NIC organizes a visit for Registrars wishing to have access to Bismayah New City project

For the Purpose of viewing the latest stages of work on Bismayah New City Project

NIC organizes a visit for Registrars wishing to have access to the project

NIC organized on Wednesday, 19/02/2014 a new field visit to Bismayah New City project site for registrars to view the latest stages of the work progress and achievement rates reached on site.

NIC media office said in a statement issued in this regard that this visit is the fourth organized by the Commission and had witnessed an increase in the number of visitors. The visit launched from the sales center in Baghdad International Fair to the project site in Bismayah area, it included a tour in the site which had extended to include the concrete precast factories, one of the largest factories in the Middle East , as well as the tunnel being prepared for the electricity and telecommunication wires spanning twenty kilometers underground , the visitors have also been briefed on the mechanism of compacting the concrete pillars used for strengthening the soil and the land leveling process.


The registrars expressed their satisfaction for having direct access to what was going on at the site that would send a message of reassurance to all registrars especially that the implementation process is going according to plan drawn and to highest technologies internationally adopted.

This kind of visits is continuously arranged by NIC in coordination with Hanawah Co.  

NIC Chairman Participates in launching the Vocational Training Center Bismayah New City

For the Purpose of upgrading and developing National Skilled Labor force

NIC Chairman Participates in launching the Vocational Training Center Bismayah New City

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al- Araji, the Minister of Labor and Social Affair, Mr. Nassar al- Rubaie and M.P Mr. Kadhim al Shimmery  participated in launching the vocational training center in Bismayah new city project that is run by the General Directorate for Vocational Training in the Ministry  of Labor and Social Affair in cooperation with Korean executing Company “Hanawah”. The centre aims at providing national skilled labor force through training Iraqis in the new center workshops.

 NIC Chairman stressed in his opening  speech that establishing such a centre can supply  Bismayah new project with skilled labor force in  construction works field ,that’s where Iraq put skilled labor in priority after cultivation, praising the role of  Ministry  of Labor and Social Affair in support  and giving all facilities to establish this centre in addition to continuous support from  the Minister of Labor and Social Affair to Bismayah new city .

He added the work is proceeding according to plan and the implementing company is committed to its obligations, in the other hand; the year 2015 will witness delivering the first patch of Bismayah housing units, indicating that about (5000) workers are currently working in the project out of (26000) will be attracted within reaching the work in the project its prime.

From his part, the Minister of Labor and Social Affair Mr. Nassar al- Rubaie said that Bismayah new project is the most important residential project in Iraq and establishing a specialized centre using latest methods and approaches in training is an achievement to his   Ministry especially when Iraq is in critical need for the professional cadre, indicating that his Ministry has 36 training centers distributed all over Iraq in various fields and this centre is the only one in construction field.

   At the same time, Mr. mun, senior managers of Hanawah Company expressed his pride with the work in Iraq and establishing the largest residential city in the region and this effort is the cooperation result between NIC and Hanawah Company, adding that the project will provide work opportunities for Iraqi people as well as contributing in stimulating the industry sector and serve Iraq.

The attendee toured in the project site viewing the progress in constructing infrastructure such as precast concrete factories; tunnel which cantinas electricity and communications wires, drinking water treatment plants and sewage.

It’s worth mentioning that the training centre was opened in 5/1/2014 starting with two courses which are forging and moulds carpentry to train 33 persons, and  it is hoped to open another  specializations in the future sessions with 60 days for each session.

The end of next March

Launching the Operations of the Construction in Bismayah New City Project

March shall witness rising the first buildings of Bismayah New City project, where the executing company began in February, the second phase of the process of the foundations construction for the first patch of the project buildings, which will hopefully be delivered to the registered people by the middle of next year as this stage is complementary to the process of laying down the concrete pillars in the soil.

The aforesaid information was delivered by an official source in Hanawah company to the Media Office in the National Investment Commission , explaining that the primary Concrete layer  is a layer of small  thickness to be poured directly on the surface of the soil , in order to prepare the ground for the later construction stages, in addition to that this layer helps to identify sites to install  rebar works in an easier way than it is when set directly on the soil by lines drawn on the surface.

He added that this process is followed by the realization of the rebar works that helps to enhance the durability of the concrete foundations, where the installation of hundreds of steel rods on the surface of the light concrete layer connecting them with the visible parts of the solid concrete pillars, and then followed by a second casting process in special moulds in the way that makes the rebar pervasive and covered completely by concrete.

Meanwhile, the source said that the company launched a process of trial production of the concrete foundations in Bismayah factories, indicating that the concrete foundation or what is known as (Socle) is one of the types of pre-cast concrete, which are produced in the site factory aiming at strengthening and enhancing the foundations, as they are the link between the outer wall of the housing unit (Sandwich panel) and the roof or the ground.

It is worth mentioning that the first patch to be delivered to the registrars is located near Baghdad Gate on the road linking between Baghdad and Kut, and within the next few months people shall significantly see buildings rise in the city.

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NIC Holds the Iraqi – Canadian Business and Investment Forum

Under the patronage H.E. Prime Minister, Mr. Nuri Kamal al-Maliki

NIC Holds the Iraqi – Canadian Business and Investment Forum


NIC Held in Baghdad on Wednesday, 02.12.2014 the Iraqi – Canadian Business and Investment Forum under the patronage of H. E. Prime Minister, Mr. Nuri Kamal al-Maliki and the presence of the Canadian Minister of State (Foreign Affairs and Consular) and H. E. Deputy Prime Minister – Chairman of Economic Committee Dr. Rose Nuri Shaways.

The Forum started with a speech by H.E. Deputy Prime Minister in which he emphasized the government’s serious efforts to restructure the Iraqi economy and to diversify its resources and turn it into a productive diversified economy through activating other economic fields such as mining, agriculture, communications, and tourism pointing out that the survival of Iraq away from the repercussions of the recent global financial and economic crisis constitute a point of strength and an important additional guarantee for companies and investors.

“>Inviting Canadian companies to contribute in the various fields of infrastructure as  electricity, energy, transportation and housing projects and in the production services in industry, mining, agriculture, financial services, banking and other in the way that contribute to economic and human comprehensive and sustainable development.

“> Dr. Sami Raouf al-Araji, NIC Chairman opened the Forum with a speech in which he welcomed the state of Canada’s government and people, expressing his pride in the presence of such a large number of Canadian companies in Iraq at this time and that began expanded bilateral meetings with their counterparts at both official and commercial sides.

“>He reviewed in his speech a number of economic sectors that are the focus and attention of both sides as; energy (oil, gas and electricity), transport and communications infrastructure, health, education, agriculture and engineering industries, financial services, banking and insurance.

“>He pointed out that extensive discussions had been done for the establishment of the Iraqi – Canadian joint business Council to serve as a link between the two countries, in addition to the common interest of signing an agreement to promote and protect investment in the two countries.

For her part, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of Canada, Ms. Lynn Yelich, who heads the delegation to visit Iraq said that this mission represents the first Canadian one to visit Iraq since (25 years) and Basra had been the first station, where they discussed a lot of the prospects of joint cooperation between the two countries. Referring to her country’s readiness to help Iraq build its bright future and commitment to remove all obstacles that stand in the way of cooperation, and reviewed during her speech at the forum technical capabilities of the Canadian companies in various sectors, which owns business relations of  more than 40 billion dollars in the year 2013 only and  also made (23) trade initiative in more than 60 countries with its ambitious plans for expansion of trade, especially that Iraq is one of the biggest points of attraction for the Canadian government and the holding of such a conference would contribute to strengthening bilateral relations and to find the necessary opportunities in different sectors “>of the economy.

The conference was ended with detailed presentations by Mr. Adel Hamid, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Electricity and Dr. Ahsan Attar, expert in the Ministry of Oil of the most important investment opportunities in the Energy sector.

NIC holds a workshop to encourage economic development in Iraq

In Cooperation with the (OECD) Organization

NIC holds a workshop to encourage economic development in Iraq

NIC held a workshop on Sunday (2-2-2014) in cooperation with the Investment program in the Middle East and North Africa (OECD) to discuss the policy aiming at encouraging economic development in Iraq, with the attendance of the investment and economy committee in the Iraqi Parliament, Mr. Abdul Aziz Shwan, as a representative of Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Roze Nuri Shaways, and the Chairman of the Advisors Commission in the Council of Ministers , Mr. Thamer Al Ghadhban, with many officials in NIC and ministries .

NIC Chairman, in his opening speech, welcomed the attendees indicating that the workshop is to discuss and evaluate the economic cooperation experience between Iraq and the (OECD) in general and between the (OECD) and NIC in particular.

The workshop summed up in three major  axes , the first one represented how to choose the investment regions and how to fetch the investments into these regions starting from the legislative side until reaching the general investment profile to help investors to choose the suitable region in Iraq ,  the second axis represented investment attracting  process related to infrastructure projects with its different kinds, while the third axis dealt  with founding legal environment to create  a partnership between the foreign and local private sectors, from one side, and the Iraqi state sector in the other side in infrastructure projects   .

NIC Chairman referred to the future relations of cooperation between NIC and (OECD) and the procedures of implementing the common goals to achieve the comprehensive development in Iraq. He also thanked the U.S. Department of State and U.S Embassy in Baghdad for their help in financing the work program with (OECD), and he welcomed Sweden readiness to finance these projects in future.

Mohammed Salman  al Saadi, chairman of investment and economy committee  in Iraq Parliament , praised  the role that was played  by NIC to find the ways to encourage economic development in Iraq, referring that the Parliament is currently working to legislate and amend the laws related to develop the economic environment with all its multiple aspects such as financial, commercial and industrial, in addition to founding legislative climate to attract investors for the purpose of enhancing and accelerating the economic wheel in Iraq.

In his turn, Mr. Abdul Aziz Shwan in his speech on behalf of Dr. Roze Nuri Shaways said that holding such workshops contributes to extensively discuss the most important steps that should be taken to achieve economic reform , referring that the work of (OECD) comes from the  international experts conviction that Iraq can achieve economic development goals that was stressed by national development plan in Iraq from(2013-2017) and what was announced recently about achieving a rate of GDP growth of (9%) assured that .

Mr. Thamer Al Ghadhban said that the government works with International organization of UN, USA and EU to reform the Iraqi economy through reforming the general sector companies and developing the private sector, clarifying that such cooperation produced projects and Drafts of Laws and formed specialized committees to achieve such reforms and overcome obstacles .

At the same time, Miss Robin Mateuman, the economic adviser in US Embassy in Baghdad, thanked NIC for its great role to develop economic relations between the two countries on bases of common interests, adding that the workshop comes in a series of workshops and seminars that are held by US   Embassy to support the Iraq economy.

From his part Mr. Anderson Yanson, (OECD) program coordinator in Iraq, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the cooperation between the (OECD) and NIC stressing the (OECD) readiness to continue cooperating with Iraq in the various fields to develop economic process in the country.

It should be noted that the workshop continues for two consecutive days included a number of researches to develop administrative and legal work, it also witnessed the discussion of suitable areas for investment zones and the ways of their construction according to Investment Law no 13 for the year of 2006 and its amendments, this was done in partnership with different ministries (Industry, Planning, Construction and housing, and Finance).





During the Periodical Meeting with the PICs Chairmen

NIC Chairman Stresses the Necessity of eliminating all obstacles facing Investors’ work   



NIC Chairman, during heading the periodical meeting with the provincial investment commissions’ chairmen, stressed the necessity of evaluating and following up the investment licenses granted in their provinces with specifying the achievement rates for each licensed project and taking the necessary actions with the tarried investors in addition to finding the suitable solutions for all obstacles hindering the execution of the remaining projects and submitting all facilitations and guaranties granted by investment law for investors.

Al- Araji also gave his directives to update the investment map in all provinces for the year 2014 through adding investment projects needed for each province in all economic sectors with stressing the importance of specifying the lands suitable for investment and classifying them sectorally according to the investment map requirements.

NIC Chairman stressed the importance of activating the investment process through implementing the strategic projects in each province and reinforcing cooperation between PICs and other governmental entities showing the NIC readiness to submit technical and administrational support for all provincial investment commissions in order to develop investment work in Iraq.

Dr. Sami also listened to a number of suggestions and opinions by PICs chairmen regarding the investment process in the various sectors and the obstacles facing the implementation of projects according to schedules agreed upon and he promised to find solutions for these obstacles to serve both citizens and investors.

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In cooperation with USA Department of Commerce

NIC holds a workshop to develop franchising access into Iraq


NIC held, in cooperation with the Commercial Law Development Program, a workshop in NIC headquarters

Under the title of developing franchising access into Iraq as an introduction to the basic concept of obtaining franchise sign, name or an American trade system. This came with the presence of Dr. Sami al-Araji , NIC Chairman, and representatives from Trade and Foreign USA Ministries as well as about (60)businessmen from  different local economic organizations   representing  the privet sector in Iraq .

NIC Chairman, during his presiding the opening session, stressed the necessity of Iraq inform of the excellent economic global experiences benefiting from these experiences to develop the Iraqi economy. Al-Araji clarified that there are two meetings to be held between the two sides, this workshop is to be dedicated to discuss the Iraqi need to USA services as well as the administrative and legal requirements for this process, while the second meeting will be held in Baghdad during March in this year between US donor companies and privet sector in Iraq.

NIC will nominate efficient representatives from the privet sector to represent the global franchising companies according to plans.

Al- Araji invited the Iraqi businessmen to invest the opportunity to get US trademark’s franchising optimally to produce different services to Iraqi families until reaching the phase of opening restaurants , commercial centers and international hotels chains in different provinces ,he also added that NIC   nominated many  provinces to enter these  commercial  marks as a first step followed by other ones to cover all  Iraqi provinces according to the purchasing power of citizen and the logistic elements  for each  province .

In his turn, Mr. Keith Curtis, prime commercial advisors in USA Embassy in Baghdad, showed his gratitude and appreciation for the NIC to host this workshop, indicating that it came within a plan put in coordination between NIC, US. Embassy Department of Commerce and program of commercial law development , the plan includes three stages begins in identifying the potential franchise owner by the NIC then training  candidates on basic concept of franchise while the final step is a study tour that can prepare the candidates for the  negotiation process of granting  franchise rights .

The workshop in the first session  stressed on the basic elements of franchise models ( merits and demerits) , with reviewing different types of franchising agreements, while the second session was devoted to discussing how to identify  and analyze the franchising opportunities with focus on the criteria used by franchisors to identify qualified owners.

The workshop witnessed discussion of the benefits of granting franchise and its economic effect on Iraq through creating job opportunities, developing the privet sector, founding improved products and services with the possibility of attracting future foreign investments. Explanations of how to choose suitable trademarks for the nature of the country and kinds of USA franchises such as (restaurants, accounting services, automobiles selling services, pharmacies, medical clinics, hotels commercial centers, malls and so on) were also presented during the workshop.

The workshop also witnessed wide discussions between the attendees and the presenters who answered all inquiries.

Worth mentioning that there are more than a million franchise company in USA that cover 50% of the sales volume in USA market employing 2.6% from manpower in American privet sector with 4% contribution to the annual American annual GDP.

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National Investment Commission …. The continuation of the offer of reducing the down payment of Bismayah housing units


National Investment Commission ….  The continuation of the offer of reducing the down payment of Bismayah housing units



NIC decided to continue in its plan to reduce the down payment of Bismayah residential unites amounting (10%) from the total value until 31/12/2014 according to citizens’ desire.

The NIC Chairman Dr. Sami –al Araji said that many citizens’ requests had been received  through E-mail and telephone demanding  to  continue in  reducing  the down payment  to be (10%) after it was (25%) to enable them to reserve their  housing units in the biggest project in the Middle East, adding that the work is proceeding according to schedule prepared by  NIC and  the executing  company of the project .

Al Araji indicated that the citizens can visit the registration centre of the project on the land of Baghdad International Fair to see the residential unites models with their natural areas and to get answers for all questions every day except Friday from 9 a: m till 4p: m, referring to the many field visits to the project site organized by NIC to the registrars to see the workflow, and it is possible for anyone to visit the project after registering his name in the registration centre.

A group of the Technological University Professors and Students Visit BNCp







A group of the Technological University Professors and Students Visit BNCp

Within the program prepared by Hanawah Co. in coordination with the NIC to receive the students of Baghdad and the Technological Universities in order to view the latest construction technologies applied in Bismayah New City project, a group of professors and students of the Technological University visited the project’s site.

The group saw the concrete network under the ground (the tunnel) which length reaches 20 km and contains the electrical cables and telecommunication lines, and they also saw the process of tamping the steel piles in the ground allocated for the housing units, the first patch of which are to be delivered at the beginning of the year 2015.

After walking through the project, they visited the PHC Pile Plant, which is considered as the first of its kind in Iraq and the Middle East, and the pre casting plant, which is considered as the biggest in the world, with having detailed explanations about employing the modern technology in the plant and the construction site.

At the end of the trip, the group expressed their happiness to see the construction of such edifices in the country by using modern technologies that refers to Iraq’s opening up to the international development.

Opening the Biggest PHC Pile Plant in the Middle East

With in the Process of Completing BNCp Infrastructure

Opening the Biggest PHC Pile Plant in the Middle East     

NIC announced opening the PHC pile plant by Hanawah, the executing company of the project of Bismayah New City supervised by the National Investment Commission, which is one of the supporting plants for the pre casting steel plant being constructed on the project’s ground.

A source in the company assured that the plant is the first of its kind in the Middle East where piles are produced according to the latest international technologies explaining that producing piles goes through several stages starting with formulating the steel mould as a cylindrical column, where as the second stage includes filling the mould with the steel with fast rotating to obtain high durability, while in the third stage the piles are dried by special steam furnaces.

The source added that the production capacity for the plant reaches 200 piles a day, referring that the current month witnessed making the first experiment process of tamping the steel piles in the housing block number (A1) in Bismayah New City which was fully successful and attended by Hanawah staff, the resident engineer and the NIC media office.

The source also said that after a week of extensive experiments, they started tamping the soil using the produced piles in the first residential complex in the city representing the first step in launching the construction of the housing units in Bismayah New city.

Worth mentioning that Bismayah New City project includes constructing 100 thousand housing units with all related services according to latest world specifications and the project is part of an ambitious plan by the NIC to build 1 million housing units all over the country, approximately 250 thousand units of which is Baghdad’s quota.