Land for Investment

Investment Opportunity

The National Investment Commission is pleased to announce Al- Bathaa Land (private ownership) to be used for investment purposes , the land area is 3100 Dunam which starts north from Euphrates river and ends south with the old Ur railway line , to the west the land is adjacent to the Bathaa district while close to the center of Thi Qar Province from the east .
Nasiriyah – Bathaa electricity line and pure water line goes transversally through the land which is also divided by Baghdad – Basra high way.
To the east of the land there is a fuel station, rest house and a restaurant.
There is an irrigation pump of 145 horse capacity .
Archaeological sites:
The southern side of the land is considered the closest point to Ur Ziggurat with (8-10) Km distance and the same distance from the Prophet Abraham Grave and there is also (Black Ishan)Hill (Ur Archaeological sites) while the (White Ishan) Hill is situated to the east and (Sibta)Hill to the west (also Ur Archaeological sites) .
The land could be suitable for various investment purposes:
– Tourism
– Housing
– Agricultural
– Industrial
– Services projects (Hospitals, Universities …. etc)

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami AIaraji The private sector is an important partner in the process of rebuilding Iraq.


During a meeting with the Heads of Union of chambers of commerce in Iraq the
NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami AIaraji ….. The private sector is an important partner in the process of rebuilding Iraq

The chairman of NIC said that the existence of database or Bank of information includes all the economic data in the private sectors taking into consideration the miscellaneous function in all provinces is an essential and an urgent matter to develop the private sectors.
He added during the meeting held with the Union of chambers of commerce that the Union represents the most important player in the economic process in Iraq and also plays an important historical role in economic policy. AIaraji hailed the history of the private sector in Iraq presented by the economic and commercial entities such as INBC which includes more than 100 businessmen. AIaraji also stressed the importance of participation of all representatives of the private sectors in the organized economic activities inside and outside Iraq to reflect a deep investment and economic vision expressing positively the activities of the private sectors in Iraq .Regarding the cooperation with the big international organizations which seek to benefit from the experience of the private sector in Iraq he referred to the importance of making alignment between the private sector in Iraq and some international organizations that have their conditions and requirements which can open new horizon in the free economy in Iraq. He stressed the importance of sustainable relationship between the two parties and not limited to attending the forums and conferences only which help to attract these international gatherings through professional organization, foreign and domestic, owners of capital and businessmen who present our substrate abroad and contribute to attract the companies to enter the Iraqi market through their contact and acquaintance with the private sector in Iraq. on the other hand the chairman of NIC explained that the big and important projects waiting for the private sectors such as investment projects and deferred payment as well as the investment partnerships with the public sector which became a vast field for the private sector and he confirmed the importance of the cooperation with the provincial investment commissions to play an important role in the economic development of provinces to produce the best services for the citizens. From his part Mr. Gaffer -Alhamdany, the chairman of the Union of Chambers of Commerce, submitted a detailed historical presentation about the Union of Chambers of Commerce in Iraq that was established in 1889 including more than million merchants and (176) thousand registered company. He also expressed the readiness of INBC to build bridges of cooperation and put all abilities of the union under the disposal of the government and NIC which sponsors the private activity in Iraq to participate in the construction, stressing the union’s constant need to support the government materially and morally to involve the union with its representatives in the investment activities inside and outside Iraq which contributes to develop their abilities and experience. At last Alaraji listened to some suggestions and opinions of the Heads of Chambers of Commerce in the provinces which are related to investment in the various sectors as well as the participation of Chambers of Commerce in the investment opportunities in cooperation with the provincial investment commissions and facilitating their tasks in building and reconstruction also the NIC promised to address all problems in coordination with the concerned entities.

NIC Chairman Reasserts the Necessity of Activating the Investment Process in all provinces


During his Meeting with the Chairmen of the Provincial Investment Commissions
NIC Chairman Reasserts the Necessity of Activating the Investment Process in all provinces

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji reasserted the importance of allocating lands suitable for investment in the provinces with classifying them in terms of sectors (industrial, commercial, agricultural or housing) lining with the aspirations of the investment map in Iraq for the year 2012, referring to the necessity of preparing a data base for these lands in each province that can actively help in the evaluation process.
The above speech came during heading an expanded meeting for chairmen of all provincial Investment commissions during which Dr. Al- Araji stressed the importance of finishing the new investment map for each province in the various sectors which is to be promoted during all events and international investment conferences for companies and capitals holders.

About investment law and the requirements of the coming phase, NIC Chairman made clear that the coming period shall witness modifying some articles of the investment law No. 13 of the year 2006 and a number of other laws that contradict with the investment law in a way that grants investors more privileges with concentrating on activating the One Stop Shop special role to be played in order to facilitate the procedures needed to be taken to obtain the investment license through granting Ministries representatives wider authorities to make final decisions on behalf of their ministries.

NIC Chairman also listened to a number of suggestions and opinions of the chairmen of PICs regarding the investment in the various sectors promising to eliminate all obstacles that hinder implementing investment projects in all provinces.

Investment Opportunity

Investment opportunity

The National Investment Commission is pleased to announce the investment opportunity to construct a complete residential complex for the employees of the Shiite Endowments Directorate in Baghdad – Karrada district within a total area of (60) acres in accordance with the Investment law No. 13 of 2006 as amended and according to the requirements set below:
1- The project includes the establishment of a residential complex of vertical eight-storey buildings each

2- Number of units to be implemented is (2400) housing units with areas of (125 m ², 175 m ², 225 m ²)
3- Constructing schools for the three phases with nurseries – medical centre – a shopping and marketing center – a cultural center – services (water, sewage, power stations and generators).
4- a playground, passengers roads, parking spaces and green areas in accordance with the in forced relevant standards of the Municipality of Baghdad and the Ministry of Housing and Construction.
5- The system of funding for this project will be supported through a bank that should be accredited by the Central Bank of Iraq to be a mediator between the beneficiary and the investor while the cost of each apartment and the payment mechanism is to be negotiated with the investing company and the mediator bank.
Investors who wish to apply for this investment opportunity can provide their technical, economic and financing plans and fill in the investment application form available on the website of the National Investment Commission and attach requirements described on page (7) of the same form.

Note: You can apply for this investment opportunity within one month from the date of publication of this announcement.