Ministers’ Council Agrees to Omit the Sponsor Condition on Bismayah Loans

Ministers’ Council Agrees to Omit the Sponsor Condition on Bismayah Loans



The Ministers’ Council announced in its regular session for Tuesday 30.05.2017 presided by H.E Prime Minister, Haider Al- Abadi the approval to omit the sponsor condition from the terms of granting Bismayah project loans “exclusively” leaving only the condition of  mortgaging the housing unit for one of the 3 banks (Rafidein, Rasheed, TBI).

Dr. Al- Araji, NIC Chairman said in an official statement that the Ministers’ Council approval to omit this condition comes to support the project and to facilitate the purchase process for citizens willing to obtain a housing unit in Bismayah and to help the government’s efforts to meet the increasing popular demand for housing.

Calling for citizens to seize the opportunity and hurry to register in the project which is anticipating a big rise in marketing in the coming stages.  

Ministers’ Council had already agreed in a previous session in the beginning of the year to grant loans for citizens willing to buy housing units in Bismayah project from the banks (Rafidein, Rasheed, TBI) according to terms and regulations announced consisted that the loan should not exceed 75 million ID with interest rate not exceeding 4% with monthly installments for 15 years.





The State Company for Glass & Refractories Industry (SCG&R), one of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals (MIM) companies, has the pleasure to announce its following investment opportunity as (sharing in management and production) for Rehabilitating, Operating and raising capacity for high Alumina Refractory Production Plant according to investment Iraqi law (No. 22 of 1997 article 15/ III)

Announcement Target

(SCG&R) aims by participating with manufacturers and producers of above products in factory management and production to rehabilitate & increase production capacities through these valuable opportunities to meet the Iraqi market needs and economic feasibility and benefits accruing to the investor, exploit the availability of raw materials used in production at good prices improving National product quality. Investors are requested to obtain a copy of investment files against a nun- refundable sum of ID 250,000 (Two hundred fifty thousand Iraqi dinar), additionally, the company is ready to assist investors with further detailed information and take necessary arrangements to facilitate site visit to the factories . Investors must submit bids in accordance with the conditions contained in the investment file and will focus on the technical proposal, developmental and financial efficiency. The winner company shall undertake all announcement charges, offers should be submitted no later than the end of the working hours of Thursday, Jul.16.2017.

For any urgent explanation send a letter to  .



The State Company for Glass & Refractories Industry (SCG&R), one of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals (MIM) companies, has the pleasure to announce its following investment opportunity as (sharing in management and production) according to investment Iraqi law (No. 22 of 1997 article 15/ III) to rehabilitation & operation of Ceramic Floor Tile Factory.

Announcement Target

(SCG&R) aims by participating with manufacturers and producers of above products in factory management and production to rehabilitate & operate through these valuable opportunities to meet the Iraqi market needs and economic feasibility and benefits accruing to the investor, exploit the availability of raw materials used in production at good prices improving National product quality. Investors are requested to obtain a copy of investment files against a nun- refundable sum of ID 250,000 (Two hundred fifty thousand Iraqi dinar), additionally, the company is ready to assist investors with further detailed information and take necessary arrangements to facilitate site visit to the factories . Investors must submit bids in accordance with the conditions contained in the investment file and will focus on the technical proposal, developmental and financial efficiency. The winner company shall undertake all announcement charges, offers should be submitted no later than the end of the working hours of Thursday, Jun.15.2017.

For any urgent explanation send a letter to  .

Announcement/ Dalmaj Marsh


Ministry of Agriculture in coordination with NIC are pleased to announce the investment opportunity of developing Dalmaj Marsh, situated between the provinces of Wasit and Diwaniyah with total area of (113588) Donum , according ot investment law No. 13 for the year 2006, as amended and as follows:

  • Agriculture sector : hunting and breeding of different species of birds and fishes with raising domesticated animals like buffalo and cows and planting animals’ feed.
  • Tourism sector
  • Industrial sector: establishing plants of livestock, dairy products, seeds purifying

Interested investors are welcomed to submit their proposals to the Ministry of Agriculture HQ or to NIC through filling in the form available on its website during (60) days from the date of publishing this announcement with providing a profile consisting of the following:

  1. Feasibility study of the project
  2. Preliminary master plans
  3. Official documents of the investor
  4. Financial capacity and details of the finance sources
  5. Project implementation term and phases
  6. List of similar implemented projects


Announcement / Political Prisoners Firm


NIC in coordination with the Political Prisoners Firm are pleased to announce the investment opportunity of operating Al-Khalidoon Medical Center in Basra province .

Interested investors are invited to visit the Political Prisoners Firm HQ / Contracts section in Al-Jadiriha near the Double Decker Bridge in order to obtain the details profile against a non- refundable fee of 500 thousand ID providing that offers are submitted according to the Firm’s conditions before the end of the working day of Jun.7.2017.

The Firm is ready to provide all necessary information and facilities to visit the medical center in Basra/ Al- Shuhada Directorate.