Babil Investment Commission hosts a meeting for Provincial Investment Commissions

In Order to discuss investment problems
Babil Investment Commission hosts a meeting for Provincial Investment Commissions

A number of investment commissions’ chairmen discussed some of investment topics during a meeting held in Babil Investment Commission and run By Mr. Ala Harba, BIC chairman.
Statute No. 7 and the range of its impact on investment projects was discussed during the meeting in addition to discussing problems and obstacles facing investment process.
Other important topics were also discussed during the meeting like utilizing the infrastructure for investment projects and establishing an investment bank with updating a unified investment map for Iraq and activating the One stop shop law.

Anbar Investment Commission Holds a Meeting to Discuss Constructing Industrial Cities

Anbar Investment Commission Holds a Meeting to Discuss Constructing Industrial Cities

Anbar investment Commission held a meeting in the One Stop Shop Dept. headed by the commission’s Chairman, Mr. Farhan Awadh and attended by the commission’s vice chairman and representatives of the provincial government, the provincial experts’ office and managers of investment affairs departments.
Anbar Investment commission Chairman stressed the importance of attending all relative sides all meetings held in the commission in order to eliminate all obstacles that might hinder investments inflows into the governorate assuring that “Investment in Anbar will step confidently forward this year especially after issuing the statute of leasing and possessing lands in addition to the remarkable improvement in the security situation the matter that creates an attractive investment climate in the governorate.
Mr. Farhan added that his commission made exceptional efforts to delegate the heads of the concerned departments outside Iraq in order to get them acquainted with the investment experiences of the neighboring countries which will unify visions among the departments concerned with attracting investment and the investment commission to establish an investment environment that contributes to attracting investors into the governorate.
The AIC Chairman presented a presentation briefing investment licenses granted so far assuring that the commission is serious in following up the licensed projects implementation stages and that it already had withdrawn seven licenses for the reluctance shown in running the implementation.
Several other projects were discussed during the meeting like Faluja Farm project which is considered one of the most important tourists sites in the governorate stressing the necessity of making serious efforts to prepare this site for investment. AIC chairman also stressed the importance of unifying efforts to establish the industrial cities in the governorate for the active role it can play to enhance economy and absorb unemployment.

NIC Holds the Iraqi- Turkish Forum in Baghdad


Under the Patronage of H. E Prime Minister Nuri Al- Maliki
And on the Purpose of Attracting Turkish Investors to Iraq and Creating Investment Partnerships between the two Countries
NIC Holds the Iraqi- Turkish Forum in Baghdad

Under the patronage of H. E Prime Minister Mr. Nuri Al- Maliky, NIC held the Iraqi – Turkish Investment Forum in Baghdad that aimed at attracting Turkish Investors and capitals to enter the Iraqi market and participate in the strategic investment projects in the various sectors and create investment partnerships between the two countries that can serve mutual interests.
Nuri Al- Maliky – Iraqi Prime Minister said in the speech he gave during the conference which was attended by H. E Mr. Rajab Taieb Ardogan – Turkish Prime Minister and a number of Ministers from both sides and more than 200 Turkish businessmen and companies representatives in addition to the elite of the Iraqi businessmen, Al- Maliki said “The Iraqi government is challenging time to accelerate the process of reconstruction, investment and providing the needed services to Iraqi people through being opened to the neighboring countries companies, adding; We all in the council of Ministers, the parliament and the National Investment Commission are supporting the process of reconstruction and investment and ready to submit all the needed facilities to companies willing to work in Iraq.”
H. E the Turkish Prime Minister in his turn expressed his happiness and appreciation for the warm welcome that greeted he and his entourage, stressing his country’s readiness to participate in the works of building and reconstructing Iraq in addition to participating in implementing the big and strategic investment projects assuring the strength of the relations between the two neighboring countries by saying that Iraq and Turkey are as brotherly as Tigris and Euphrates.
On the same context, NIC chairman Dr. Sami al- Araji stressed Iraq willingness to start wide economic relations in all sectors with Turkey calling for the Turkish companies to launch the promising Iraqi market and create investment partnerships with the Iraqi public and private sectors in a way that suits both countries intentions to build solid economic ties.
The Forum was anticipated by a seminar between the Iraqi businessmen and Turkish businessmen and investors during which Dr. Al- Araji explained investment opportunities in more than 10 economic sectors as ( Housing, Infrastructure, Oil & Gas, Industry, Agriculture, Water Resources, Electricity, Transport, Health, Education, Telecommunications and Tourism).
A number of questions and interventions by Turkish and Iraqi businessmen were witnessed during the seminar through which visions and thoughts were exchanged to remove all obstacles that hinders the foreign investors’ work in Iraq.

Investment Opportunity

Investment Opportunity

In conjunction with the Ministry of Health and Baghdad Investment commission, NIC announces the project of Arab Child Hospital in Baghdad (located at the entrance of the IZ) as an investment opportunity for Local and foreign investors and companies according to the amended investment law No. 13 provisions.

General information:

1- The hospital is located in Karadat Miriam – IZ entrance on the lot number 505/76 of a total area of (211590) Ulke.
2- The lot was allocated for the Ministry of health according to the contract No. (1117109) and the Council of Ministers letter No. 2391 in 28.09.2008.
3- The building consists of (6) stairs (damaged)
4- The main purpose behind announcing this investment opportunity is investing the building mentioned by a local or foreign investor or company according to the technical conditions and requirements of constructing the specialty medical centers.
Preferred specializations:
A specialty hospital for the treatment of infertility and IVF – 30 Bed in minimum
A hospital for heart surgery – 30 beds in minimum

5- Applying for this project shall require previewing the site by the interested investor.
Investment license applications can be found on the One Stop Shop page of our site.
Applications should be submitted directly to the NIC or by email to .

NIC Chairman Dr. Sami Al- Araji stresses the Desire to Reinforce Investment and Economic cooperation between Iraq and South Korea


At His Meeting with the South Korean Minister of Economy

NIC Chairman Dr. Sami Al- Araji stresses the Desire to Reinforce Investment and Economic cooperation between Iraq and South Korea

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji stressed the NIC desire to reinforce means of economic cooperation between Iraq and South Korea through implementing huge investment projects by South Korean companies in Iraq.
This came during his meeting with the Minister of Economy of South Korea Mr. Choi Joong Kyung who emphasized that Iraq is a rich country and enjoying an abundance of natural resources that make it a fertile investment land in the various sectors.
Dr. Al- Araji praised the big economic expertise and capacities Korean companies have and which Iraq is in need for the advancement of different sectors like industrial, agricultural, energy, housing, transport and telecommunication referring that NIC is currently negotiating with a number of South Korean companies to participate in implementing part of the project of the one million housing units in all Iraqi provinces, which reached the advanced stages of negotiations hoping that the next few months shall witness the implementation of the project.
NIC Chairman showed the commission’s readiness to submit all facilities and guaranties mentioned in the investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 and its amendments to the South Korean companies and other companies willing to invest in Iraq stressing that NIC is following a careful selective strategy in choosing the companies to implement investment projects in Iraq.
The South Korean Minister in his turn expressed his happiness with the warm reception the Korean delegation was met with assuring his government desire to reinforce investment cooperation in a way that serves both countries benefits.

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji:Economic Reform Is the Most Important objective in the Government Five Year Plan


At His Meeting with a Delegation of American Economic Specialists
NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji:
Economic Reform Is the Most Important objective in the Government Five Year Plan

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji stressed that the economic reform is one of the most important objectives focused on by the government for the next period through its five year plan 2010-2014
Dr. Sami added, at his meeting with a delegation of American economic specialists and expats, that the National Investment Commission is currently negotiating implementing huge strategic projects that could vitalize the investment process all over the country, one of these important projects is the project of the One Million Housing Units in all provinces explaining that the project will be implemented by the biggest international companies.
He also said that the NIC is adopting other huge strategic projects like Dhifaf Karbala in Karbala province and Al- Mustaqbal and Al- Rasheed Projects in Baghdad, reassuring that Iraq is a fertile investment land and that Iraqi investment law is enhancing investors to enter the promising Iraqi market.
NIC Chairman stressed the commission’s readiness to submit all privileges and guaranties granted by investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 and its amendments and to overcome all difficulties facing investment companies willing to invest in Iraq in different sectors.
The visiting delegation in its turn highly praised the progress Iraq is currently witnessing hoping that NIC could achieve all objectives assigned to it by attracting foreign investments in to Iraq.