Announcement/ Students Sport Club

Students Sport Club

The Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research in coordination with NIC are pleased to announce the opportunity of  investing the Students Sport Club according to the designs made by Thomas Levador Co. on a total area of 28 Donum in Slekh Neighborhood / Baghdad allocated for the construction of the following utilities :

  • A half covered stadium with a capacity of 25 thousand spectators to be constructed according to FIFA standards
  • Five star hotel
  • Open training stadium
  • Internal closed matches hall
  • Parking area
  • Outdoor areas for sport activities

Companies and investors willing to apply are required to submit their offers to the Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research / Construction & Projects dept. or to the National Investment Commission within (30) days from the date for publishing this announcement:

For any further information :

  • The One Stop Shop dept.
  • Visiting the Construction & Projects dept. / Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research or contacting the number / 07903568657
  • Visiting the Governmental Contracts Section / Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific Research

Extension of Announcement




The State Company for Glass & Refractories Industry (SCG&R), one of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals (MIM) companies, has the pleasure to announce its following investment opportunity as (sharing in management and production) for Rehabilitating, Operating and raising capacity for high Alumina Refractory Production Plant according to investment Iraqi law (No. 22 of 1997 article 15/ III)

Announcement Target

(SCG&R) aims by participating with manufacturers and producers of above products in factory management and production to rehabilitate & increase production capacities through these valuable opportunities to meet the Iraqi market needs and economic feasibility and benefits accruing to the investor, exploit the availability of raw materials used in production at good prices improving National product quality. Investors are requested to obtain a copy of investment files against a nun- refundable sum of ID 250,000 (Two hundred fifty thousand Iraqi dinar), additionally, the company is ready to assist investors with further detailed information and take necessary arrangements to facilitate site visit to the factories . Investors must submit bids in accordance with the conditions contained in the investment file and will focus on the technical proposal, developmental and financial efficiency. The winner company shall undertake all announcement charges, offers should be submitted no later than the end of the working hours of Thursday, Aug.07.2017.

For any urgent explanation send a letter to  .


Announcement/ constructing a plant to produce gas oil from heavy fuel oil



The Ministry of Electricity / headquarters (the “MOE”) hereby announce investment opportunity MOE- HQ11/ 2017 , BOT of constructing a plant to produce gas oil from heavy fuel oil in Al Musayab gas turbine station .

Tender No. MOE- HQ11/ 2017

Tender subject : constructing a plant 3200 m³ / day of heavy fuel oil

Closing date : Sunday 10.09.2017

Time : 12:00 pm Baghdad local time

Estimated cost : (6,5 dollar/ barrel) for produced gas oil.

  • The interested parties requested to attend MOE Headquarter – Investment and Contracts office/ Tenders Section in Al- Mansour District – Baghdad / Alnaqabat Street to get the investment opportunity documents against non refundable amount of (500,000) ID five hundred thousand Iraqi Dinar to be paid against a receipt with valid official authorization letter of the interested party.
  • The Technical, commercial and financial offers shall be submitted in three separated stamped sealed envelopes one for technical the second for commercial containing price depend on section 4 from the document and the third containing financing offer , you have to write on it :address including (website, e mail address, authorized person’s name and phone number) presented offer should be true and correct without additions or correction written with Arabic language stamped by company stamp on all pages .
  • You may submit your offer by hand or by DHL (offers sent by email will be rejected) to Ministry of Electricity, headquarter, Investment and Contracts office/ Tenders Section in Al- Mansour District – Baghdad not later than the dead line on Sunday 10.09.2017 before 12:00 pm Baghdad local time, if the day of closing date is holiday, the next day will be the closing date.
  • Winner bidder bears the cost of advertisement and any related cost if any.
  • MOE has the right to choose the appropriate offers regardless of the offered price.
  • Technical and commercial proposals not substantially responsive will be neglected.
  • Any question, explanation do not hesitate to contact or call Mobile 07901935786

Announcement / Investment opportunity (partnership contract) 1/2017


Investment opportunity (partnership contract) 1/2017


Based on general companies law no. (22) in 1997 , article (15), paragraph (third) and according to the resolution of Iraqi council of ministers (492) IN 2013.

THE Hydraulic Industries State Co. (one of the companies of Ministry of Industry & Minerals) invites all the Iraqi, Arabic and foreign companies for the completion in the investment opportunity.

  • Those, who wish to participate are welcomed to visit the company in Baghdad – Al Saydia/ beside Al Dora bridge to submit their complete offers according to the conditions and technical specifications available in the commercial dep. Observe amount (250,000) ID non refundable and offers shall be deposited in the tender box in the location of the company on Sunday 27. 08.2017 (12:00 pm), if there is a holiday in the intended day shall be postponed to the next day.
  • Participants shall attend the conference to answer all the questions on Sunday 20.08.2017 at (10:00 am) in the location of the company. For any further information please contact :

Email 1:                                

Email 2 :                                              

Email 3:

NIC Chairman: the Reconstruction of the damaged Provinces is a Priority in the coming five year plan

NIC Chairman: the Reconstruction of the damaged Provinces is a Priority in the coming five year plan


The Iraqi- Czech Economic Forum was held in Baghdad on Sunday, 30.07.17 according to the invitation forwarded by the Iraqi deputy speaker of Parliament, Dr. Humam Hamoodi and with the attendance of public and private sectors representatives of the two sides.

The conference started with a welcome speech by Dr. Sami AL- Araji, Chairman of the National Investment Commission through which he conveyed Iraq real willingness to cooperate with the Czech republic in the various economic sectors, reviewing the history of economic relations between the two countries since the 50s of the last century.

A speech by the Czech Parliament deputy speaker, Mr. Jan Bartošek followed,  through which he considered sectors of security, education and health care stand at the top of the list of essential needs that must be met for each human being willing to live a decent life.

Ms. Miloše Horská, Vice-chairman of the Czech Senate, in her turn, congratulated Iraqi government and people for the victories achieved over ISIS gangs, expressing her pride in shutting this black page down in the history of Iraq, and hoping that the next stage shall witness quick economic jump to meet the critical need for the advancement of the Iraqi economy, adding that this meeting should not be considered meant only for commercial exchange but also as a pleasant opportunity to exchange culture and relations between the two countries.

Mr. Bořivoj Minář, Deputy Czech Chambre of Commerce introduced a short brief of the Czech Chamber of commerce and Industry which consist of 15 thousand company and businessmen and represent a proportion of 60% of the total Czech Economic activity in all specializations.

He presented a number of sectors through which cooperation is possible between the two countries like Agriculture, Health, Complementary Industries, Power Stations, food industries, Machines and Equipments…etc.


The conference also was attended by a number of the Iraqi Public sector representatives from Ministries of Construction & Housing, Agriculture, Iraqi Central Bank, National insurance, while the Iraqi private sector was represented by the members of the unions and councils of businessmen.

The Czech side presented through a detailed presentation the most prominent specializations of the attendant Czech companies and the opportunities to cooperate with them in different economic fields.

NIC Chairman introduced a n overview of the investment opportunities available in Iraq for the short run top listed by the projects of the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the damaged cities either by direct investments or through partnerships with the Iraqi public and private sectors.

The second day of the visit shall include signing a cooperation protocol between the Iraqi union of the Chambers of commerce and the Czech Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The conference was also attended by the Iraqi Ambassador to Brag, Mr. Waleed Sheltagh.  


Investment Opportunity/ Martyrs Firm

Investment Opportunity

The Martyrs Firm is pleased to announce the opportunity of investing the land lot no. (110/43830) Jazeera with an area of 11 donum out of total 24,200 donum area located in Thi Qar province on the main road leading to al- Sader Hospital next to al- Sader housing compound near Thi Qar Martyrs Directorate >

Interested investors and companies are invited to visit the Martyrs Firm headquarters / contracts section in Baghdad – Jadiriyah near the double volume bridge during the working hours’ time in order to obtain the detailed profile against a non refundable sum of 50,000 IQ , providing that they should submit their offers according to the required conditions to the Contracts section not later than the end of the working day of Monday, 24th of July.2017.  

For any further information please email:


Investment Opportunity

Investment Opportunity


The Ministry of Transport in cooperation with NIC is pleased to announce its desire to present the lands, which details are shown below, as investment opportunities for commercial, industrial and agricultural purposes according to the location of each lot of land.

Investors willing to invest lands referred to are required to send their applications to the Ministry of transport/ Investment Dept.

Or to NIC:

Or to concerned provincial investment commissions

  Land No. District name and number Area Province Notes
1 1/24 6 Abo Mahar 10 donum and 10 Olk Samawa  
2 35/5 6 Abo Mahar 34 donum Samawa  
3 35/2 6 Abo Mahar 35 donum Samawa  
4 7/186 6 Abo Mahar 19 donum Samawa  
5 2/1 23 Basateen al – Rebooty 23 Olk Samawa  
6 16/176 44 al- Maaqal 1 donum and 4 Olk Basra  
7 11/412 44 al- Maaqal 8 Olk Basra  
8 11/411 44 al- Maaqal 10 Olk Basra  
9 145/1 14 Southern Jumjuma 2 donum and 16 Olk Babil The removed railway road
10 138/2 14 Southern Jumjuma 15 Olk and 90 Meter Babil The removed railway road
11 140/2 14 Southern Jumjuma 1 donum and 14 Olk Babil The removed railway road
12 141 14 Southern Jumjuma 2 donum and 11 Olk Babil The removed railway road
13 135/8 14 Southern Jumjuma 3 Olk Babil The removed railway road
14 125/1 14 Southern Jumjuma 6 Olk Babil The removed railway road
15 131/2 14 Southern Jumjuma 7 Olk Babil The removed railway road
16 123/2 14 Southern Jumjuma 190 M² Babil The removed railway road
17 68 14 Southern Jumjuma 2400 M² Babil The removed railway road
18 54/2 14 Southern Jumjuma 3 donum and 5 Olk Babil The removed railway road
19 139/3 14 Southern Jumjuma 4 donum and 13 Olk Babil The removed railway road
20 119/2 14 Southern Jumjuma 10 Olk Babil The removed railway road






Investment Opportunity

Ministry of Electricity (MOE) – Iraq Announcement of Rehabilitation, Operation and Transfer of Al Nassiriyah Steam Power Plant

The Ministry of Electricity – Iraq (MOE) has announce an investment opportunity of rehabilitation , operation and transfer (ROT) of Al Nassiriyah Steam Power Plant by the issued request of proposal (RFP) under NO.MOE-HQ-5/2017 .

Tender rules against non – refundable amount of (250,000) ID , two hudred fifty thousand Iraqi Dinar to be paid against receipt from the following address .

Ministry of Electricity (MOE) / Investments and Contracts office- Tenders Section, Al- Niqabat street , Al Mansour  District, Baghdad, Iraq .


The interested participant parties should note the following:

  • Investment opportunity consists of two stages :
  1. First stage: includes the technical proposal and financial plan (Tariff must not be included).
  2. Second stage: the proposal that score 37% in the first stage will be given a period of (10) days to submit the commercial proposals and ROT tariff for KWh.
  • MOE will sign in to rehabilitation , Operation and Maintenance contract with the winning Bidder in the second stage.
  • The investment (contract) period will be (10) years started from the completion of the rehabilitation works and successful the reliability test with the mentioned capacity in the (RFP).
  • Further details are mentioned in the (RFP)
  • The interested companies that willing to participate in the investment opportunity , send their authorized representative with written and stamped letter for permitting to buy the RFP
  • Any further question can be sent to :
  • Due date will be at 12:00 p.m. Baghdad local time on July 9th , 2017 . if the due day will be day off by chance , the next day will be considered as due date.
  • The winning bidder will bear the investment opportunity’s announcement cost.


Read More



The Ministry of Health (MOH) and the National Investment Commission (NIC) are pleased to announce an investment opportunity in Ibn Sina (Avicenna) hospital (rehabilitation, operation and management) in accordance with the investment law no. (13) for the year 2006, as amended.

Willing investors, companies or organizations are to present their (Commercial and Technical) offers to the Contracts departments of (MOH) and (NIC) according to the conditions stated below within a period of (30 days) from the date of publishing this announcement.


  • Investor shall undertake rehabilitating and developing the hospital (buildings, equipment and medical supplies) under the supervision of the Ministry of Health.
  • Medical and health care provided to patients shall be according to international standards adopted by World Health Organization. The company or the investor is required to prove applying ISO standards.
  • Investor is to submit work progress plan for developing the hospital, modernizing medical equipment and establishing quite new medical departments.
  • Submitting economic and technical feasibility study for the project by the investor (including cost and time required).
  • Providing a list of the similar projects implemented by the investor in or outside Iraq.
  • The hospital is to be managed by the investing company in cooperation with the current management team. Technically the hospital is to be run by the investing company which shall be allowed to employ non- Iraqi workers.
  • The applying companies or investors must have an establishment certificate issued by one of the European countries, USA, Japan or in partnership with a company of one of these countries and work according to its standards (prove by applying a certificate).
  • The investing company is to provide what prove the scientific and technical qualification of all work appliers in order to be reviewed by a specialized committee assigned by (MOH).
  • Allocating a royalty rate for (MOH) out of the achieved revenues, priority is to be given to the highest rate.
  • Investment term shall not be less than 5 years; renewable provided the approval of both parties.
  • Project is covered by the provisions of the investment law no. (13) for the year 2006, as amended.

For further enquiry please contact:

07901908668, 07812281221

Or send email to: