Investment Opportunity/ Housing Compound – Kirkuk



Investment Opportunity

Housing Compound – Kirkuk

According to investment law no. 13 for the year 2006 as amended and its regulations,

NIC is pleased to announce the investment opportunity of constructing a housing compound on part of the land lot numbered 26/838 – District 40 kirkuk side with total area of 80 Donum providing that implementation starts within 6 months from the date of seizing the land or otherwise allocation shall be canceled.

Local and foreign companies willing to invest in this opportunity are invited to apply through filling in the Investment application form available on the NIC website: and provide all the documents mentioned in the application within (30) days from the date of publishing this announcement knowing that winning investor shall undertake the fees of local official  newspapers announcements.

Required documents

  • application form (stamped and approved by the Administration dept. of the National Investment commission) with a buying receipt of the application form
  • Executive briefing
  • Economic feasibility study
  • Company establishment papers and its final records with a briefing of its work history (legal person)
  • Copies of ID and passport of the investors (natural person)
  • Copies of ID and passport of the company representative
  • A list of the similar works previously implemented by the company or the investor (4 maximum)


For any further information please visit the NIC premises- Ones Stop Shop dept. located at Baghdad – IZ next to Avicenna Hospital) or send email to:


Investment opportunity/ State  company  for  petrochemical  industries


State  company  for  petrochemical  industries

                                            Announcement of               

an Investment Opportunities (as a partner ship contract)



The  state  company  for  petrochemical  industries  announces  to  all  manufacturers &  producers companies  registered  inside & outside  of  Iraq and all investor s to participate  in  below   project according to the technical  specification  and  commercial  conditions  which could  be obtaine from our company at  Basra khur Al-Zubair against  un refundable  amount of ( 2,000,000 ) Iraqi diners and  from our company’s web  site : www or M. web site: Offers  should  be submitted  in three enclosed  envelopes  with the stamp of companie’s name.  The first envelop  technical offer, second  commercial  offer  and the third contain  the following documents .(the  financial statements of last two years , certificate of companies registration, and the offers validity should be for not less  than  three months) these offers  should submttide  to our company at  Basra khur Al-Zubair or( send the original  hard copy through registerd  mail by DHL, TNT,…etc to our P. box 933 Basra\Iraq if it is safe & guarantee to reach our company) .

 Our  company is not committed  to accept the lowest offer prices& Announcement fee will be paid by the winner.

NOTE/ The tender box should be open after (30) days on publication of the announcement un local newspapers . In case we didn’t receive aproper offer we shall re- tender the project till one year.



Bid bond Cost Estimated Closing Date      Investment Opportunities Item
500  Million  Iraqi dinar 51.613 BL

– Iraqi dinar

(30 days) Thirty days from the publishing the announcement in the local newspapers. Erection a new factory for production of Chorine /Caustic Soda

(Production capacity 40 Ton Chlorine/ day)








Investment Opportunity/ qualifying and operating the manufacture and production of tractors

Announcement No. ( 1 ) Investment Opportunity

The State Company for manufacture of cars and equipment, one of the formations of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, invites all Iraqi, Arab and foreign companies with experience inside and outside Iraq to participate in the investment opportunity for the project of qualifying and operating the manufacture and production of tractors factory according to the conditions and information that can be obtained form the commercial In the companys headquarters located in Babel Governorate / Askandriyah region for an amount

of ( 250,000 ) twohundred and fifty thousand Iraqi dinars that are not refundable one day after the date of the advertisement being published in the local newspapers and for a period of thirty days from the date of publication    of the advertisement and in the case of No tenders are received during this period . The advertisement and in the case of No tenders are received during this period. The advertisement is considered effective for another 30 days, and until an acceptable offer is received for a period not exceeding a calendar year, and the company is ready for any inquiries, taking into account the submission of the necessary and required papers within the terms of the tender, and duly certified by.




Dr. Eng

Mazhar Sadiq Sabi AI- Tamimi

General Manager \ Chairman of board of Director






E-mail:scai@ scai . industry             Iraq- B abel -Askandriyah

Investment Opportunity/State Company for Automotive &Equipments Industrie

Announcement No. ( 1 ) Investment Opportunity

 State Company for Automotive &Equipments Industries, one of the formations of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, invites all Iraqi, Arab and foreign companies with experience inside and outside Iraq to participate in the investment opportunity for the project of Rehabilitation and development of production Lines for power transmission towers according to the conditions and information that can be obtained form the commercial  the  In the companys headquarters located in Babel Governorate / Alexandria region for an amount

of ( 250,000 ) twohundred and fifty thousand Iraqi dinars that are not refundable one day after the date of the advertisement being published in the local newspapers and for a period of thirty days from the date of publication    of the advertisement and in the case of No tenders are received during this period . The advertisement and in the case of No tenders are received during this period. The advertisement is considered effective for another 30 days, and until an acceptable offer is received for a period not exceeding a calendar year, and the company is ready for any inquiries, taking into account the submission of the necessary and required papers within the terms of the tender, and duly certified by.




Dr. Eng

Mazhar Sadiq Sabi AI- Tamimi

General Manager \chairman of board Director   





E-mail:scai@ scai . industry             Iraq- B abel -Askandriyah


Announcement/ the State Company for military industries

 Announcement No  28 .

We are the State Company for military industries under the authority  of  ministry  of  industry  and  minerals Republic  of  Iraq  presents   its  greeting  and  pleased to invite  all  the  investors ,  Iraqi , Arabic and foreign specialized   companies   inside  and  outside  Iraq  to participate   in  the  investment   opportunity Project of Transfer of Technology (TOT) and lndustry for Hunting rifle cartridge (Ga 12,16,20)  .
The participating  companies  which  interested  in  the above mentioned  tender  can  obtain  all the documents and  tender  conditions  from  the  commercial department  in  the  head  office  of  (SCMI)  located in Baghdad , Iraq   AL-Waziraya –   beside  oil  institute  against (250000) IQD  not  refundable  .

The date  of  tender  announcement  is  valid  for  the period  of  30  days  from the  announcement  date,  in case  of  not  submitting  any  offer  through  above  period , the announcement is  considered   to  be  valid  another 30 days  until we received  acceptable  offer  within one calendar year

The company is ready to answer any inquiries  concerning the announcement .
The tenderer  should  submit all the required  documents approved and stamping .



 General  Manager


Investment Opportunity/ State Company for Petrochemical Industries

State  Company  for  Petrochemical  Industries

                                            Announcement of               

 Investment Opportunities (as a partner ship contract)



The  state  company  for  petrochemical  industries  announces  to  all  manufacturers &  producers companies  registered  inside & outside  of  Iraq and all investor s to participate  in  below   project according to the technical  specification  and  commercial  conditions  which could  be obtaine from our company at  Basra khur Al-Zubair against  non- refundable  amount of ( 2,000,000 ) Iraqi diners and  from our company’s web  site : www or M. web site: Offers  should  be submitted  in three enclosed  envelopes  with the stamp of companie’s name.  The first envelop  technical offer, second  commercial  offer  and the third contain  the following documents .(the  financial statements of last two years , certificate of companies registration, and the offers validity should be for not less  than  three months) these offers  should submttide  to our company at  Basra khur Al-Zubair or( send the original  hard copy through registerd  mail by DHL, TNT,…etc to our P. box 933 Basra\Iraq if it is safe & guarantee to reach our company) . Our  company is not committed  to accept the lowest offer prices& Announcement fee will be paid by the winner.

NOTE/ The tender box should be open after (30) days on publication of the announcement un local newspapers . In case we didn’t receive aproper offer we shall re- tender the project till one year.


Bid bond Cost Estimated Closing Date Investment Opportunities Item
400 Million   Iraqi dinar


33 BL


(30 days) Thirty days from announcement in the publishing local newspapers. Rehabilitation, modernization & Operation and development of Moderate metal Line and auxiliary units of Mysan paper mill 1-









Investment Opportunity / Kirkuk Province

Investment Opportunity / Kirkuk Province


NIC in coordination with Kirkuk Provincial Investment Commission are pleased to announce the following investment opportunities:

  • Allocating 1200 m² on a part of the land lot no. (100/1 m 56 ceqanian) to construct a commercial complex
  • Allocating 80 Donum on a part of the land lot no. (26/838 m 40 Kirkuk Side) to construct a housing Compound
  • Allocating 15 Donum on a part of the land lot no. (8/13 m 56 H. T) to construct a Passengers’ transport Garage


Investors who are willing to participate are invited to apply by sending their requests to the email address : or by directly visiting Kirkuk Provincial Investment Commission headquarter in Kirkuk.

Announcement/ Ministry of Migration and Dislocated


NIC in coordination with the Ministry of Migration and Dislocated are pleased to announce the investment opportunity of the construction of new housing compounds on the land lots which areas and ownership are shown in the table below:

No. Province Area Ownership of land Type Type of Investment
1 Diwanyah 20 Donum Ministry of Migration and Dislocated Araba Housing compound
2 Kut 11 Donum and 15 Olk Ministry of Migration and Dislocated Araba Housing compound


For any further information please visit the Ministry of Migration and Dislocated located in Karat Miriam district in Baghdad or apply the request to the NIC through the email address :

Investment Opportunity / Diwaniah Airport

Investment Opportunity / Diwaniah Airport


NIC in coordination with the Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority are pleased to announce the investment opportunity of the construction of Diwaniah New Airport according to the provisions of the investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 as amended, and the international general technical and operational requirements for constructing the civil airports stipulated in the ICAO policies, taking in to consideration that the announced airport is to be constructed in Diwaniah province on a part of the lot numbered (10/1 m 24 Al- Fawar)

Local and foreign specialized companies willing to participate  are hereby invited to apply through filling in the application form available on the NIC website (

During a period of (60) days from the date of publishing this announcement , enclosed below the ICAA requirements which must be taken in to consideration when the form applied and for any further information please visit the office of the Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority:

Baghdad International Airport- 3rd Floor

P.O Box: 23006 BIAP


ICAA requirements

    • Approving the establishment of any civil airport is exclusively limited to Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority (ICAA) based upon the provision No. (16) of the Civil Aviation Law No. (184) for 1974, as amended.
    • ICAA is working on preparing a master plan for air transportation in Iraq in cooperation with the International Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), which will be a foundation to gear up the air transportation in the country by developing policies, developing and upgrading the national airports and the institutional rehabilitation of the Civil Aviation Authority.
    • Until the master plan, referred to in paragraph  (2) above is fully prepared,  and in order to obtain the ICAA approval to establish any commercial civil airport through investment, we hereby recommend the authorities requiring the establishment of any airport (as a province) to prepare a detailed feasibility study, in cooperation with sober consultations institutions (fully credited in technical, legal and financial aspects) approved by the Ministry of Planning or the country of the foreign consultations institutions, and submit it to the Civil Aviation Authority in order to be studied and approved after ensuring that the project idea meets all economic and servicing stipulations (including the primary written agreement with one of the national carriers which will operate the airport within the required capacity) required to construct and operate any airport.
    • After obtaining the initial approval of the Authority referred to in paragraph (3) above , the province shall ask the NIC in written letter to announce the project as an investment opportunity according to investment law No. 13 for 2006, as amended providing the application of the following requirements:
    • Economic feasibility study ( in order to be compared to the one prepared by the consultations institution referred to in paragraph (3) above providing that it meets the basis of the developmental projects feasibility studies prepared by the Ministry of Planning in minimum)
    • Develop the Airport master plan
    • Develop the Airport conceptual plan

Announcement No  27 / the State Company for military industries

Announcement No  27 .

We are the State Company for military industries under the authority  of  ministry  of  industry  and  minerals Republic  of  Iraq  presents   its  greeting  and  pleased to invite  all  the  investors ,  Iraqi , Arabic and foreign specialized   companies   inside  and  outside  Iraq  to participate   in  the  investment   opportunity Project of Technology Transfer (TOT) and lndustry settlement for madium  ammunition  .
The participating  companies  which  interested  in  the above mentioned  tender  can  obtain  all the documents and  tender  conditions  from  the  commercial department  in  the  head  office  of  (SCMI)  located in Baghdad , Iraq   AL-Waziraya –   beside  oil  institute  against (250000) IQD  not  refundable  .

The date  of  tender  announcement  is  valid  for  the period  of  30  days  from the  announcement  date,  in case  of  not  submitting  any  offer  through  above  period , the announcement is  considered   to  be  valid  another 30 days  until we received  acceptable  offer  within one calendar year

The company is ready to answer any inquiries  concerning the announcement .
The tenderer  should  submit all the required  documents approved and stamping .



General  Manager