A group of the students of The University of Technology visit Bismayah New City site

A group of the students of The University of Technology visit Bismayah New City site


Bismayah project managing team organized a visit for a group of engineering students of the University of Technology to Bismayah project site in order to see the latest construction technologies adopted in building the housing units and infrastructures in the new city.

An official source in Hanawah Co. said that engineering post graduate, Master degree and PHD degree students were included in the visiting group, clearing that a technical presentation was delivered to them covered the mechanisms of administration adopted in running the pre casting factories and the modern technologies used in operating them and storing the products.

The second station for the group was the pre casting factories that include five main factories and 9 supporting ones with a design capacity of 80 housing unit/ day, these factories are considered as the biggest in the Middle East. The visit was extended to cover the achieved buildings in the project where questions and answers were exchanged between students and the project Iraqi and Korean engineers who gave the satisfying answers for all inquires.

Professors and student of the University of Technology showed their highest admiration in the methods followed to achieve the project assuring that such visits can add a lot to develop their information and field experience in construction sector.


Iraq holds the first International Investment and Economy Conference


Under the Slogan

“Solid Investment Law achieves development goals and meets investor’s ambitions”

With big local and international attendance

Iraq holds the first International Investment and Economy Conference


Baghdad witnessed Wednesday the 4th to Thursday the 5th of Feb.15 holding the first International Investment and Economy Conference under the patronage of Dr. Saleem al- Joboury, Head of Iraqi Parliament and organized by the Parliamentary Committee of Investment and Economy in cooperation with NIC and with the attendance of high level legislative and executive officials in addition to a number of ambassadors to Baghdad, local and international businessmen and investors.

The conference works started with a speech by Dr. Rosch Nuri Shawees, Deputy Prime Minister through which he said that the investment process in Iraq had been affected negatively by several factors as adopting old inherited laws that contradict with the investment law, beurocrasy, land allocation problems, administrational and financial corruption and the weak punitive measures taken against it in addition to the old fashioned banking laws that can’t cope with the modern investment trends.

Shawees continued, saying that achieving full economic jump requires ensuring stable investment climate reinforced by legislations and laws with comprehensive cooperation between legislative and executive authorities in this regard and cancelling all old laws that contradict investment goals, referring to the government’s determination to reinforce economic growth in Iraq and encourage investment through finding suitable solutions for all obstacles facing investors in the country.

Mr. Jawad al- Polani, Head of the parliamentary committee for Investment and Economy assured the Iraqi government keenness to adopt any real initiative to diversify economy and create sustainable economic development, stressing that an investment conference or investment law is not enough to enhance investment in Iraq, but we are in need for a package of laws that can organize the investment process in whole.

Meanwhile, NIC chairman specified five solutions to remove obstacles that face investment process, if applied, shall make a dramatic jump in investment through activating the One Stop Shop to attract big investors and get rid of centrality in decision making in order to achieve economic reform.

Al- Araji also stressed land allocation problem addressed by investment law No. 13 for the year 2006. It obliged public entities to provide useful lands to NIC in order to be granted to investors. This article was not activated; therefore, we should seriously consider allocating investment lands to be available within our investment map in each province.

The other issue that Al- Araji addressed was financing investment projects by reconsidering banks law No. 94 for the year 2004 aiming at making it of developmental nature in addition to being commercial, referring that there is a suggestion to the Central Bank of Iraq to fund newly established private banks in addition to the Industrial, agricultural, real estate and other banks. NIC proposed fund would be of 5 billion $ with 0 interest as performed to activate Small & Medium projects in US and EU.

After delivering all speeches of officials, Head of Parliamentary Committee of Investment and Economy announced the hearing session arranged to listen to Iraqi, Arab and foreign investors’ requirements and problems when German and Turkish ambassadors reviewed number of impediments facing their countries’ investors and companies in Iraq. Iraqi investors required privatizing the Iraqi state owned and mixed sector companies especially those which suffer from lack of finance according to a specified time table.

Council of Ministers’ Advisors Commission Chairman, Mr. Thamir Al- Ghadhban also delivered a speech during the event through which he stressed the Government’s real willingness to change and benefit from the past lessons, adding that the current economic pressure is imposing on government taking a series of reform actions that enable the private sector to take its role according to a strategy will be announced at the end of next week, assuring that a study, have already been laid down to privatize the public and mixed sectors, will soon be submitted to the General Secretariat of Ministers Council within a comprehensive strategy under the title of “Restructuring and Reform of State Owned Companies”.

Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Ali Al- Alaq stressed, in his turn, the importance of announcing the state investment projects for investors according to investment law No. 13 for 2006 as amended, adding that the central bank had taken a package of procedures like increasing cash in private banks to support investment process in the country.

In the second day of the conference, there was a speech delivered by Dr. Adel Abdul Mahdy, Minister of Oil who admitted that investment in Iraq is currently facing big challenge with lots of obstacles, the matter that prompted the Iraqi government and parliament to lead important economic reforms aiming at creating new investment climate free of hindering laws. Abdul Mahdy referred that a number of Ministries and local provincial governments started to stranglehold the investment process under the pretext of pertaining the public wealth and saving the provinces. That forms one of the most serious factors that create a dismissing investment environment.

Minister of Oil also said that Oil sector is one of the biggest investment sectors especially after the licensing rounds and the international companies trending to participate.

Provincial investment opportunities, achieved and under construction investment projects were presented by the Provincial Investment Commissions Chairmen with prevailing the most prominent privileges that each province enjoys.

The works of the second day of the conference included also submitting green papers that were divided among several committees regarding the reforming actions required to be done on many laws contradicting with the investment law. These green papers were discussed in details in order to reach satisfactory recommendations can contribute to the reconstruction process of Iraq with wide participation of the private sector.


Investment Opportunity

Investment Opportunity

Babylon Investment Commission is pleased to announce completing the procedures of specifying the Industrial Zone borders in Al- Kefel area to be extended on parts of the lots numbered 17/1 and 17/6 on total area of 3000 Donum according to investment law No. 13 for the year 2006, amended.

Investors are invited to invest in this zone according to the following conditions:

  • The zone is allowing all environment polluting industries of types (A, B, and C) excluding Bricks and Asphalt factories.
  • Investor is required to provide the following documents annexed to his/her filled application:

– Economic and technical feasibility study for the project

– The project technical drawings

– The investor’s official identification papers and documents

– Financial competency from an accredited bank with the project funding details

– A clear time table for completing the project phases

– Previous similar achieved projects

  • The investor shall obtain all privileges and guaranties of investment law as tax and customs exemptions, transfer of capitals, revenues and workers fees, in case the investor is a foreigner, according to the instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq.
  • Applications submitted through the email shall be accepted, providing that official documents are provided before granting the investment license.
  • For further information, please visit Babylon Investment Commission website www.bic.gov.iq or send an email to info@bic.gov.iq

Hanawah Co. opens an office for Iraqi workers affairs next month

In order to gurrantee Iraqi workforce rights

Hanawah Co. opens an office for Iraqi workers affairs next month

vocational training center

The vocational training center manager in Bismayah project site announced the date of opening the office of Iraqi workers affairs at the beginning of next February which will receive all complaints and suggestions of Iraqi workers in Bismayah project in order to find solutions for all problems through discussing them with the concerned sides in Hanawah co. and NIC.

Eng. Wisam Salah added to NIC media office that the training center will start a new training course within the few coming days for those willing to work in the project, stating that priority in employing shall be given to unemployed workers from al- Wehda district that is adjacent to the project site after filling an application in which the applicant should reveal his/her education obtained and social status.

Meanwhile, the training center manager mentioned that 2 specialized training courses had been organized by the center for the project workers the first regarding extending over load cables under the ground while the second was about programming for engineers and both courses lasted for 1 week in addition to holding training courses in concrete steel and carpentry templates that receive 60 trainees each time it is held with 170 thousand ID monthly.

Worth mentioning that Bismayah vocational training center is the first one opened by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs that is specialized in construction works in project sites with immediate employing for graduates after course completion.

Starting the construction of 8 of Type B units in Bismayah housing project

Out of 14 buildings in the sector A-2

Starting the construction of 8 of Type B units in Bismayah housing project

Type B unit

Works in type (B) “the modern style” housing units in Bismayah project had started, as 8 buildings are being currently constructed out of 14 to be included in sector A-2.

A responsible source in the project site said that the work in this sector is moving rapidly reaching floor 7, adding that the modern type units had been designed to be similar to the traditional ones in areas and outer appearance of the buildings where each one have 10 floors but with tiny differences in window types and the internal design of the unit.

The modern type unit is designed to suit families who prefer modern style with perfect exploitation of area where living room is open to kitchen.

Meanwhile, finishing work is continuing in sector A-1 to put the final touches, since it is planned for it to be handed over to registrars in the mid of this year, while on the other hand, finishing work is also being done to Hanawah marketing tower which is to be opened in Feb.2015.

Iraq and Kuwait sign the contract of Diwania International Commercial Airport

For Establishing the First Airport for Air Cargo in Iraq

Iraq and Kuwait sign the contract of Diwania International Commercial Airport


NIC and Diwania governorate signed on the 21st of Jan,15 an investment contract with al- Nasiriyah Kuwaiti company to establish Al- Diwania International Commercial Airport. The contract was signed with the attendance of Mr. Baha Al- Araji, Deputy Prime Minister and a number of Parliament members in addition to Diwania Governor and provincial council chairman and members, while the Kuwaiti side was represented by Mr. Ghassan Al- Zawawi, Kuwaiti Ambassador to Baghdad and Shekha Iman Nasir al- Sabah, chairman of al- Nasiriyah Kuwaiti group of companies.

Deputy Prime Minister assured in his speech during the ceremony that investment in Iraq was a need and now it is a crucial must that the government is seriously considering in submitting all facilitations and privileges to the companies willing to invest in the country according to Iraqi laws, appreciating the Kuwaiti positive stance towards Iraq.

In his turn, Mr. Jawad Al- Polani, Chairman of the parliament Investment and Economy committee said that establishing such big projects in the provinces would be an important start up for economic development there, announcing that the beginning of February shall witness large preparations to optimize the legal environment and promote investment in Iraq expecting investment volumes to reach more than 180 billion $ during the forthcoming phase in the various economic fields.

NIC chairman, Dr. Sami al- Araji had started the ceremony with a welcome speech during which he asserted that this project will be the first nucleus for development in Diwania province and it is the first project in Iraq for Air cargo and establishing a free zone provided with all logistic services, praising the role of Diwania governor and the chairman of the provincial Council who led successful negotiations starting with choosing the executing company and ending the final phase of signing the contract.

NIC chairman highly evaluated the supporting role of the Council of Ministers who had voted for the project implementation, and added that NIC had checked the history of the Kuwaiti company and its supporting companies finding them one of the successful companies in the field and completely efficient to execute such an important edifice.

Dr. Ammar al- Madani, Diwania governor explained that the governorate had worked to make the notion of establishing a commercial airport in the province a success through negotiating with the concerned sides in the central government who had welcomed the notion and as a result a big company was selected to implement the project according to laws adopted in record time assuring that the project is aiming at reviving the commercial activities in Diwania and other adjacent provinces.

Kuwaiti Ambassador in Iraq congratulated the Iraqi side for its capability to attract the Kuwaiti companies to invest in the Iraqi market and also congratulated the Kuwaiti company in choosing the Iraqi promising economy to invest in, confirming that Iraq and Kuwait always had strong historical relations that can’t be changed under any circumstances.

Shekha Iman al- Sabah, chairman of al- Nasiriyah Kuwaiti group of companies stated throughout her speech that this strategic project which comes within the framework of developing infrastructure in the Republic of Iraq forms a strategic point in the region in the field of air cargo and transport which will be implemented by Iraqi hands.

Worth to mention, that Diwania new airport had been planned for to be the main airport for transporting agricultural products and the center for import and distribution to the southern and middle areas of Iraq, since it will be the only one that distances less than 2 hours on land from all main cities in the south with total cost of 1,350,000,000 $ on an area of 7000 donum.

The airport was designed with modern units in a way that allows expansion in the future to meet expected demand and will also serve people in the southern areas and religious tourists in the coming years.

The airport, which focuses on attracting the logistic freight companies and international cargo agents, will include a takeoff runway with length of 3600 m and 45 m width the matter that makes it efficient to receive all types of planes.

The medical clinic in Bismayah project site opens 24/7

The medical clinic in Bismayah project site opens 24/7


Bismayah project management is keen to provide all comfort and safety means to all workers through opening a medical clinic in the project site that provid its services 24/7.

The clinic is run by a specialized Iraqi and Korean medical cadre who provide the needed services to approxamatly 98% of injuries taking place during or after worktime beside conducting some small operations with high medical care while only 2% of injuries are taken to Baghdad hospitals. An emergency lounge is also available in the clinic in addition to constructing a dental clinic while all departments are supplied with the most modern medical equipment.

NIC Chairman receives the Chairman of Hanwah Group during his second visit to Iraq

NIC Chairman receives the Chairman of Hanwah Group during his second visit to Iraq


NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al- Araji received Chairman of Hanwah Group, Mr. Ceung Eon Kim who had made a check visit to Bismayha project site implemented by one of his group of companies, seeking supporting the project and workers there.

During the meeting, NIC Chairman assured that the commission is providing all facilitations and guarantties, granted by investment law No. 13 for the year 2006, amended, for all investing companies in the country including Hanawah Co., the executer of Bismayha housing project that is considered as one of the biggest stratigic project in Iraq and the Region. Dr. Sami expressed his delight with the achievment rates and the rapid advancement considering Hanawah’s decision to continue working in Iraq despite the critical security situation Iraq had passed through as a very strong and brave one.

Mr. Kim, in his turn, renewed his company’s pledge to the Iraqi people to make all efforts to achieve the project within the timings agreed upon in order to contribute in solving the housing crisis in Iraq.

Hanawah Co. employees expressed their happiness and appreciation for this visit which is representing an essential moral incentive, the matter that shall encourage them to redouble efforts to keep progress on.

Mr. Kim urged his employees to go ahead in what they had staretd saying “ Many things have been changed here since the last time I was here” confirming that this achievment wouldn’t have been done without the big support submitted by the Iraqi government represented by the National Investment Commission for making this project a success.


Honored Membership

تكريم معالي رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للاستثمار

Dr. Sami Al Araji, Chairman of the National Investment Commission, was selected as an honored member of the Who’s Who International of Professionals for 2014.

This membership is considered as a testimonial for civil, academic and professional achievement of the member in addition to being one of the distinguished memberships which Dr. Al Araji was honored with during his scientific and practical career.

Bismayah project management department raises the Autoclave factory production capacity

In order to cope with the advancement achieved in Bismayah New City project
Bismayah project management department raises the Autoclave factory production capacity


Bismayah project management department started raising the production capacity of the autoclave factory, which is one of the most important factories constructed by Hanawah Co., to reach 1063 m³ per day. This raise came to cope with the rapid advancement taking place in Bismayah project site.
An official source in the executing company explained that the factory is producing light concrete fire resistant blocks of high stiffness  to be used as internal walls in the housing units separating rooms and corridors.
He added that the production process in the factory is being conducted according to the latest industrial technologies through putting raw materials (sand , cement and asphalt) in modern machines that crushes these materials after adding  an hydrate substance to be mixed together.
The production starts by casting blocks of special technical specifications which would be later treated and primarily cut, while the last stage includes inserting the light blocks into the autoclave furnaces to be finally treated and dried by steam.
The product becomes ready for use 12 hours after drying process when then is packed and transferred to warehouses.
Worth to mention that the light block is much more preferable than other concrete materials used in construction for the ease of  moving and transferring not to mention its high resistance for low and high temperatures, fires in addition to much more other merits.