following day.


Local and foreign companies willing to invest in this opportunity are invited to apply through filling in the Investment application form available on the NIC website: and provide all the documents mentioned in the application within (30) days from the date of publishing this announcement knowing that winning investor shall undertake the fees of local official newspapers announcements.

For any further information please visit the NIC premises- Ones Stop Shop dept. located at Baghdad – (IZ next to Avicenna Hospital) or send email to: or contact number 07706771719

Required documents

– application form (stamped and approved by the Administration dept. of the National Investment commission) with a buying receipt of the application form
– Executive briefing
– Economic feasibility study
– Financing plan guarantied by a credited financial institution
– Implementation Timetable
– Company establishment papers and its final records with a briefing of its work history (legal person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the investors (natural person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the company representative
– A list of the similar works previously implemented by the company or the investor (4 maximum)


Operating a fuel Station In Bismayah City


Investment Opportunity/Extended for first time

 Operating a fuel Station In Bismayah City

Following to the previous announcement published in Al- Sabah Local Newspaper with the number (4830) DATED 21.05.2020 and Al- Zaman Local Newspaper with the number (6668) dated 21.05.2020 regarding the investment opportunity of (Operating a fuel Station in Bismayah City)

According to investment law no. 13 for the year 2006 as amended and its regulations,

NIC is pleased to announce the extension of the above mentioned announcement duration for (15) days from the date of publishing this notice, due to the curfew imposed during the last period, in case of the synchronicity of another curfew with the duration of this extension it will be further extended in the same curfew days number, and if it happens that the last date of receiving the offers is an official holiday it will be postponed to the following day.


Local and foreign companies willing to invest in this opportunity are invited to apply through filling in the Investment application form available on the NIC website: and provide all the documents mentioned in the application within (30) days from the date of publishing this announcement knowing that winning investor shall undertake the fees of local official newspapers announcements.

For any further information please visit the NIC premises- Ones Stop Shop dept. located at Baghdad – (IZ next to Avicenna Hospital) or send email to: or contact number 07706771719

Required documents

– application form (stamped and approved by the Administration dept. of the National Investment commission) with a buying receipt of the application form
– Executive briefing
– Economic feasibility study
– Financing plan guarantied by a credited financial institution
– Implementation Timetable
– Company establishment papers and its final records with a briefing of its work history (legal person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the investors (natural person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the company representative
– A list of the similar works previously implemented by the company or the investor (4 maximum)


Construction of   a Housing Compound (Horizontal – vertical buildings)   

Investment Opportunity/ First time announcement

 Construction of   a Housing Compound (Horizontal – vertical buildings)

According to investment law no. 13 for the year 2006 as amended and its regulations,
NIC is pleased to announce the investment opportunity of Constructing a Housing Compound (Horizontal – vertical buildings)  on the land lot No.  (2097/ District 18 Amiriyah ) with total area of 218 Donum and 8 Olks.

Local and foreign companies willing to invest in this opportunity are invited to apply through filling in the Investment application form available on the NIC website: and provide all the documents mentioned in the application within (30) days from the date of publishing this announcement , in case of the synchronicity of another curfew with the duration of this extension it will be further extended in the same curfew days number, and if it happens that the last date of receiving the offers is an official holiday it will be postponed to the following day.

For any further information please visit the NIC premises- Ones Stop Shop dept. located at Baghdad – (IZ next to Avicenna Hospital) or send email to: or contact number 07706771719

Required documents

– application form (stamped and approved by the Administration dept. of the National Investment commission) with a buying receipt of the application form
– Executive briefing
– Economic feasibility study
– Financing plan guarantied by a credited financial institution
– Implementation Timetable
– Company establishment papers and its final records with a briefing of its work history (legal person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the investors (natural person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the company representative
– A list of the similar works previously implemented by the company or the investor (4 maximum)




Investment Opportunity / Diwaniah Airport

Investment Opportunity / Diwaniah Airport

Next to the first announcement dated 22.12.2019

NIC in coordination with the Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority are pleased to announce the investment opportunity of the construction of Diwaniah New Airport according to the provisions of the investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 as amended, and the international general technical and operational requirements for constructing the civil airports stipulated in the ICAO policies, taking in to consideration that the announced airport is to be constructed in Diwaniah province on a part of the lot numbered (10/1 m 24 Al- Fawar)

Local and foreign specialized companies willing to participate  are hereby invited to apply through filling in the application form available on the NIC website (

During a period of (30) days from the date of publishing this announcement , enclosed below the ICAA requirements which must be taken in to consideration when the form applied and for any further information please visit the office of the Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority:

Baghdad International Airport- 3rd Floor

P.O Box: 23006 BIAP

ICAA requirements


  • Approving the establishment of any civil airport is exclusively limited to Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority (ICAA) based upon the provision No. (16) of the Civil Aviation Law No. (184) for 1974, as amended.
  • ICAA is working on preparing a master plan for air transportation in Iraq in cooperation with the International Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), which will be a foundation to gear up the air transportation in the country by developing policies, developing and upgrading the national airports and the institutional rehabilitation of the Civil Aviation Authority.
  • Until the master plan, referred to in paragraph  (2) above is fully prepared,  and in order to obtain the ICAA approval to establish any commercial civil airport through investment, we hereby recommend the authorities requiring the establishment of any airport (as a province) to prepare a detailed feasibility study, in cooperation with sober consultations institutions (fully credited in technical, legal and financial aspects) approved by the Ministry of Planning or the country of the foreign consultations institutions, and submit it to the Civil Aviation Authority in order to be studied and approved after ensuring that the project idea meets all economic and servicing stipulations (including the primary written agreement with one of the national carriers which will operate the airport within the required capacity) required to construct and operate any airport.
  • After obtaining the initial approval of the Authority referred to in paragraph (3) above , the province shall ask the NIC in written letter to announce the project as an investment opportunity according to investment law No. 13 for 2006, as amended providing the application of the following requirements:
  • Economic feasibility study ( in order to be compared to the one prepared by the consultations institution referred to in paragraph (3) above providing that it meets the basis of the developmental projects feasibility studies prepared by the Ministry of Planning in minimum)
  • Develop the Airport master plan
  • Develop the Airport conceptual plan



Required documents

– application form (stamped and approved by the Administration dept. of the National Investment commission) with a buying receipt of the application form
– Executive briefing
– Economic feasibility study
– Financing plan guarantied by a credited financial institution
– Implementation Timetable
– Company establishment papers and its final records with a briefing of its work history (legal person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the investors (natural person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the company representative
– A list of the similar works previously implemented by the company or the investor (4 maximum)



Investment Opportunity/ Operating a fuel Station In Bismayah City   

Investment Opportunity/ Operating a fuel Station In Bismayah City   

According to investment law no. 13 for the year 2006 as amended and its regulations,
NIC is pleased to announce the investment opportunity of Operating a fuel Station In Bismayah City – Zone A

Local and foreign companies willing to invest in this opportunity are invited to apply through filling in the Investment application form available on the NIC website: and provide all the documents mentioned in the application within (30) days from the date of publishing this announcement knowing that winning investor shall undertake the fees of local official newspapers announcements.

For any further information please visit the NIC premises- Ones Stop Shop dept. located at Baghdad – (IZ next to Avicenna Hospital) or send email to: or contact number 07706771719


Required documents

– application form (stamped and approved by the Administration dept. of the National Investment commission) with a buying receipt of the application form
– Executive briefing
– Economic feasibility study
– Financing plan guarantied by a credited financial institution
– Implementation Timetable
– Company establishment papers and its final records with a briefing of its work history (legal person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the investors (natural person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the company representative
– A list of the similar works previously implemented by the company or the investor (4 maximum)



Investment Opportunity/ Construction of   an Exemplary Security Forces city

Investment Opportunity/ Construction of   an Exemplary Security Forces city

According to investment law no. 13 for the year 2006 as amended and its regulations,
NIC is pleased to announce the investment opportunity of Constructing an exemplary Security Forces city on the land lot No.  (4/ Hakteria, Shaar and Amiriah) with total area of 1600 Donum.

Local and foreign companies willing to invest in this opportunity are invited to apply through filling in the Investment application form available on the NIC website: and provide all the documents mentioned in the application within (30) days from the date of publishing this announcement knowing that winning investor shall undertake the fees of local official newspapers announcements.

For any further information please visit the NIC premises- Ones Stop Shop dept. located at Baghdad – (IZ next to Avicenna Hospital) or send email to: or contact number 07706771719

Required documents

– application form (stamped and approved by the Administration dept. of the National Investment commission) with a buying receipt of the application form
– Executive briefing
– Economic feasibility study
– Financing plan guarantied by a credited financial institution
– Implementation Timetable
– Company establishment papers and its final records with a briefing of its work history (legal person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the investors (natural person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the company representative
– A list of the similar works previously implemented by the company or the investor (4 maximum)


Investment opportunity/ State Company for  Electrical & Electronic Industries / (AL-wazeriyah)



State Company for  Electrical & Electronic Industries / (AL-wazeriyah)


Investment opportunities announcement


The State company for electrical & electronic industries (AL-wazeriyah) , one of the ministry of industry and mineral companies.

We Announce about the two investment opportunities as below :-


-Manufacture, assemble the Air condition system

-Security seals, Measurement ruler .

So for the companies which desire to contract visit the investment department in the company and bring all required documents .

all offers will be opened after (30) days .


For more information please visited :


Website:                                                                                                                        E-mail: /


Regards .









Address : Iraq – Baghdad – Alwazeriyah – industrial Zone /


Investment Opportunity/ Construction of a commercial Site in Bismayah City

Investment Opportunity/ Construction of a commercial Site in Bismayah City

According to investment law no. 13 for the year 2006 as amended and its regulations,
NIC is pleased to announce the investment opportunity of Constructing a commercial Site in Bismayah City – Zone A with total area of 10 dunams

Local and foreign companies willing to invest in this opportunity are invited to apply through filling in the Investment application form available on the NIC website: and provide all the documents mentioned in the application within (30) days from the date of publishing this announcement knowing that winning investor shall undertake the fees of local official newspapers announcements.

Required documents

– application form (stamped and approved by the Administration dept. of the National Investment commission) with a buying receipt of the application form
– Executive briefing
– Economic feasibility study
– Financing plan guarntied by a credited financial institution
– Implementation Timetable
– Company establishment papers and its final records with a briefing of its work history (legal person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the investors (natural person)
– Copies of ID and passport of the company representative
– A list of the similar works previously implemented by the company or the investor (4 maximum)

For any further information please visit the NIC premises- Ones Stop Shop dept. located at Baghdad – (IZ next to Avicenna Hospital) or send email to: or contact number 07706771719
