
NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji meets, on Wednesday 5th of September.18, with Mr. Max Bremirwark, The representative of the American Government for Minorities Support in Iraqi and the accompanying delegation.


During the meeting they discussed providing the needed support  for the Iraqi Government efforts to assist minorities return to their homes after liberating their neighborhoods from ISIS.  


Facebook Poll

Dr. Sami Al- Araji, Chairman of the National Investment commission wins in a poll conducted by the page of (Iraqi Economists) on Facebook platform regarding who Iraqis prefer to be the coming Prime minister and the nominees were Dr. Al- Araji and Dr. Hasan Al-Janabi, Minister of Water Resources .

The poll put several conditions for the nominees like (Having wide international relations, speaking fluent English, and conduct no militias).  

The poll which lasted for the period 16-23.08.2018 ended with winning Dr. Al-Araji 57% of the total 2700 votes.

Worth noting that the page mentioned is run by academic economic specialists and is supportive for the Iraqi Economists syndicate.


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