Investment Opportunity/ the State Company for military industries 9

Announcement No  9 .

We are the State Company for military industries under the authority  of  ministry  of  industry  and  minerals Republic  of  Iraq  presents   its  greeting  and  pleased to invite  all  the  investors ,  Iraqi , Arabic and foreign specialized   companies   inside  and  outside  Iraq  to participate   in  the  investment   opportunity (Technology  Transfer and  industry  Settlement For air Bombs Weight  100, 250, 400 kg) though  partnership  contract.
The participating  companies  which  interested  in  the above mentioned  tender  can  obtain  all the documents and  tender  conditions  from  the  commercial department  in  the  head  office  of  (SCMI)  located in Baghdad , Iraq   AL-Waziraya –   beside  oil  institute  against (250000) IQD  not  refundable  .

The date  of  tender  announcement  is  valid  for  the period  of  30  days  from the  announcement  date,  in case  of  not  submitting  any  offer  through  above  period , the announcement is  considered   to  be  valid  another 30 days  until we received  acceptable  offer  within one calendar year

The company is ready to answer any inquiries  concerning the announcement .
The tenderer  should  submit all the required  documents approved and stamping .



General  Maneger


Investment opportunity/ State Company for Textile and Leather Industries

Investment opportunity announcement



The General Company for Textile and Leather Industries is one of the formations of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals in Baghdad / Karrada outside / near the alhuriya Square.

To announce the existence of an investment opportunity to rehabilitate, modernize and operate the production line of diapers for children and women in the Textile Factory in Diwaniyah according to the requirements contained in the investment files.

The company invites investors and international companies specialized from the companies or their authorized dealers to participate in this opportunity because there is a need to meet the needs of the Iraqi market or foreign and economic feasibility requirements.

Those wishing to participate must apply for investment files from the company’s premises for an amount (500000) dinars is non-refundable and bears the anchored by the opportunity of investment fees published publication and legal fees.

The offers shall be presented in three separate and separate conditions, the first one for the technical offer, the second for the commercial offer and the third for the undertakings and documents provided by the company provided that the conditions are sealed with the company’s seal and bearing the contents of the envelope (technical, commercial, undertakings).

The first envelope for the artistic presentation includes:

1- Providing documents and data about the submitted company and attaching (C.V) about it and its supporting companies (specialized manufacturers supporting in the field of advertisement) and providing publications or introductory leaflets about its works.

2 – Provide a list of similar previous work carried out by the company and according to the years of operation.

3- Presenting the company with its technical capability and its plan to develop existing products or enter products   New.

4 – Provide statements including machines and production lines and the willingness to transfer technology and training with details of the amounts allocated for each paragraph with emphasis on the fact that the machines and lines are new and from approved origins.

5- Presenting the work plan of the project (specifying the implementation period and a schedule including the program of implementation of the works for all periods of The project).

-6 Determine the production capacity of the project according to the years of operation.


The second commercial envelope includes:

1-Install the company’s share as a percentage of the production

2Determining the duration of the investment contract

The third circumstance is specific to pledges and reservations:

1- The company’s incorporation certificate attested by the concerned authority in force for the current year. Foreign and Arab companies are to be certified by the Iraqi embassy in the country of origin and to be valid for the current year (provided that it has been established for a period not less than (2) years).

2 – Submit a letter of support from the banks sober uphold their financial efficiency and transactions with the statement of support for money and deposits for the last fiscal year certified by an auditor and the Council of the profession and control and audit accounts of Iraqi companies inside Iraq, according to the forms of the seals of the Council of the profession contained in the uncles of the Department of Internal Control and Audit Issue 1759 on 9 / Final accounts for the last two years are attached.

3- Certificate of establishment of the company certified by the competent authority valid for the current year either foreign and Arab companies are ratified by the Iraqi Embassy in the country of origin and be valid for the current year2-The financial offer document of the company and the financial efficiency supported by international banks with the final accounts for the last two years approved by an accredited certification office

4-A clearance from the General Authority for Taxation valid for the current year.

5- Arriving to buy tenders.

6- The person charged by the assignment shall bear the fees of publishing and


The name and number of the investment opportunity, the name of the participating body, its address and closing date shall be affixed to it.

Confirming that the disclosure of the final accounts will be for the last two years.

The party wishing to participate can consult the company’s headquarters in Karrada outside / near Freedom Square or the headquarters of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals / d. Investments to obtain the investment file for the purpose of reviewing it as of the date of publication of the announcement in the local newspapers.

The deadline for accepting offers shall be at (12) noon “on Tuesday, 15/10/2019.

Any bid submitted after this date shall be disregarded and in the case of coinciding with official and local holidays, the closing date shall be on the first day of work following the holiday.

Tenders are received at the company’s premises and you can visit the company’s website or the Ministry of Industry and Minerals for information.


Investment opportunity/ State Company for military industries 6

Announcement  No(6).

We are the State Company for military industries under the authority  of  ministry  of  industry  and  minerals Republic  of  Iraq  present  its  greeting  and  pleased to invite  all  the  investors ,  Iraqi , Arabic and foreign specialized   companies   inside  and  outside  Iraq  to participate   for  the  investment   opportunity (Establishing   a production  line  for  producing  service pistol 9mm (by Technology transfer )  through      partnership   contract.
the participating  companies  which  interested  in  the above mentioned  tender  can  obtain  all the documents and  tender  conditions  from  the  commercial department  in  the  head  office  of  (SCMI)  located in Baghdad , Iraq   AL-Waziraya –   beside  oil  institute against (250000) IQD  not  refundable  .

The date  of  tender  announcement  in valid  for  the period  of  30  days  from the  announcement  date  in case  of  not  submitting  any  offer  through  above  period , the announcement considered   to  be  valid  another 30 days  until we received  acceptable  offer  within one calendar year

The company is ready to answer any inquiries  concerning the announcement .
The tenderer  should  submit all the required  documents approved and stamping .



General  Maneger



Investment opportunities/ the State Company for military industries 8

Announcement No 8 .


We are the State Company for military industries under the authority of ministry of industry and minerals Republic of Iraq present its greeting and pleased to invite all the investors , Iraqi , Arabic and foreign specialized companies inside and outside Iraq to participate for the investment opportunity ( for Tchnology transfer and industry settlement for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) through partnership contract.
The participating companies which interested in the above mentioned tender can obtain all the documents and tender conditions from the commercial department in the head office of (SCMI) located in Baghdad , Iraq AL-Waziraya – beside oil institute against (250000) IQD not refundable .
The date of tender announcement is valid for the period of 30 days from the announcement date, in case of not submitting any offer through above period , the announcement considered to be valid another 30 days until we received acceptable offer within one calendar year
The company is ready to answer any inquiries concerning the announcement .
The tenderer should submit all the required documents approved and stamping from legally offices .

General Maneger

Investment opportunity/ the State Company for military industries

Announcement No  10 .

We are the State Company for military industries under the authority  of  ministry  of  industry  and  minerals Republic  of  Iraq  presents   its  greeting  and  pleased to invite  all  the  investors ,  Iraqi , Arabic and foreign specialized   companies   inside  and  outside  Iraq  to participate   in  the  investment   opportunity ( Plant for production of solvent  and  improved asphalt  product  according  to  international  standards)   through  partnership  contract.
The participating  companies  which  interested  in  the above mentioned  tender  can  obtain  all the documents and  tender  conditions  from  the  commercial department  in  the  head  office  of  (SCMI)  located in Baghdad , Iraq   AL-Waziraya –   beside  oil  institute  against (250000) IQD  not  refundable  .

The date  of  tender  announcement  is  valid  for  the period  of  30  days  from the  announcement  date,  in case  of  not  submitting  any  offer  through  above  period , the announcement is  considered   to  be  valid  another 30 days  until we received  acceptable  offer  within one calendar year

The company is ready to answer any inquiries  concerning the announcement .
The tenderer  should  submit all the required  documents approved and stamping .



General  Maneger


NIC Chairman: Energy Sector is one of the pillars to achieve the Sustainable Development in Iraq

During the Participation in the works of the second day of Iraq Energy Forum 2019

NIC Chairman: Energy Sector is one of the pillars to achieve the Sustainable Development in Iraq

NIC chairman assured that the Energy sector is regarded as one of the most important pillars of the process to achieve the sustainable development in Iraq aimed at in 2030 development plan to which Iraq adhered in front of the united nations.

This statement came during his participation in the works of the second day of Iraq Energy Forum 2019 in its fifth session attended by deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs, Minister of Electricity, Minister of Water Resources, Head of Energy Parliamentary Committee and the president of GE Company.

Dr. Sami added that the NIC with the concerned Ministries have already adopted this sector to construct Iraq for the next 10 years explaining that the role of the NIC considers three axes, first; finding new incomes for Iraq through a number of productive economic sectors like (Oil, Gas, Electricity, Industry, Agriculture, Transport, Telecommunications, Tourism) to participate in the servicing sectors while the second axe is related to the reforms in the State Owned enterprises and the strict Financial and monetary administration with activating the role of the private sector in the small and medium size projects coming to the third axe that concentrates at maximizing the local and foreign investments in order to expand and diversify the resources and cover part of the ambitious plan requirements.

NIC chairman also stressed that the energy sector will provide financial resources for the country to provide the Iraqi Citizens with the services after the expansion in Oil & Gas Sector and the Electricity production in all its types as fixed in 2030 sustainable development plan, praising the big role of the local investor in providing the power that contributes by 50% of the total current power production in Iraq to reach 8500 MW and by the completion of the expansions in Bismayah power station it will reach to 10,000 MW.

The second day of the conference also witnessed the signing a contract between the Ministry of electricity and Mass Holding Company for the expansion of Bismayah power station to produce 4500 MW which shall cover more than 80% of Baghdad need to be the biggest power station in Iraq, the conference also witnessed signing a contract by the Minister of electricity and the head of the Gulf states Connecting Commission for inserting Iraq in the Gulf states power Connecting system through extending an electricity line of 300 KM 220 of which in Kuwait and 80 KM in Iraq.

Investment Opportunity/ Iraqi Cement State Company



Ministry of Industry and Minerals

Iraqi Cement State Company

Investment Opportunity in the Industrial Sector

The Iraqi Cement State Company is pleased to announce the investment opportunities for investing :

Babel Cement Plant/ for producing oil well cement type (G , B).



Our company invites specialized Iraqi, Arab and global International companies, investors and financers to participate in these investment opportunities to rehabilitate for(API) global certificate of cement production class(G,B)and rehabilitation, processing and modernization of laboratories and according to the participation in production contract. To contribute to this valuable opportunity for this   type of cement, the importance of meeting the need of the Iraqi market, the economic feasibility and the privileges achieved to the investor including the raw materials availability at a competitive prices.


This contract shall be achieved according to the requirements of cabinet decision no.336 in 2018 and the valid guidance principles according to Public Company Law No.22 for 1997 Article (15) third Paragraph.


The investment file can be obtained from the Iraqi Cement State Company headquarters amount of (150000 IQD) one hundred fifty thousand Iraqi dinar against nonreturnable starting from (1/9/2019) .Offers will be opened after (30) days from the date of publication of the declaration. In the event that no bids are received during this period the declaration shall be deemed effective pending receipt of an acceptable bid ,And our company is ready to provide information in details and facilitate the visit to the plants. We would like to note that the offers must match the conditions stated in the investment profile. Taking into consideration, offers must be presented in two separated offers (Technical and Commercial placed inside a sealed and drain). All attached documents must be certified officially by the official department in the countries related to those companies besides certifying by the Iraqi embassy in the country of origin.


For more details, please visit our company’s website on:



Or visit the company headquarters on the following address:


Mobile: 009647705385348

Iraq State Company

Investment Opportunity/ Al_Furat State Company for Chemical and Pesticides Industries



Investment Opportunity Announcement No 2/2019

Modernization And Development Of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid plant   / (Industrial)

Ministry of Industry and Minerals/ Al_Furat State Company for Chemical and Pesticides Industries

Al_Furat State Company for Chemical and Pesticides Industries as one of the affiliates of Ministry of industry and  mineral s /Republic of Iraq is pleased to announce the a/m investment opportunity for modernization and development of Concentrated sulfuric acid plant By establishing a new production line (Double stage absorption) with production capacity of ( 75 ton/day  )  in its main location Babylon / Musayyib /saddat Al hidiyah  according to  the   Article ( 15 / Thirdly ) of  amended and valid Law of State Companies No. (22/1997) (as join venture ) ,and  invite  {  Iraqi, Arabic and international  manufacturing and specialized companies (manufacturer or producer )  or( any other companies, financial  or commercial institutions, investors or capital owners, that enclose their contracting and cooperation certified   documents ( authorization , agency or partnership )  with  supported  specialized and manufacturing  companies} ,  to participate in this investment opportunity and visit/ Investment Department in  our company / Babylonl, Musayyib  /Saddat Al-Hindiyah  to buy the investment opportunity’s document against non-refundable amount of  (250.000 ID) two hundred and fifty thousand Iraqi dinars.  Tenderers should submit their technical and commercial offers, all attached documents should be certified by the authorized entities in the country of the company and Iraqi Embassy in the countries of the foreign companies, for the Iraqi companies, documents should be certified   by authorized entities in Iraq.  , taking in consideration the following items :

  1. Priority for international manufacturing and specialized companies, offers can be accepted from other companies, financial or commercial institutions, investors or capital owners, that submit their certified contracting and cooperation documents (authorization, agency or partnership) with supported specialized and manufacturing companies, for the company which established before (2) years at least.
  2. The advanced company should submit establishment certificate, financial statements (in English for foreign companies) for the last two years (authorized by the office of a legal accountant or an international auditing company. All documents must be certified by Iraqi Embassy in the country of the company) with a copy translated legal translation to Arabic language.
  3. Submit similar works, publications or leaflets of the advanced company works.
  4. Submit a letter from the stable banks to confirm its financial efficiency and dealings with money and deposits support for the last financial year approved by legal accountant office or the Board of the profession and control and audit of Iraqi companies within Iraq and according to the models of the stamps of the Council of the profession, the letter of the Internal Control and Audit No. 1759 on 9/1 / 2019 or from the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in the country of non-Iraqi companies.
  5. Tenderer should take in consideration evaluation criteria , paragraphs attached with the investment document .
  6. Submit a letter of acquittal from the Ministry of Finance.
  7. The tenderer should present any letter to prove good performance in carrying out its previous obligations, if there is any obligations with ministries and government offices of Iraq authenticated by the official authorities’ offices.
  8. The company should not black listed.
  9. Confirmation at the legal department not to deal with the Zionist entity and its institutions and companies.
  10. The tenderer should submit the cash receipt of the investment opportunity.
  11. Offers will not to be opened before  30 working  days from the date of publication of the announcement  and if one offer or more received  during the above period “advertising is turned off for the purpose of study and analysis of offers to take the recommendation of whether referral or not ,  if not  access to referral recommendation ,advertise should  continue until 30 days more with same conditions  in the above which continue for no more than a calendar year from the date of first publication and then re-examine and evaluate the subject advertise .
  12. Offer validity should not less than 3 months

* There will be special meeting before seven days of closing date ( m/a) to discuss and answer all investor question and to visit the project site  in AL- FURAT company main location in Babylon / saddat al- hindiya


-Website of Ministry of Industry and Minerals ( )

– web site of Al_Furat State Company for Chemical and Pesticides Industries (

-E-mail  for inquiry :-  ,  /-Investment Manager phone no.  (07801102674) /  – P. O. BOX    11230



                  Engineer Ali Qassim Kadhim                                                                     

                 D.G   And chairman of board of directors   

Investment Opportunity/ The State Company for Constructional Industries


 Ministry of industry and minerals

State company for constructional industries

Subject/   Announcement for investment 0pportunity No. 2/I.N/ 2019

Rehabilitate and Operate Baghdad bricks factory

Khan AL- RUba`a location to produce Filtration sand    

The state company for constructional industries which belong to Iraqi ministry of industry & Minerals is pleased to announce the Sid investment opportunity for year (2019)to participate and invest with specialized companies according to item15/3 of state companies law no.(22) for year 1997 (adjusted) and item 32/B of investment law no.(13) for year 2006 which adjusted with law No.50 for year 2015 and civil investment law No .91 for year 1988 (adjusted) and as follow:-

Investment Opportunities

  1. Baghdad Brick factory by Rehabilitate and operating contract
  2. Invest khan AL-RUba’a location to produce filtration sand by participation contract

Taking in consideration the below:-

  • The submitted company should be Sober and manufacturer or an independent agent for such companies and not Mediator Company.
  • To submit final accounts for the last two years
  • Obligate to all requirements and conditions mentioned in the investment file for each opportunity.
  • The participants have the right to submit their offers for one location or two

-The qualified bidders who want to participate in this investment opportunity to submit their requests and bids according to the bid conditions documents that can get from the company HQ/ commercial Dept. after paying the value of documents amounts of (200 000 I.D) Two hundred thousand Iraqi Dinars (not repayable).

-The bids are delivered to the following address (the state company for construction industries/ tender box at front desk after supporting that by the opening committee in the company) which located at Baghdad- Hay-Babil, Mahalla 931, Zukak-27, Building No. 2 / Al-Rasheed Camp road nearby the state company for vegetable oil industries till (12:00 PM of Wednesday 2/10/2019).Which consider the closing date. Late bids after this date will be rejected (the offers will be opened after 30 days of tha announcement publishing date and in case receiving one offer or more with the said period the announcement to be .stopped to analize and study the offer /s and take the decision about it and in case not awarded then continue in the announcement for another 30 days with same mechanism which will continue for one year starting from the first publishing date and after that re- study the subject  the bids will be opened by the attendance of the bidders or their representatives. Attendance shall be at the following address (Meeting Hall/ Ground floor at the company HQ) after 12:00PM of Wednesday 2/10/2019.

-The awarded company will bear the announcement fees

– our company not obligated to accept the lowest price offer


                                                                                                                  Salleh A.Josef

                                                                                                                Director General

                                                                                                     & Chairman of the Board



Mobile : 00964 7830112210

Investment opportunity/ State  company  for  petrochemical  industries




State  company  for  petrochemical  industries

Announcement of

an Investment Opportunities (as a partner ship contract)



The  state  company  for  petrochemical  industries  announces  to  all  manufacturers &  producers companies  registered  inside & outside  of  Iraq and all investor s to participate  in  below   project according to the technical  specification  and  commercial  conditions  which could  be obtaine from our company at  Basra khur Al-Zubair against  un refundable  amount of ( 2,000,000 ) Iraqi diners and  from our company’s web  site : www or M. web site: Offers  should  be submitted  in three enclosed  envelopes  with the stamp of companie’s name.  The first envelop  technical offer, second  commercial  offer  and the third contain  the following documents .(the  financial statements of last two years , certificate of companies registration, and the offers validity should be for not less  than  three months) these offers  should submttide  to our company at  Basra khur Al-Zubair or( send the original  hard copy through registerd  mail by DHL, TNT,…etc to our P. box 933 Basra\Iraq if it is safe & guarantee to reach our company) . Our  company is not committed  to accept the lowest offer prices& Announcement fee will be paid by the winner.

NOTE/ The tender box should be open after (30) days on publication of the announcement un local newspapers . In case we didn’t receive aproper offer we shall re- tender the project till one year.


Bid bond Cost Estimated Closing Date      Investment Opportunities Item
400  Million  Iraqi dinar 55,059,000,000

– Iraqi dinar

(30 days) Thirty days from the publishing the announcement in the local newspapers. The project Establishment of Chlorine and Caustic Soda plant of Basra paper mill  1-