Baghdad hosts the 10th Iraqi- French Business Council Economic Forum


For Reinforcing Relations between the two Countries  

Baghdad hosts the 10th Iraqi- French Business Council Economic Forum


The Iraqi- French Business Council Economic Forum was hold in Bagdad on the 1st of Dec. 2016 in its 10th session under the joint patronage of the Iraqi and French governments.

The Forum activities opened with a welcoming speech by Dr. Sami Al- Araji, NIC Chairman through which he reviewed the history of establishing the Iraqi – French Business Council since 2009 and how it gathered the Iraqi private sector in all specializations and their French counterparts in “MEDEF”, under whose name more than 800 large and medium French companies are covered, the matter that represents an important economic link between the two countries. Dr. Sami expected that this meeting will completely differ from previous ones as more discussions will be made between public and privet sectors regarding founding real new partnerships in Iraq generally and liberated areas particularly.

French Ambassador, Mr. Mark Berety in his turn expressed his delight for holding this forum and his hope for it to be a reinforce for the political relations between the two countries which have witnessed perceptible development by exchanging visits, referring to the French military support for Iraq in its war against terrorism and stressing at the same time the importance of leveraging the economic relations to reach the same developed standards of the political ones.

Mr. Raghib Bleibel, the Iraqi Co. Chair in the Iraqi- French Business Council expressed his hope for sustaining such meetings as this Forum in order to foster the economic link with the French side, calling for the Iraqi investors to seize this opportunity to lay down a basis for the joint work on the long run with the French in the various sectors like Oil & gas, Industry, Banking, Arming … etc in the way that raises the relations to the wished standards.

The opening ceremony included a speech by Mr. Steven Michel, French Vice Co. Chair of the Iraqi- French Business Council, through which he defined the most prominent reasons that led to deteriorating the economic activities between the two countries which were: the exceptional security situation especially during the last two years  and the economic crisis due to the sharp decline in oil prices and its effect on all other sectors, expressing his hope that the recent victories in Mosul operations and the expected rise in oil prices after the coming Vienna meeting will contribute to supporting the Iraqi economy in general.

NIC Chairman also reviewed a presentation underlying the most important investment opportunities available in Iraq in all sectors.

On behalf of the Iraqi privet sector , Mr basim Jameel Anton presented an overview of the most prominent business opportunities available in Iraqi in all sectors.

The Forum works also included holding elaborated workshops attended by representatives of Iraqi Ministries of ( Oil, Planning, Trade, Electricity, Industry, Construction & Housing, Transport, Telecommunications) in addition to the French delegation and the representatives of the Iraqi privet sector.

Moreover, the Forum was attended by a number of Ministers, the General Secretary of the Ministers’ Council, Parliament members, Deputy Ministers, and a number of DGs in the Iraqi Ministries.

NIC Chairman: the New Amendment of Investment Law Gave New Privileges to Investors

During the Elaborated Economic conference for Investment Projects in Iraq

NIC Chairman: the New Amendment of Investment Law Gave New Privileges to Investors


Under the Patronage of H.E Prime Minister of Iraq, Mr. Haider Al- Abadi and under the slogan of

((Our Economy if Our Wealth))

The Elaborated Economic Conference for Investment Projects in Iraq was held in Baghdad on the 17th of October.16 organized by the Supreme Committee of Provincial Coordination and the National Investment Commission with the attendance of a number of Parliament members, Ministers, Governors, Heads of Provincial Councils, Heads of Provincial Investment Commissions in addition to representatives of banks, foreign and Iraqi investors and businessmen, aiming at activating the suspended investment projects in all Iraqi provinces and announcing new investment opportunities.

The conference works started with a welcoming speech by the head of the Supreme Committee of Provincial coordination, Dr. Torhan Al- Mufti who noted that the event would consist of four workshops each one would be concerned with a number of provinces and the projects available there to be discussed with investors through an open dialogue.

Dr. Mahdi Al- Alaq, the General Secretary of the Ministers’ Council who represented H.E Prime Minister of Iraq by an opening speech through which he conveyed the Government’s interest and direction of activating and supporting private sector by holding several meetings that resulted in ratifying a package of recommendations in coordination with the concerned banks to ensure their leading role in the economic field.

Al- Alaq also referred to the Government’s decision to pay the contractors’ dues, though partially, and lay down mechanisms for postponed payment is a decision that confirmed its keenness to proceed with investment movement, showing his hope that this event can achieve positive results in the work of the concerned executive sides.

Dr. Sami Al- Araji, NIC Chairman and through his speech reviewed the work of the National Investment Commission since the investment law approval in 2006, referring that NIC granted between 2009- 2016 (1336) investment license with total value of (90.1) billion $ distributed on various economic fields.

Al- Araji asserted that NIC had announced (940) investment opportunity in 2015 and (992) opportunity in 2016 in different sectors and provinces, presenting an overview of these investment opportunities in the fields of Oil & Gas, power, housing, transport, industry, tourism, services, youth & sport, and agriculture.

The opening session also consisted of speeches for the DG of TBI bank – Mr. Faisal Al- Heimas, IFC regional manager- Mr. Ziad Bder, and the financial manager of GE company.

Worth mentioning that this event included all available investment opportunities in all sectors in Iraq through the interactive workshops that covered all Iraqi provinces.

Investment Opportunity


Ministry of Health and Environment in coordination with the National Investment Commission are announcing an investment opportunity of constructing disease testing labs in Baghdad (according to investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 as amended and the regulations issued in its accordance) according to the specifications shown below:

1- The investing company is required to rent buildings or apartments to be specified to establish the testing labs referred to above.

2- The labs are to be supervised by the Ministry of Health and Environment / department of technical affairs/ testing labs section.

3- These labs are to be supported by sending them patients from the public health institutions in case they do not have the necessary lab testing.

4- The procedures mentioned in the regulations No. (2) for the year 2006 ( of granting the license of practicing the private lab work for disease analysis) are to be applied in opening these labs in all specializations.

5- The labs are to consist of two floors or more :

a- Ground floor: a big hall of (85-100 m²) to be divided according to the number of sections and specializations with providing all medical and office services.

b- The first floor: consists of (2) pedagogic halls at least in order to conduct training courses in coordination with the section of graduated students and trainees.

c- The lab is to be an independent building and not annexed with any irrelative commercial utility.

6- The lab is to be equipped by the investing company with all modern and developed equipments (Automation) according to the need of the testing units intended to be activated with providing the quality control materials in coordination with the testing labs section in the Ministry of Health.

7- Providing the building with all office furniture, air conditioning systems, and furnishing the pedagogic halls in a way that match the work volume.

8- The investment company pledges to pay all building dues of electricity and water supply bills in case of submitting to renting and taxing system.

9- Training all private and public colleges’ graduates concerned with the testing labs work with organizing vocational training courses, against prepaid fees, through which trainees are to be theoretically and practically evaluated and appreciation certificates will be awarded to the passers by the testing labs section in the Ministry of Health.

10- The company pledges to train the workers of the lab to use the modern devices, place and period are to be specified later.

All interested companies and investors are invited to submit their applications to the Ministry of Health and Environment / Private Health sector section or to the National Investment Commission through the email address ( ) knowing that the closing date is 15.11.2016.



State Commission of Customs in coordination with the National Investment Commission are pleased to announce an investment opportunity to establish a customs check point in Al Safra Zone / Al Uthaim in Diyala Province, and provide all necessary requirements and services (logistic and security).

Interested investors are entitled to present their wish to the customs commission headquarters/ legal department within 21 working days from the date of publishing this announcement accompanied with the following documents:-

  1. Feasiblity study matching the documents prepared by the State Commission of Customs, which are available in their legal department.
  2. Project primary engineering drawings.
  3. Investor’s documents and IDs.
  4. Financial efficiency with details regarding project funding.
  5. Duration and execution phases.
  6. Similar works.

The investment project enjoys the following advantages:-

  • Fees and taxes exemptions according to the amended Investment Law no. 13 for 2006.
  • The State Commission of Customs, the National Investment Commission and the local government are to provide facilitations to investors regarding needed licenses and approvals for the project through the One Stop Shop, in addition to facilitations during project execution and operating phases.
  • The foreign investor may transfer his capital, interests and workers’ wages according to the Central Bank of Iraq instructions after paying all debts.

In case of any inquiry, please contact the State Commission of Customs on




The Ministry of Electricity of the Republic of Iraq (the MOE) herby announces issuing a Request of Proposal (PFP) in connection with the following tenders no. MOE/HQ/19/2016 for renewable Energy of 50 MW SAWA PV Power Plant Project on a (BOO) basis, Build, Own, Operate, at Al-Salman District, Al Muthana Governorate, Iraq.

Tender Rules against non refundable amount of 250.000 ID, two hundred fifty thousand Iraqi Dinar, to be paid against a receipt from the following address.

The Ministry of Electricity, Office of Investment and Contracts – Tenders Section, Ministry of Electricity Headquarters, Al Niqabat Street, Al Mansour District, Baghdad, Iraq.

Interested parties should note the following:-

  1. The MOE will enter into a power purchase contract with the winning bidder.
  2. The term of power purchase contract will be 20 years.
  3. Further details are laid out in the (RFP)
  4. Authorized representative should have an authorization letter to buy the Tender Rules.
  5. Any further questions can be referred to: or contact cell no. 07901935786.
  6. Closing time at 12 pm Baghdad local time on 20th of July 2016.

Ra’ad Qassim

Director General

Investment & Contracts Office –   /6/2016