The National Investment Commission organizes an experimental exhibition for the investment opportunities

In Preparations for participating in Kuwait International Conference for Iraq Reconstruction

The National Investment Commission organizes an experimental exhibition for the investment opportunities  

The National Investment Commission organized in its headquarter Wed. 7th Feb 2018 the second experimental exhibition for the investment opportunities to be presented in the Kuwait International Conference for Iraq Reconstruction

The Chairman of the National Investment Commission Dr. Sami Al-Araji confirmed during the exhibition, which was attended by the Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers Dr. Mahdi Al-Alaq, Mr. Abdul-Karim Al-Faisal, Chairman of the advisers and the scientific adviser to the Prime Minister that the presentation of investment opportunities in this large international forum will be a great opportunity to attract capital and investments to Iraq,

This active participation will cover (10) sectors, including projects in the areas of petrochemicals, fertilizers, engineering, construction and agricultural industries in addition to important projects in the sector of transportation, housing, infrastructure and other strategic projects in all provinces, especially areas liberated from ISIS.

He also expressed his thanks and appreciation for the efforts exerted by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the embassies of Iraq and Kuwait in both countries and all companies participating in the exhibition.

The Secretary General of the Council of Ministers reviewed the various promotional forms of the investment opportunities to be presented and added a number of important notes to ensure effective Iraqi participation, pointing out the existence of a comprehensive database on the official website of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers containing all information related to the investment opportunities to be presented during the conference, Thanking the National Investment Commission for its efforts in the preparations for the conference.

A number of companies in the public and private sectors, including the Ministry of Industry and Minerals (cement, electricity, steel, heavy engineering, metallurgy, etc.) participated in the exhibition. Also a number of businessmen and private sector companies such as the Union of Contractors and the Iraqi Economic Community, the National Holding Group, Sardar Group of Commercial Agencies and the National Business Council, as well as Al-Masar Contracting and Solidarity for Insurance.


Iraqi Media Network in the annual referendum Honors Dr. Sami Raouf al-Araji as one of the most prominent Characters of 2017

Iraqi Media Network in the annual referendum

Honors Dr. Sami Raouf al-Araji as one of the most prominent Characters of 2017

The Iraqi Media Network honors Dr. Sami Raouf Al-Araji Chairman of the National Investment Commission as the most prominent person of the year among other Iraqi personalities for the year 2017 and grants him the concession in the type of investment accomplished in the annual referendum organized by the network in various fields. The network considered Bismaya residential project as the most successful project with the highest quality in Iraq.

King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Receives the Iraqi delegation representing The Iraqi- Saudi Coordination Council


King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Receives

The Iraqi delegation representing

The Iraqi- Saudi Coordination Council


King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz received in Al Yamama Palace in Al Riyadh the Iraqi Planning/Trade Minister (acting) Dr. Salman Al Jumaily, Head of the Iraqi side in the Iraqi- Saudi Coordination Council, Dr. Sami R. Al Araji, Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Mr. Kadhim Mohamed Al Iqabi, Chairman of the Borders Crossings Commission, Engineer Adil Kereem, Vice Minister of Industry and Minerals and the Chargé d’affaires of the Iraqi Embassy to the Kingdom. During the meeting, the importance of the council was emphasized in developing and enhancing the mutual cooperation between the two countries in various fields.    

Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Saood Bin Naif Bin Abdul Aziz, Minister of Interior Affaires and Minister of Trade and Investment the head of the Saudi side in the Coordination Council both attended the reception. 



Major Strategic Projects to be presented during Kuwait International Conference for Iraq Reconstruction



The National Investment Commission of Iraq is pleased to announce the availability of investment opportunities (strategic and medium size projects) distributed over different economic sectors, as outlined below:

  • Oil Sector/ 11 investment opportunity.
  • Industrial Sector/ 30 investment opportunity.
  • Power Sector/ 12 investment opportunity.
  • Transport Sector/ 22 investment opportunity.
  • Health and Education Sector/ 18 investment opportunity.
  • Commercial Sector/ 12 investment opportunity.
  • Tourism Sector/ 10 investment opportunity.
  • Agriculture Sector/ 88 investment opportunity.
  • Real Estate Sector/ 4 investment opportunity.
  • Economic Zones/ 4 investment opportunity.

We look forward to meet any requests from investors regarding the aforementioned opportunities, and we assure you of our outmost cooperation to meet your needs.

Please be assured that “IRAQ IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS”. You can visit our website ( for more information.

Major Statistic Projects


Investment Opportunity/ Borders Crossing Boints

Investment Opportunity


The General Commission for Border Crossings in coordination with the National Investment Commission (NIC) are pleased to announce the investment opportunities of establishing high standards border crossings in the following points:

  • Al- Waleed crossing point
  • Rabeaa crossing point
  • AL- Muntheriyah crossing point
  • Mandeli crossing point
  • Traibeel crossing point
  • Al- Qaem crossing point

According to the following requirements:

  • A VIP building consists of (Lobby, Meetings Hall, Restaurant, Services, Medical care centers, Bedroom)
  • Testing labs service: establishing developed laboratories for all specialized departments operating in the crossing point providing that they must be subject to sectoral sides supervision>
  • Testing, Searching and Control labs
  • Radiological testing labs
  • Health lab
  • IT and Internet Services: establishing, equipping and managing an IT and Internet center under the supervision of the responsible sectoral side.
  • Balanced Scaling Service: establishing, equipping and managing the balanced scales in the crossing point under the supervision of the responsible sectoral side.
  • Testing machines Service: establishing, equipping, managing and maintaining the testing Sonar machines, persons and luggage testing machines and the radiological testing machines after obtaining the sectoral side approval and supervision.
  • Services offices: establishing, equipping and operating services office ready to undertake the responsibility of providing the services of charging, discharging, cleaning and rehabilitating the crossing point buildings (sanitary works, Décor, power supply, water supply maintenance, and telecommunications)

Motel and Hotel Services: establishing, equipping and managing a motel to provide its services to the visiting passengers.

  • Restaurants and Booths: establishing, equipping and managing restaurants and booths within the crossing point that can provide regular meals, snacks and soft drinks.
  • Testing Services: (K9) establishing, equipping and managing a testing service (K9) in the crossing points under the supervision of the sectoral side and includes testing explosives and drugs.
  • Storing Services: establishing, equipping and managing cooled and non- cooled stores for all specialized departments in the crossing point (Food and equipments, Agricultural quarantine, veterinary quarantine, and medical quarantine).
  • Shaded waiting areas: Establishing parking areas for vehicles, buses and trucks according to the international standards.
  • Fuel stations service: establishing, equipping and managing a fuel station within the crossing point
  • Rest houses Service: establishing, equipping and managing rest houses within the crossing point.
  • Water Desalination Station: establishing, equipping and maintaining water desalination stations within the crossing point.
  • Power and Water Supply Services: the investing side shall be in charge of establishing power generation stations and water supply stations.
  • Control System: establishing, equipping and maintaining a control system to be provided with the latest cameras and surveillance devices from the latest international sources.
  • The point entrances: establishing, equipping and maintaining 4 entrances, 2 in the Iraqi side and 2 in the other side.
  • Electrical Gates: establishing, equipping and maintaining developed electrical gates provided with Sonar machines, balanced scales and biometric reading machine.
  • The crossing point buildings: establishing, equipping and furnishing special buildings for the crossing point departments and other depts. operating in the point area in addition to establishing halls for sleep.
  • Mosque: establishing, equipping and furnishing a mosque with modern specifications.

Investors willing to invest in the aforementioned investment opportunities are required to submit a detailed offer with the feasablity study at the headquarter of the National investment Commission or the headquarter of the Crossing Points commission, knowing that the closing date is 31.01.2018.

For any further information please call Colonel Khaled Hasoon Jabur – Head of the Contracts Section:



Announcement/ Imam Sadiq Hospital and Najaf Hospital

Announcement/ Imam Sadiq Hospital and Najaf Hospital

Ministry of Health/ Environment and the National Investment commission in coordination with Babil Governorate and Najaf Governorate are pleased to announce the investment opportunity of {Operating, managing and sustaining} of Imam Sadiq Hospital in Babil and Najaf Hospital in Najaf according to investment law no. (13) for the year 2006, as amended.

Investors, companies and specialized sides are invited to submit their offers (commercial and technical offers providing that they include their vision of improving the medical services and scaling up performance on servicing and training the staff according to the standards approved by the Ministry of health with attaching the feasibility study knowing that all the above mentioned points shall be taken into consideration in evaluating the submitted offers) to the Contracts Section in the Ministry of Health and the National Investment Commission within (60) days from the date of publishing the announcement.

For any further information or fixing a date to visit the hospitals, please contact the following numbers:

  • 07822668818/ Dr. Nawras – DG – Ministry of health
  • 07823527029/ Dr. Adel –Manager of Imam Sadiq hospital
  • Or to send email to :
  • Please visit the Contracts section in the Ministry of Health to receive the investment profile