The leader of the National Investment Authority inspected the residential city of Bismaya. They discussed the requirements with Korean company Hanwha to build 14,000 schools in Baghdad and other provinces.

The head of the National Investment Authority inspected the Bismaya residential city and discussed the requirements for implementing 14,000 schools in Baghdad and other provinces with the Korean company Hanwha.

The Chairman of the National Investment Authority, Dr. Haider Muhammad Makkiya, conducted an inspection tour of the residential city of Bismaya. He looked at the school buildings, their areas, designs, laboratories, and production lines. With the Minister of Education, Dr. Ibrahim Namis Al-Jubouri, the Prime Minister’s Advisor, Dr. Adnan Al-Sarraj, and the Vice President of the Korean Hanwha Company, Mr. Jung Hoon Lee.

His Excellency the Chairman of the Authority said during his tour of the city with the Minister of Education and the Prime Minister’s Advisor: The Bismayah project is one of the most vital strategic projects in the residential sector in Baghdad. It addresses an integral part of the housing problem by providing (100) thousand housing units.

He added that the Iraqi government is determined to create new, integrated cities in most of Iraq’s governorates according to sustainable construction methods, similar to the Bismayah experience.

For his part, the Minister of Education, Dr. Ibrahim Namis Al-Jubouri, expressed: His thanks to His Excellency the Chairman of the Authority for following up on the issue of establishing schools in Baghdad and the governorates, Service to the educational sector through the South Korean company Hanwha.

As the Prime Minister’s Advisor, Dr. Adnan Al-Sarraj, explained, The importance of bridging relations between state institutions in the context of implementing the government program, especially the educational sector, through solid companies specialized in construction and investment methods.

The Chairman of the Authority also held a meeting with the Vice President of the Korean company, Mr. Jong Hoon. They discussed the possibility of establishing (16,000) schools throughout Iraq. By the precise engineering specifications and technical standards that characterize the company’s work in residential units in Bismayah City, Within specific time limits without affecting the work of constructing housing units in the city.

The head of the authority continued, A work program will be launched soon with the Koreans regarding the establishment of schools after reviewing the plans prepared by the company and the Ministry of Education to implement the work according to the contract’s wording, which will include the agreement’s details.

The head of the National Investment Authority led a meeting with the opinion committee to discuss progress in Bismaya.

The chairman of the National Investment Authority leads a meeting of the opinion committee to discuss the progress of work being done in Bismaya.

Dr. Haider Muhammad Makkiya, Chairman of the National Investment Authority, presided over the meeting. An opinion committee convened a meeting to discuss recent developments in the residential city of Bismaya.

The Chairman of the Authority confirmed, In the meeting attended by general directors and department officials, The importance of continuing to complete the procedures related to the South Korean company Hanwha, project financing, Registered citizens receive housing units.

The meeting discussed, The necessity of strengthening the components of the local investment environment by simplifying procedures and implementing the law to ensure investor protection. We are encouraging confidence in the investment reality in Iraq.

The Chairman of the National Investment Authority visits the State of Qatar and meets with the Minister of Industry and Trade

The Chairman of the National Investment Authority visits the State of Qatar and meets with the Minister of Industry and Trade.

The Chairman of the National Investment Authority, Dr. Haider Muhammad Makkiya, discussed Cooperating with Qatar’s Minister of Trade and Industry, Sheikh Mohammed bin Hamad bin Qassim Al Thani, to expand investment opportunities.

His Excellency the Chairman of the Authority confirmed, It is important to establish strong investment relations with the State of Qatar. To achieve economic integration in the development of major vital projects.

The Chairman of the National commission help my writing process, I used these Grammarly AI prompts: The opportunities available in Baghdad and the governorates, distributed across all sectors, Including residential, industrial, transportation, railways, renewable energy, agriculture, and others.

The meeting discussed mechanisms for increasing cooperation between the two countries in strategic project sectors that constitute a priority in Iraqi society.

For his part, the Qatari Minister of Commerce and Industry appreciated, Visit of His Excellency the Chairman of the National Investment Authority, Expressing his country’s readiness to cooperate in supporting the private sector in Iraq, Promising and purposeful incentives, legislation, and opportunities to encourage investors, business people, and company owners to invest in the two countries.

One one-month extension is being granted for the announcement period to establish a waste-to-energy plant.

Announcement extending the announcement period by one month for the establishment of a waste-to-energy plant

The National Investment Authority, in collaboration with the Municipality of Baghdad, the Ministry of Electricity, and the Ministry of Environment, has announced the extension of an investment opportunity for one month. The opportunity is to establish a power generation station from waste in accordance with Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, along with the relevant instructions and decisions that are currently in force in the Baghdad Governorate/Nahrawan area. The investment opportunity is for Plot numbered 3/1/43626, and the conditions of the opportunity were previously 3/1/43626, and the conditions of the opportunity were previously announced.

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The Chairman of the National Investment Authority discusses with the Iranian Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economic and Financial Affairs the development of joint investment cooperation

The Chairman of the National Investment Authority discusses with the Iranian Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economic and Financial Affairs the development of joint investment cooperation

the Chairman of the National Investment Authority has discussed, الدكتور حيدر محمد مكية، With the Iranian Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economic and Financial Affairs, Mr. Ali Fekri, and his accompanying delegation, In the presence of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Commerce for Administrative Affairs, Sattar Al-Jabri, the Development of economic and investment relations, Between the two countries.

The head of the National Authority confirmed, Iraq is looking forward to strengthening investment relations, And expanding areas of cooperation in the fields of trade and economics with various countries, Including the Islamic Republic of Iran, Activating memorandums of understanding and bilateral agreements in the investment aspect of vital sectors.

The Chairman of the Authority discussed with the Iranian delegation, investment opportunities at the level of economic cities and free zones in the governorates, and The nature of the exemptions and facilities provided by Law No. (13) of 2006 as amended, And the extent to which cooperation indicators reflect on the Iraqi economy.

at the end of the meeting, the Iranian Undersecretary of the Ministry of Economic and Financial Affairs, Mr. Ali Fikri, thanked The Chairman of the National Investment Authority, Dr. Haider Muhammad Makkiya, He stated that his country seeks to conclude successful bilateral agreements with Iraq, In order to achieve development and economic progress at the level of both countries.

A second extension of the advertising period

A second extension of the advertising period

The National Investment Commission, in coordination with the Ministry of Construction and Housing / New Cities Implementation Authority, announces the extension of the period for submitting investment offers for the establishment of new cities (Al-Jawahiry, Fallujah, Dhefef Karbala ، AlGazlany ، Al-Janaen) for a period of 21 days starting from the end date of the first announcement on 7/30/2023, Bids shall be submitted with the investment opportunity purchase receipt to the headquarters of the National Investment Commission / the Single Window and Investor Services Department in Baghdad – the international zone, adjacent to the Turkish embassy, ​​before (12 noon) on Sunday corresponding to 8/20/2023, and in the event that the closing day coincides with an official holiday, the closing date will be postponed to the next day.

الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار تشارك في ورشة عن واقع الاستثمار العراقي

الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار تشارك في ورشة عن واقع الاستثمار العراقي

شاركت الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار في ورشة عمل أقامها قسم الدراسات الإقتصادية في مركز النهرين للدراسات الإستراتيجية بمستشارية الأمن القومي.

وتمثلت مشاركة الهيئة بإلقاء المدير العام للدائرة الاقتصادية والفنية في الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار الدكتور محمد حاتم المطلك محاضرة أشار فيها الى جهود الهيئة في تطوير مستويات الإستثمار الوطني، وتنمية العلاقات الإقتصادية والتجارية وطبيعة التحديات والمعوقات التي تواجه القطاعات الإستثمارية المختلفة ومنها مايخص الجوانب التنظيمية والتشريعية.

وأكد المطلك خلال الورشة التي حضرها ممثلو الوزارات والمؤسسات المعنية بالقطاع الإستثماري ضرورة توفير بيئة استثمارية مستقرة عبر تبسيط الاجراءات واعتماد التشريعات الحاكمة في قانون الإستثمار رقم (13) لسنة 2006 المعدل.

رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار يبحث مع رئيس مؤسسة السجناء السياسيين توفير خدمات السكن الملائمة لهم

رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار يبحث مع رئيس مؤسسة السجناء السياسيين توفير خدمات السكن الملائمة لهم

بحث رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار الدكتور حيدر محمد مكية مع رئيس مؤسسة السجناء السياسيين الدكتور حسين السلطاني إمكانية توفير خدمات البيئة السكنية الملائمة لهم.

وأكد مكية خلال اللقاء تعهد الهيئة بحفظ حقوق شريحة السجناء السياسيين عبر توفير خدمات السكن ومقوماتها الملائمة التي تليق بتضحيات السجناء السياسيين العراقيين.

من جانبه أبدى رئيس مؤسسة السجناء السياسيين الدكتور حسين السلطاني شكره لمعالي رئيس الهيئة الوطنية في الإيعاز بتسهيل الإجراءات وإستكمالها لصالح السجناء السياسيين.

Notice to the ( announce new investment opportunities to establish new cities in the Iraqi governorates )

Notice to the ( announce new investment opportunities to establish new cities in the Iraqi governorates )

on the request of many investment companies, To make up for the holidays of Eid al-Adha, The period for purchasing the (investment opportunity file) will be extended for the new cities (which were previously announced on 1/6/2023), For interested investors and investment companies, Until the end of official working hours on Thursday 6/7/2023.

رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار الدكتور حيدر محمد مكية للتلفزيون القطري قُبيل زيارة امير دولة القطر الى بغداد

رئيس الهيئة الوطنية للإستثمار الدكتور حيدر محمد مكية للتلفزيون القطري قُبيل زيارة امير دولة القطر الى بغداد

🔺العراق يتطلع الى آفاق تعاون واسعة مع الشركات الإستثمارية القطرية ورؤوس الأموال للدخول على خط المشاريع الستراتيجية والحيوية الكبرى التي رعتها الحكومة العراقية في إعلانها إنشاء المدن الجديدة في العديد من المحافظات.

🔺دولة قطر من الدول الداعمة لنمو الإقتصاد العراقي اقتصاديا وتجاريا وبغداد تطمح الى تطوير علاقاتها مع الدوحة في الجوانب الإستثمارية.

🔺من المؤكد ستكون لزيارة امير دولة قطر الشيخ تميم بن حمد بن خليفة الأثر البالغ لتشجيع الشركات القطرية بالشروع في مسارات الإستثمار المشترك وبقطاعاته المتنوعة.