National Authority for Investment and Business Conference held Iraqi investment – German

In order to increase the volume of German investments in Iraq, the National Authority for Investment and Business Conference held Iraqi investment – German state-sponsored Mr. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki held a National Commission for Investment Business and Investment Conference (Iraqi – German) in Baghdad Tuesday, 02.05.2013 in the presence of Deputy Prime Minister state Dr. Rose Nuri Shaways and Transport Minister German (Peter Ramsawr) and Transport Minister Iraqi professor Hadi al-Amiri and a member of the House of Representatives German Mrs. (Dagmar Worrell) and representatives of more than 50 German companies, as well as a large number of officials and businessmen in both countries in order to enhance relations economic relations between the two countries to serve the common interests. In a speech opening the conference, Dr. Sami Raouf al-Araji, head of the National Investment Commission that the Commission has paid since its inception special attention to the issue of attracting capital, national and foreign companies prestigious World to contribute to the reconstruction of Iraq, where she worked with the government agencies concerned and the House of Representatives to provide legal protection and safeguards and exceptions tax credits for investments through amendments to the Investment Law No. (13) for the year 2006 to give the best opportunities for investors. He pointed out that the amendments included the introduction of the concept of the developer who is the establishment and management of cities and residential investment areas safe and allowing investors to workers in these projects to enjoy the benefits of vacation investment from date of issue and not from the date of issuance of license the original developer, the establishment of a fund to support investment enjoys legal personality and is linked at the National Investment to enable them to Access to finance investment projects and participate in raising the ceiling of exemptions of customs to include the entire duration of the project and when he entered the stage of commercial operation, requiring ministries to allocate land prone to invest for the body to be included within the investment map and allocated to the investor, compensate the investor for the investment project in the event of nationalization or expropriation under the rule judicial, as well as the repeal or amendment of several laws that hinder or do not conform with the provisions of the Investment Law. He said al-Araji said the government realized that any success of the process of investment in Iraq requires the development of banking and financial sector, this has embarked on the task of restructuring and modernization of this sector, which consists of 41 banks, including (7) government and (34) are owned by the private sector to keep up with the work of banks the world and the ability to provide the requirements success of the investment process, as well as providing rules banking would increase efficiency and contribute to the support of investment and a free market economy, in addition to the start of the Iraqi market for securities in the exercise of its role in attracting investment through the introduction of التدوال-mail along the lines of what the case in international stock markets. With regard to the housing sector and real estate development between the head of the National Investment Commission that Iraq needs three million housing units during the next ten years, and as a result it has initiated the National Investment Commission in an ambitious program aims to build one million housing units through private investment which culminated in the efforts to sign an agreement with the company Hanwha, South Korea to build a city بسماية new southeast of Baghdad, and by 100 thousand housing units and a total cost estimated at about eight billion dollars, where he entered this project into effect a few months ago, indicating that the body is about to sign investment contracts for the construction of residential cities, typical in Karbala (City the banks of Karbala by 40,000 thousand residential units) and Baghdad (development project Rasheed Camp previously by 70,000 thousand residential units and a project to build the city of the future rate of 30,000 housing units and the construction of 20,000 thousand residential units in the area of ​​Dabbash in Baghdad), plus there are great opportunities to invest in various economic sectors, including (telecommunications, transport, industry, education, health, etc.). Indicating that Iraq and by the expectations of a number of international economic institutions to suggest that the Iraqi economy will be among the ten fastest-growing in 2013. For his part, Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways in his speech that the government is ready to provide all forms of support to German companies and to overcome all the obstacles they faced in Iraq, noting that the focus of the concerns of the government is to bring foreign investment and stimulate business and diversify its funding sources by activating sector industrial and agricultural sectors which foreign investment can play an important role in this area to achieve the desired development. At the same praised Transport Minister German (Peter Ramsawr) in his speech warmly hospitality and reception that greeted the visiting delegation and conveyed the greetings of the German government to the government and people of Iraq, noting that the Almatmervi Baghdad is of great significance after the first conference in Germany several months before to promote bilateral relations, announcing at the same time the German government’s willingness to provide assistance to Iraq in all areas and access to the investment process and participate in through large projects a manner that promotes economic cooperation between the two countries. On the sidelines of the conference held three sessions of discussion first discussed investment opportunities in the transport sector of Iraq, which asked the representatives of the Ministry of Transport, the number of investment opportunities on the German side, either the session panel discussion second was dedicated to discuss investment opportunities in the housing sector and construction, water resources and urban development On the third and final session addressed the investment opportunities available in the manufacturing sector of Iraq. This conference was attended by representatives of a number of ministries are (financial, oil, electricity, Planning, Industry, Construction and Housing, water resources), as well as a number of members of the Iraqi parliament and governors and heads of boards of some provinces and heads of Investment provinces, as Congress saw the presence of effective by non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations, in addition to the Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, the Iraqi Federation of Industries, the Federation of Iraqi businessmen, the Iraqi National Business Council, an independent economic grouping, the Association of Iraqi banks, and the Federation of Iraqi contractors.

special training course for the management of investment zones in Iraq


In collaboration with OECD and NIC special training course for the management of investment zones in Iraq The National Investment Commission ( NIC) organized in Baghdad recently a training course for two days in cooperation with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development( OECD) dedicated on investment zone management in Iraq to develop the participants ability to put the foundations for the legal and financial system . NIC advisor Dr. Abdullah Al-Bander, welcomed the participants that represent several ministries (Industry and Minerals, Communication, Finance and NIC) on behalf of Dr. Sami Al-Araji, NIC chairman had stressed the NIC priority to create a well-qualified cadre with international expertise in investment and investment zones management. Al-Bander also confirmed the great role played by OECD to activate investment zone management and its role in attracting FDI (foreign direct investment) to Iraq and organizing many conferences in cooperation with NIC in neighboring countries such as : Jordan ,Turkey ,France ,Lebanon resulted in drafting the legal system for investment zone management which is now under the process of legislation in the Parliament. Mr. Anderson – Iraq project coordinator in OECD expressed his happiness for holding this session in Iraq and not in neighboring counties’ as before . He also stressed the economic role played by Iraq recently. investment zone was adopted by NIC according to Article 9 of investment lawNo.13 for 2006 as amended in order to overcome the obstacles faced by investors. NIC has suggested many investment zones such as :(BIAP ,Hutain in Babylon province, Al-forat Al- Awsat area , the free duty zone between Nineveh and Duhouk and Al-Zubair area in Basra)

Investment opportunities in the industrial sector

The Ministry of Industry and Minerals has the pleasure to invite the investors, financers, and International specialized Companies to participate in the investment opportunities of the rehabilitation and upgrading of its companies and factories as a complete company or as a separate factories as listed below :-

  1. Ur State Company / Thi Qar Governorate
    • Cables factory
    • Aluminum sections factory
  2. The State Company for Paper Industries
    • Maysan Paper factory
    • Basrah Paper factory
  3. The State Company for Tiers Industries / Najaf
  4. The State Company for Al- Mishraq Sulfer
    • Sulphuric Acid factory
    • Alum factory
  5. The State Company for Cotton Industries / Baghdad – al- Khadimiah
    • Medical products factory
  6. The State Company for Vegetable Oil
    • Al- Ameen factory/ Baghdad
    • Al- Maamoon factory / Baghdad
    • Al- Mutasim factory / Ali al- Hadi factory/ Salah Aldeen Governorate
  7. The State Company for glass and ceramics
    • The Glass factory
    • The Ceramics factory
    • Medical Bottels factory
  8. The State Company for Petrochemical
  9. The State Company for Iron and Steel
    • Spiral Welded Pipe factory / Basra
  10. The State Company for South Fertilizers
    • Abu khaseeb factory
  11. The State Company for Dairy Products
    • Dijla factory for processed cheese (Triangular an Rectangular) / Abu Ghraib
    • Bilady factory / Abu Ghraib
    • Mosul Dairy factory
    • Diywania Dairy factory
  12. The state Company for Tobacco and Cigarettes Industries
    • Al- Nasser Cigarettes factory
  13. The State Company for Sugar Industries
    • Maysan Sugar Factory / (including sugar factory + the farm + the port)
    • Mosul Sugar factory
  14. The State Company for Southern Cement
    • Al- Samawa Old factory
    • Paper bags factory / Kufa
    • Al- Basra Cement factory
    • Lime plant
    • Al- Najaf Al- Ashraf Cement factory

The investors are invited to participate in these opportunities due to its importance, feasibility, and good benefits such as the availability of raw materials locally at low prices and skilled labor force.

The agreement with the investing companies will be on the base of partnerships in production and management targeting to increase the production capacity to cover the local demand of these important products.

The investment opportunities documents may be allocated from the investment department/ Ministry of Industry and Minerals against a payment of (150,000 IQD) for each factory starting from June .20.2012.

The Ministry reserves the right to award one factory only in a state owned factory in case they receive a complete offer.

In the case of receiving an offer for the entire company and for one or more of its factories, then the priority will be for the offer submitted for the entire company if the share given is accepted by the Ministry.

The Ministry is fully ready to provide all the detailed information and facilitate site visits to the companies’ location.

The Ministry would like to draw the attention of the specialized and concerned Companies that they should submit their proposals according to conditions in the investment file not later than 12:00 am Sunday September .2.2012

A special attention will be given to the technical and development side and the financial capability.
You can visit the Ministry website or contact Investment dept. at the Ministry for any additional information of the following address.
E- mail:

Ministry of Industry and Minerals
Investment Department
Tel: 00964 1 8166040
Nidhal Street
Baghdad – Iraq

National Investment Commission holds the Iraqi – German Investment and Business Conference

In order to increase the size of German investment in Iraq

National Investment Commission holds the Iraqi – German Investment and Business Conference


Under the patronage of H.E Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki the National Investment Commission held Business and Investment Conference in Baghdad on the 5 th Feb, 2013 with the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shawis and German Transport Minister (Peter Ramsawr) and Iraqi Transport Minister Hadi al-Ameri in addition to the German MP Mrs. (Dagmar Worrell) with the representatives of more than (50) German companies, as well as a large number of officials and businessmen in both countries in order to promote economic relations between the two countries to serve the common interests. Dr. Sami Al- araji ( NIC Chairman) In his opening speech confirmed that NIC has paid special attention to the issue of attracting national and foreign capital. In addition to the international companies to contribute to the reconstruction of Iraq. NIC worked with government entities and parliament to provide legal protection and tax exemption through amendments to the Investment Law No. (13) For the year 2006 to give the best opportunities for investors.
he also explained that the amendments included introducing the developer concept who will establish and manage investment zones ,residential cities as well as safe investment areas allowing the investors in these projects to enjoy the benefits of investment license from the date of its issuance and not from the date of issuing the license of the original developer, to set up a fund to support investment that enjoys legal personality to be connected with NIC enabling the latter to finance investment projects and participate in them, and raise the ceiling of the tax and customs exemptions to cover the entire duration of the project until reaching the stage of commercial operation, requiring ministries to allocate land put up for investment for NIC to be included within the investment map and, compensate the investor for the investment project in the event of nationalization or expropriation under the rule judicial, as well as the repeal or amendment of several laws that impede or do not fit with the provisions of the Investment Law. Al- Araji added that the government realized that any success of the investment process in Iraq requires the developing the banking and financial sector, that’s why the government has started the process of restructuring and modernizing the sector, that consists of (41) banks including (7) governmental and (34) private ones in order to comply with the work of international banks and provide the requirements of success to the investment process, as well as providing efficient banking rules that could contribute to supporting investment and the free market economy, in addition to starting the Iraqi exchange practicing its role in attracting investment that using the electronic trading system as applicable in global stock markets. Regarding the housing sector and real estate development, the NIC Chairman said that Iraq needs three million housing units over the next ten years, and as a result NIC has embarked on a program aims to build one million housing units through private investment where efforts has culminated to sign a contract with Hanawah company , South Korea one, to build Bismayah new city which is located in Baghdad with a capacity of 100 thousand housing units with a total cost estimated at about eight billion dollars. H e also referred that NIC is about to sign an investment contracts to build new cities in Karbala (Dhifaf Karbala city with a capacity of 40,000 residential units)and in Baghdad (developing Al-Rasheed Camp to be a housing city with a capacity of 70,000 residential units and a project to build the future city with a capacity of 30,000 thousand housing units and the construction of 20,000 thousand residential units in al- Dabbash area in Baghdad), in addition to great opportunities to invest in various economic sectors (telecommunications, transport, industry, education, health, etc.).Indicating that Iraq and through the expectations of a number of international economic institutions will be among the ten fastest-growing economies in 2013. In his turn, Deputy Prime Minister ,Ruz Nuri Shawis, said that the government is ready to provide all kinds of support to German companies and to overcome all the obstacles they might face in Iraq, referring that the focus of Iraqi government is to bring foreign investments and stimulate business and diversify its sources of funding during activating industrial and agricultural sectors that enable foreign investment to play an important role in this area to achieve the desired development. At the same level the German Transport Minister (Peter Ramsawr) in a speech showed his gratitude to the warm hospitality and reception for the visiting delegation and conveyed the greetings of the German government to the Government and people of Iraq, noting that the conference in Baghdad is of great importance after the first conference in Germany several months before to strengthen the bilateral relations, declaring at the same time the readiness of the German government to provide assistance to Iraq in all fields and to enter the investment process and participate in the large projects in the way that enhances economic cooperation between the two countries. On the margins of the conference three discussion sessions were held ,the first one discussed the available investment opportunities in Iraqi transport sector , the second session was dedicated to discuss the investment opportunities in the construction and housing ,Water Resources and Urban Development sectors while the last one dealt with the investment opportunities in the Iraqi manufacturing sector . This conference was attended by representatives from ministries of (Finance, Oil, Electricity, Construction and Housing, Planning, Industry and Water Resources) in addition to Members of parliament, governors, and heads of provincial councils and chairman’s of provincial investment commissions. The conference also witnessed effective presence by government organizations ,civil society organizations, Arab- German Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Iraq Chambers of Commerce, Iraq Federation of Industries, , Iraqi businessmen Union, Iraqi National Business council, Independent economic grouping, Iraqi Banks Association and Union of Arab Contractors

National Investment Commission signed a memorandum of strategic cooperation with the Korean Foundation for Development, Trade and Investment (KOTRA)


For the Purpose of Increasing the Korean Investments in Iraq,

The National Investment Commission represented by its chairman Dr. Sami Al-Araji has signed a strategic memorandum of cooperation with the chairman of the Korean Organization for Development, trade and investment (KOTRA) O young Hu to increase the size of investment and economic exchange between Iraq and South Korea.

In his speech in this occasion Dr. Sami Al-Araji reviewed the investment opportunities available in the country, urging the Korean companies to invest in all economic sectors in Iraq for the interest of both countries.

The signing ceremony was attended by Deputy Minister of Economy and Knowledge and both countries’ ambassadors in addition to 200 companies and 60 businessmen

Dr. Sami Al-Araji met the Korean Minister of Land, Transport and Maritime

During his visit to Seoul Dr. Sami Al-Araji met the Korean Minister of Land, Transport and Maritime (Kune Do Yupp) to discuss the ways of developing cooperation in economic sectors in Iraq for the interest of both countries

Dr. Sami Al-Araji confirmed during a press conference in this occasion that Bismayah New city Project is in progress and the implementation is going as planned,

Dr. Sami Al-Araji urged the Korean companies to enter the Iraqi market that has great economic and investment opportunities on the international level


The National Investment Commission is pleased to announce the investment opportunity of establishing new Foodstuff Testing Laboratories in the border crossing points in order to control all foodstuffs entering Iraq, providing that laboratories are constructed according to special specifications that ensure the safe storing of all kinds of foodstuff.
Laboratories shall be constructed according to investment law No. 13 for the year 2006.Investment applications are to be submitted either directly to the National Investment Commission or through the email

National Investment Commission ..The absence of any indication of contamination in the residential draft

Response to the remarks of Mr. deputy Jawad Alshahyla, member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee in some media on pollution site of بسماية project residential nuclear radiation and interfering with incorrect information about the efforts of the National Investment Commission in a residential بسماية project .. Todd Authority and belief to transparency and openness that shows the following: –

A team from the Ministry of Environment / Prevention Centre of the radiation scan radiation comprehensive measure the level of radioactivity on the land allocated for the project بسماية residential and by letter of the Ministry of Environment No. 238 of 18.03.2012, as proved readings radiometric survey and examination of samples of soil and water no indication for radioactive contamination and that all measurements were within the limits of the background radiation and the possibility of using the site for the project mentioned above

Hence valued reassure citizens that the project continues according to the time plan set for its implementation and not the basis for the correctness of the information published about the non-implementation draft residential بسماية, which is one of the strategic projects and the dream of decent citizen.


Babylon Investment Commission participates in the conference of “Supporting Iraqi Business Women”

Babylon Investment Commission participated in the conference of Supporting Iraqi Businesswomen under the slogan of (Woman is half of the society … Hand in hand we build Iraq) for the period from (10-11.08.10) on the land of Babylon resort.
A source in Babylon Investment Commission informed the NIC Media Office That Dr. Ibraheem Rasool, BIC member of the board represented the commission in the conference mentioning that the conference had included a speech by Mrs. Suhaila abdul Redha, member of the Provincial Council through which she stressed the importance of supporting such conferences and paying more attention for Iraqi Businesswomen .
Mr. Tariq Majeed, representative of Babylon Governor also gave a speech through which he assured the support of the local government for such conferences.
The news source added that a workshop had been held during the conference focused on the Role of Babylon Investment