NIC Hosting the Ceremony of Signing Economic MOU between Iraq and Germany


A ceremony was held on the NIC premises in Baghdad to sign a MOU on economic development between Iraq and Germany; Iraqi side was represented by Mr. Rodg Nori Shawees, Deputy Prime Minister while the German side was represented by Mr. Dirk Niebel, German Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development.
H. E Mr. Rodg NOri Shawees had given a speech through which he welcomed the visiting delegation and stressed the serious desire of the Iraqi Government to reinforce the joint cooperation with Germany calling for the German companies to hasten their existence in Iraq for the good reputation these companies used to be enjoying in a way that serves developing means of economic, investment and commercial cooperation in all sectors between the two countries.
In the same context, NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji asserted that the signed agreement will enhance joint cooperation between Iraq and Germany and in the same time it represents the serious efforts to create sustainable economic partnership in various fields on both short and long terms, adding that the German side had proposed the idea of establishing what can be called the German House as an attracting center for the German companies to work in Iraq.
Dr. Sami also discussed receiving a bigger delegation of the German companies next March to complete the discussions series between the two countries stressing that NIC is welcoming all countries willing to cooperate with Iraq in economic and investment fields and ready to submit all facilities for the success of the agreement between the two countries.
The German Minister, in his turn had conveyed his gratitude and appreciation for the warm reception meant to the German delegation referring that Iraq must be a proud country for the democracy it is enjoying and for maintaining human rights and peaceful coexistence that ensure a strong cohesive society.
Head of the German Industries Union, a delegation member said that German companies are keen to work in Iraq and had shown his hope for this visit to provide the appropriate ground for joining the ongoing investment process calling for businessmen in both countries to exchange opinions and ideas in different economic fields to create a real partnership between the two sides.
Mr. Ibrahim Baghdadi- representative of the Iraqi private sector stressed in his turn, the desire of the Iraqi businessmen to open contact channels with the German side in all sectors.
Worthwhile to mention that the German Minister was accompanied by a delegation that included parliamentary and Economy figures in addition to several German media organizations representatives.

NIC Vice Chairman Holding an International Conference to Develop Health Sector in Iraq

During his meeting with Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Health and the Representative of WHO
NIC Vice Chairman… Holding an International Conference to Develop Health Sector in Iraq

NIC Vice Chairman, Mr. Salar Muhammed Ameen met with the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Health, Dr.Essam Namuq and the WHO representative in Iraq, Dr. Jaafar Hussien.
Discussions about how to develop Health sector in Iraq in coordination with NIC was led during the meeting in addition to other subjects most important of which is establishing private hospitals all over Iraq in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization.
NIC Vice Chairman informed the NIC Media Office that the result of the meeting was agreeing upon holding an international conference in Baghdad next August to be attended by governmental and non- governmental entities with the companies specialized in health care sector.

NIC Holds the Periodic Meeting for the OSS Sectoral Representatives


Aiming at Activating the Ministerial Representatives Role in Making the Investment Process in Iraq a Success
NIC Holds the Periodic Meeting for the OSS Sectoral Representatives

The periodic meeting for the OSS sectoral representatives was held within the NIC premises aiming at activating the role of the Ministerial representatives to make the ongoing investment process a success. The meeting was headed by Dr. Sami Al- Araji, NIC Chairman who had given his directives for the One Stop Shop Department to provide investors with all requirements needed to issue investment licenses within the period specified in investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 which is (15 days). NIC Chairman also said during the meeting that the OSS is relying on two bases in performing its duties, the first is the department’s employees and the other is the sectoral representatives stressing the important role representatives are required to act within their ministries in order to provide NIC with the technical information required to utilize investment opportunities in addition to the importance of obtaining the required authorities to get approvals on investment applications sent to their ministries. Dr. Sami also talked about the land allocation subject and the problems accompanying it which had been mostly solved after the issuance of the statute No. 7 for the year 2010 which had laid down new instructions for selling and leasing state owned properties for investment purposes.

Aiming at Activating the MOU between NIC and the Japanese Center for Cooperation with Middle East Region

Aiming at Activating the MOU between NIC and the Japanese Center for Cooperation with Middle East Region
NIC Holds the First meeting of Deliberative

The first meeting of deliberative for the committee formed to follow up activating the Memorandum of Understanding between NIC and JCCME was held at the NIC premises.
NIC Vice Chairman started the meeting with an elaborated explanation for the most important issues, agreed upon in the MOU signed during the second Arab – Japanese Conference held in Tunisia last December, stressing the importance of cooperation with the Japanese Center in opening new contact channels with the Japanese companies willing to invest in Iraq and promoting available investment opportunities with checking the possibility of creating commercial and investment partnerships between Iraqi and Japanese’s companies.Mr. Ameen confirmed the NIC determination to provide Japanese companies with all facilities required to start their projects in Iraq in the various sectors. Mr. Luqman Al- Faily, Iraqi Ambassador to Japan in his turn gave a speech about the importance of the MOU signed between the two sides highly evaluating the amount of attention the memorandum had been given by the Japanese government and the Japanese private sector since they believe that signing such agreements will result in starting lots of investment partnerships between Iraqi and Japanese companies in all sectors. Mr. Luqman also referred to the Iraqi’s Embassy in Japan efforts to hold periodic workshops for Japanese companies willing to invest in Iraq reviewing available Iraqi investment opportunities.

NIC Participate in Sulaymaniyah Build expo

Aiming at Promotion the Ongoing Investment process in Iraq NIC Participate in Sulaymaniyah Build expo NIC participated in Sulaymaniyah Build Expo for the period 19-22.Jan.2011 together with 131 other companies and governmental sides from Turkish, Iranian, ejyption and UAE origins covered constructional, commercial, Decoration fields. The head of the participating delegation, Mr. Ahmed Al- Zubaidy said that the commission had always been serious to participate in all exhibitions whether local or international aiming at promoting the investment process in Iraq and making known to all investors incentives, privileges and guaranties granted by Iraqi investment law No. 13 for the year 2006. DG of PR, Promotion and Media department added that the NIC booth had witnessed wide range of visitors from companies interested in investing in Iraq most important of which was (DEG group)specialized in cement production and energy field and ( Taxim Hotels) specialized in building 5 stars hotel.The head of the delegation said that opinions had been exchanged and lots of enquiries had been answered especially those regarding investment law and incentives and privileges granted by this law and investment environment.

Saleh Al- Mutlag Discusses Investment Opportunities Map with the NIC Chairman

Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Saleh Al- Mutlag with the NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji the Iraqi investment opportunities map.In a statement made by the Presidency of the Ministers Council mentioned: ” Mr. Al- Mutlag also discussed means of activating Arab and foreign companies contracts and encouraging local investment and establishing big partnerships with developed countries in order to develop Iraqi expertise in all fields.

A Delegation of South Korean companies visit Iraq


Completing all the Technical Preparations to start constructing One Hundred Thousand Housing Unit in Baghdad
A Delegation of South Korean companies visit Iraq

Iraq NIC was recently visited by a number of Korean companies in order to complete the technical and logistic preparations for starting the construction of the one hundred thousand housing units in Baghdad within the project of building one million housing unit all over Iraq adopted by NIC.
An official source in the NIC said that the NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji had received the delegation and confirmed during the meeting, which was attended by the Korean ambassador in Baghdad, the NIC’s readiness to submit all support and help to make the Korean companies work in Iraq a success referring to the state’s serious support for the construction campaign currently going in the country enhancing all ministries to provide investment companies willing to invest in Iraq with all facilities granted by the law.
The official source also added that the delegation which consisted of engineers of different specializations had concluded a series of meetings with all NIC and other ministries concerned people during which they reviewed the project site maps in addition to the field visit the Korean delegation made to several project proposed sites in Baghdad.
In turn the head of the Korean delegation stressed that the Korean companies are keen to achieve what they had proposed to make the project a success.

NIC Chairman Confirms that Iraq Has a Promising Market


During his Meeting with the Australian Ambassador
NIC Chairman Confirms that Iraq Has a Promising Market

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji discussed means of reinforcing economic cooperation between Iraq and Australia with the Australian Ambassador in Baghdad.
Dr. Sami said during the meeting that the Iraqi market is a promising one for the huge investment opportunities it implies in all sectors and in the forefront the infrastructure projects asserting the Commission’s readiness to receive the Australian specialized companies to participate in the ongoing investment process.
The Australian ambassador in his turn stressed his country’s desire in creating real economic partnership with Iraq through participating in the currently going investment process in a way that serves both sides.

Granting about 80 investment license worth of three and a half billion dollars in 2010

Chairman of Baghdad Investment Commission, said that the commission has granted approximately 80 license investment in the capital during the year 2010, distributed to all sectors.
Shaker Al -Zamili said that Baghdad Investment Commission granted seventy-seven investment licenses during 2010, value amounted to three billion and a half million dollars, pointing out that the licenses were distributed to all sectors
Zamili said that a priority of Baghdad Investment Commission work is the housing sector, which has been granted 15 investment licenses for the establishment of 120 000 housing units distributed on large projects under the authority of the Council of Ministers.
He said there were small projects worth up to $ 250 million for the establishment of more than 23 thousand residential units by Baghdad Investment Commission, pointing out that three pieces of land were handed to investors, including Proton Company, Germany, for the establishment of two compounds in Alsabiat in the district of Abu Ghraib, after obtaining all approvals.

An official from Basra: the volume of investments in the province during 2010 exceeded the previous years

Chairman of Basra investment, said on Friday, that the volume of investment projects in the province in 2010 exceeded the previous years, pointing to the need to redraw the investment map of the city in the next stage.
“Investment was a distinct movement in Basra during the current year as it has witnessed the implementation of strategic projects in various sectors” Haidar Ali Fadhil, said.
He added that “Basra Investment Commission granted 12 investment licenses this year, the same number of projects that were licensed last year, 2009, but they differ in terms of the amount invested,” noting that “the volume of investments during this year was too high where they exceeded the cost of housing projects, which was granted an investment license of $ 500 million, while the cost of the projects in the industrial sector reached $ 245 million, as well as small businesses, pointing out that 12 investment license was granted last year too, but with much lower amounts. ”
Fadhil pointed that “Basra Investment Commission has been able during the last period to turn the investment map into real projects on the ground after attracting companies and investors to work in the province,” but he called at the same time to “redraw the map of investment in Basra during the next phase,” considering that a necessity.
Fadhil said the commission is about to begin a new phase of economic development in Basra during the next stage.”
Basra city, the provincial center, is located 590 km to the south of the capital, Baghdad