Baghdad hosts the12 Economic Forum for The Iraqi- French Council of Businessmen

Supporting economic relations between the two countries,

Baghdad hosts the12 Economic Forum for The Iraqi- French Council of Businessmen 



The 12 Economic Forum for The Iraqi- French Council of Businessmen was held in Baghdad on the 6th Dec. 2017 with wide official and private attendance from both countries

Dr. Sami R. AlAraji, Chairman of the National Investment Commission opened the forum with a welcoming speech to the attendees including the Iraqi Minister of Trade, French State Minister for the Foreign Trade Affaires, the Iraqi Governor of the Central Bank and a number of governors, Vice Ministers, Consultants, Director Generals, Heads of Provinces’ Councils, Chairmen of Commercial Chambers and Unions, Companies owners and Businessmen. 

Mr. Jack Batist Lomowan, French State Minister for the Foreign Trade Affaires concentrated in his speech on the deep relation between the two countries and the serious wish of both governments to enhance this relation in various fields disregarding the big challenges Iraq is facing now. He considered this meeting as a step towards the next donors’ conference in Kuwait. He also mentioned the most important French companies which are interested in working in Iraq in addition to the new ones that are eager to start business here. Oil & Gas, energy, water, and infrastructure are main sectors in Iraq in addition to agro industries and medication plus

having the French TALS Co. for fund Insurance and protection for the French companies working in Iraq as France has landed Iraq $450b aiming at supporting the Iraqi- French relations specially after the Iraqi Prime Minister visit to Paris last October.     

He ended his speech by referring to the importance of mutual trust bursting from real political desire of the two leaders to move ahead with the two countries relation and find mutual responsibility and in common interests. 

Mr. Raghib R. Blaibil, head of The Iraqi- French Council of Businessmen, considered this forum is a precious opportunity for Iraqi and French businessmen to meet and discuss the fruitful business potential for both sides. He also mentioned the improvement in the economic situation after defeating ISIS in Iraq and the victory our security forces achieved on the ground. The will for reconstructing, bringing the displaced back to their homes and the elevated oil price are strong factors encouraging us to invite the French companies to work and invest all over Iraq strongly and freely with no hesitation or fear.

Mr. Blaibil addressed the French airlines companies to start a direct line between Baghdad and
Paris after the Iraq opened its airs to the international civil aviation.

The Iraqi- French Council of Businessmen representative Mr. Arnold Brolack inquired about sectors Iraq is willing to invest with the French side and what Iraqi aid is available to achieve tangible results after unifying the two parties’ views.

Mr. Ali Al Alaq, Governor of the Central Bank, long speech emphasized on the successful financial policies of the Central Bank of Iraq during the past years. These policies, in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, saved Iraq from the sudden oil price drop shock and unstable economic situation.      

Dr. Mahir Hamad, Vice Minister of Finance, and Mr. Faisal Al Haimis, Director General of the Trade Bank of Iraq gave their speeches too.

Dr. Sami R. Al Araji ended the first session works with a detailed presentation of strategic opportunities available for investment in Iraq.

The second session started later where bilateral discussions between the Iraqi and the French parties in different economic sectors took place.

French Alstom Transport Co. signed two memoranda of understanding with local governments in Baghdad and Basra provinces to build modern metro with international specifications.


Advertisement of investment opportunity in the industrial sector Supply and Installation complete factory to produce medium voltage cables No. 1/T/M.V/2017

The Ministry of Industry and Minerals

Ur State Company

Subject / Advertisement of investment opportunity in the industrial sector Supply and Installation complete factory to produce medium voltage cables No. 1/T/M.V/2017


Ur state company, one of the companies of the Ministry of Industry & Minerals is pleased to announce the availability of an investment opportunity to participate in a percentage of production medium voltage cables products and invites Iraqi, Arab and foreign companies with experience and specialization in the field of investment to participate and contract in the above participation contract in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 paragraph (3) of the public companies Law No. 22 of 1997 amended and the instructions attached to it and the instructions of the Council of ministers Decree No. 492 of 2013 through the partner supply and installation of the complete factory to produce medium voltage cables products and according to the specifications and quantities shown in the attached documents .

Companies wishing to participate in the above participation contract, in accordance with the terms and conditions attached to the declaration, should come to the company headquarters located in Nasiriyah, or Baghdad office, which belong to our company located in Karrada area , Albou Jomaa , 139, Abu Nawas St., adjacent to Diana Tourists hotel , mobile no. 07901794527 by sending authorized person with an official signed letter authorizing him to purchase the declaration documents for the amount of (250000) two hundred and fifty thousand dinars non- refundable and are provided with a receipt bill.

Offers shall be presented in three closed and separate envelopes, the first one for the technical offer, the second for the commercial offer and the third for the participating company commitments and documents, provided that the envelopes are sealed and stamped and write on it the contents of the envelope (technical, commercial, closing date and company name ).


The first envelope of the technical offer includes:

  • Presenting statement documentation of the participating company and attach C.V for it and its assisting companies, its nationalities and its business history.
  • Submit a list of similar previous works carried out by the company in the field of investment for last five years provide that it is certified by the beneficiary if any.
  • Determine the production capacity of the project
  • Presenting the details of machines and production lines (numbers, specifications and originators) and equipment and networks of industrial services required of electricity, industrial water and compressed air … etc.
  • Determine the period of implementation and submit a schedule that includes the implementation of the work for all parts of the project.

The second envelope of the commercial offer includes:

  • Determine the required share of the participating company from the production.
  • Determining the period of the participation contract

The third envelope is related to the participating company’s obligations and commitments and includes the following:

  • The certificate of registration of the participating company (colored copy) certified by the concerned authorities of the national companies valid for the current year, and for the Arab and foreign companies are certified by the Iraqi Embassy in the country of origin and be valid for the current year .
  • The financial position document of the company and its financial efficiency supported by the international banks attached to the final accounts for the last three years and approved by the office of certified auditing.
  • Clearance from the general authority for taxes for the current year for national companies and Arab and foreign companies that have a branch or agent or office inside Iraq.
  • The offer shall be accompanied by bid bond guarantee in the amount of (1%) from the estimated cost amount of 37.5 million $ under a certified check or letter of guarantee issued by an accredited bank to ensure the seriousness of participation in the advertisement.
  • Advertisement purchase bill
  • The awarded company shall bear the cost of the publishing of the last advertisement.

Bids may be sent to our company’s headquarters by an authorized person bearing an authorization letter signed by the managing director of the bidding company. The authorization letter shall be authenticated by the Iraqi Embassy if the company is develop from Arab or foreign company.

Bids shall be deposited in the offers box at the company’s headquarters no later than 1:00 pm on the closing day Tuesday, 26.12.2017. The offers shall not be accepted if arrived after the closing date or were sent by email.

The Arab and foreign companies that do not have a branch in Iraq can submit the offer by DHL international express mail and must be delivered before the closing date.

If the date of the closing day coincides with an official holiday, the next day shall be the date of the closing advertisement.

Our company is ready to provide possible facilities to visit and is ready to answer the queries that come to us by email below:


Our company invites all participants to attend the conference held by our company a week before the closing date to answer the queries. Our company also invites all participants to attend the opening procedures in the first hour of the official day following the closing date.

For any further information, please see the general terms and conditions of the advertisement and the attached annexes on the company’s website:, and the Ministry’s website:

Investment Opportunity/ Crossing Points


Investment Opportunity


The General Commission for Border Crossings in coordination with the National Investment Commission (NIC) are pleased to announce the investment opportunities of establishing high standards border crossings in the following points:

  • Al- Waleed crossing point
  • Rabeaa crossing point
  • AL- Muntheriyah crossing point
  • Mandeli crossing point
  • Traibeel crossing point
  • Al- Qaem crossing point

According to the following requirements:

  • A VIP building consists of (Lobby, Meetings Hall, Restaurant, Services, Medical care centers, Bedroom)
  • Testing labs service: establishing developed laboratories for all specialized departments operating in the crossing point providing that they must be subject to sectoral sides supervision>
  • Testing, Searching and Control labs
  • Radiological testing labs
  • Health lab
  • IT and Internet Services: establishing, equipping and managing an IT and Internet center under the supervision of the responsible sectoral side.
  • Balanced Scaling Service: establishing, equipping and managing the balanced scales in the crossing point under the supervision of the responsible sectoral side.


  • Testing machines Service: establishing, equipping, managing and maintaining the testing Sonar machines, persons and luggage testing machines and the radiological testing machines after obtaining the sectoral side approval and supervision.
  • Services offices: establishing, equipping and operating services office ready to undertake the responsibility of providing the services of charging, discharging, cleaning and rehabilitating the crossing point buildings (sanitary works, Décor, power supply, water supply maintenance, and telecommunications)

Motel and Hotel Services: establishing, equipping and managing a motel to provide its services to the visiting passengers.

  • Restaurants and Booths: establishing, equipping and managing restaurants and booths within the crossing point that can provide regular meals, snacks and soft drinks.
  • Testing Services: (K9) establishing, equipping and managing a testing service (K9) in the crossing points under the supervision of the sectoral side and includes testing explosives and drugs.
  • Storing Services: establishing, equipping and managing cooled and non- cooled stores for all specialized departments in the crossing point (Food and equipments, Agricultural quarantine, veterinary quarantine, and medical quarantine).
  • Shaded waiting areas: Establishing parking areas for vehicles, buses and trucks according to the international standards.
  • Fuel stations service: establishing, equipping and managing a fuel station within the crossing point
  • Rest houses Service: establishing, equipping and managing rest houses within the crossing point.
  • Water Desalination Station: establishing, equipping and maintaining water desalination stations within the crossing point.
  • Power and Water Supply Services: the investing side shall be in charge of establishing power generation stations and water supply stations.
  • Control System: establishing, equipping and maintaining a control system to be provided with the latest cameras and surveillance devices from the latest international sources.
  • The point entrances: establishing, equipping and maintaining 4 entrances, 2 in the Iraqi side and 2 in the other side.
  • Electrical Gates: establishing, equipping and maintaining developed electrical gates provided with Sonar machines, balanced scales and biometric reading machine.
  • The crossing point buildings: establishing, equipping and furnishing special buildings for the crossing point departments and other depts. operating in the point area in addition to establishing halls for sleep.
  • Mosque: establishing, equipping and furnishing a mosque with modern specifications.

Investors willing to invest in the aforementioned investment opportunities are required to submit a detailed offer with the feasablity study at the headquarter of the National investment Commission or the headquarter of the Crossing Points commission within (30) days from the date of publishing this announcement.

For any further information please call Colonel Khaled Hasoon Jabur – Head of the Contracts Section:





Announcement of Partnership ( no. 10 )/ Diyala State Company

Announcement of Partnership ( no. 10 )

Diala State Company is pleased to announce an investment opportunity to work in partnership with the competent companies in the field of developing the electronic energy meter and the manufacture of the smart meter (single phase and three-phase) according to the obligations required below. Interested companies should submit their request and offers to the company’s headquarters in Diala , before the closing date in 4 / 21 / 2017 . Our company has a line to produce electronic energy meter .
… with appreciation
Required Documents
1- Offers and applications must be from the licensed companies manufacturing or producing or approved agent for these companies and must be original signed and sealed and sent by hand or by (DHL, TNT … etc)
2- Submit the documents of the company statement and attach its C.V.
3- Presenting the financial position document of the company from the approved international banks attached to the final accounts for the last five years and approved by an accredited auditing office.
4- Submit documents for the implementation of similar projects of the previous five years carried out by the company.
5- Submit the registration certificate of the company certified by the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in the country from which it was issued.
6- A letter of exemption from tax for the last year.
Obligations required
1- Produce and develop the electronic energy meter currently manufactured in our company according to the required standard of the Ministry of Electricity with production capacity
(100 000) annually of various types (single phase and three-phase) meters .
2- Produce a new smart energy meter according to the specifications required by the Ministry of Electricity and the beneficiaries with production capacity ( 200 000 ) annually of various types (single phase and three-phase) meters .
3- Providing a line for producing the electronic card for all electronic and smart meters (optional). The processing schedule shall be according to the economic feasibility of the line (note that the line can be used to produce other types of cards).
4- Providing us with machinery, equipment, molds, spare parts, equipment for production and inspection, from approved sources that require adding them to the existing production line, in addition to preparing raw materials, semi – finished parts and all the production requirements required to produce the meters according to the required specifications from the Ministry of Electricity from approved sources.
5- Implementation of civil works required for the implementation of the project in case of need.
6- Its products are of high quality.
7- Provide the right of technical knowledge and under development with all the technical documents and design schemes and technological paths necessary for production and inspection and quality control and maintenance.
8- Providing continuous technical support and making the continuous necessary updates to the programs without additional costs and product development in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Electricity.
9- Joint cooperation in the marketing of the product.
10- The duration of the contract shall be according to the size of the investment, provided that it is not less than (5) years and not more ( 15 ) years according to the agreement of both parties and under the effective instructions.
11- Opening a branch of the company in Iraq or transferring its office to a branch if it has an office in Iraq before signing the contract .
12- Submit the technical and economic feasibility study for the project, which shows the mechanism of calculation of percentages according to participation in machinery and production costs and sales and specify the share required for the company from the production.
13- Training our cadres on the operation of manufacturing , inspection and maintenance and the right to the technical know-how .
14- The added value of our company for manufacturing the product must not be less than 25%.
15- Agreement and signature of the contract must be with the manufacturer or its authorized agent.
16- Provide a guarantee of good performance before signing the contract (note that the contract will be effective from the date of ratification by the Ministry of Industry and Minerals exclusively).
17- The company has been continuing its specialized activity for the past five years by presenting its obligations (contracts) for the past five years.
18- Have financial and technical competence.
19- The nationality of the company should be from the countries that have a good business relationship with Iraq.
20- Hosting a delegation from Diala company by the manufacturer to see its capabilities, production lines and quality of products before signing the contract.
21- The contribution company is not covered by the black list.
22- Characterized by good performance in the implementation of its obligations (previous contracts with Ministries and Iraqi government entities)
Diala contribution to the project
1- A line for the production of the electronic meter with a production capacity ( 100 000 ) (single-phase meters ) / annually and ( 200 000 ) ( three –phase meters ) / annually , As in the attached lists .
2- Employees in the project with the buildings and industrial services required to operate the line .
in the case of any need for any inquiries about the above or the desire to see the project site and electronic meters line can visit our company
We are also ready to answer any question by e-mail and the offers will be opened at our company’s headquarters.
We provide background information on the feasibility study for the project.
Director General
Chairman of Administration Board

Investment Opportunities/ State Company for Steel Industries

Investment Opportunities

The State Company for Steel Industries, one of the companies of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals in the Republic of Iraq, is pleased to announce the investment opportunities to participate in management and production of the following projects in accordance with the requirements fixed in the investment profiles:

  • Sandwich Panel production
  • Built- up sections and bridge girders production
  • Metal chains production
  • Air filters for power plants

The company invites investors, financers and specialized companies to participate in these important opportunities because of the need for these products in the Iraqi and foreign markets.

Those willing to participate should visit the company’s main office or its website to obtain the investment profiles, in whole or in part, bearing in mind that bids are to be submitted on the company’s website or by e-mail, at the end of the official working hours of Sunday, 10.12.2017.

Those wishing to participate may consult the Ministry of Industry and Minerals / Investment dept., as well as the company’s main office if you need detailed information or have a legal or technical inquiries or a field visit to the announced projects .

 you may contact us through:,  .