Investment Opportunity/ Arar Border Crossing Point

Investment Opportunity


For the purpose of developing borders crossing points connecting Iraq to the neighboring regional countries,

The National Investment Commission (NIC) in coordination with The General Commission for Border Crossings,  are pleased to announce an investment opportunity in Arar Border Crossing Point according to Investment Law no. 13 for 2006 (amended), and investment requirements announced in Al Zawraa newspaper version 7068 in 18/8/2019 (copy attached),

Interested specialized and experienced local/ foreign companies can apply to invest this opportunity by filling the investment application form available on NIC website,

Within 30 days from the date of publishing this announcement.

For more information, please visit The General Commission for Border Crossings HQ (Contracts Dept.) or contact them through their email address

Arar Border Crossing Point requirements:

  1. A VIP building consists of (Lobby, Meetings Hall, Restaurant, Services, Medical care centers, VIP bedrooms, Bedrooms)
  2. Testing labs service: establishing testing, measuring and control laboratories and health labs.
  3. Customs and services offices: establishing, equipping and operating customs and services offices.
  4. Motel and Hotel Services: establishing, equipping and managing a motel to provide services to passengers, Overnight halls and stations for pilgrims.
  5. Restaurants and Booths: establishing, equipping and managing restaurants and booths according to operating capacity.
  6. Shaded waiting areas: Establishing parking areas for vehicles, buses and trucks according to the international standards
  7. Water Station Service: establishing, equipping and maintaining water desalination and wells stations and connecting a whole system for the operating offices, rehabilitate the old station and potable water canning factory.
  8. Monitoring, supervising systems and towers: establishing, and maintaining a monitoring system provided with cameras and towers connected with the boarder cross administration.
  9. Housing complex for operating offices: build, supply and furnishing building for employees.
  10. Mosque: rehabilitate and furnishing a mosque for passengers and pilgrims.
  11. Helipad (helicopter)
  12. Workshop for trucks and vehicles maintenance
  13. Car wash station and oil change
  14. Duty free shops
  15. Currency exchange office
  16. Shipping office to provide goods shipping for pilgrims from Saudi Arabia to Iraq
  17. Provide electric wheelchairs stations for people with special needs.
  18. Media center to be rented to TV channels to cover pilgrims’ reception and farewell ceremonies.
  19. Rehabilitate a health center to provide services to pilgrims.
  20. Gas and fuel station
  21. Power Supply Service: establishing, managing and maintaining power generation stations with all connections to facilities.
  22. Electronic Gates (Automation System Program): install, operate and maintain Automation System Program




Investment opportunity/ Housing Compounds for Basra Federal Appeal Court Employees

Investment opportunity


In light of the State’s relentless pursuit to solve the housing problem in the country, through expanding the construction of housing complexes and promoting its erection by investment,

NIC in coordination with the Supreme Judiciary Council are pleased to announce the investment opportunity of the construction of housing compounds for the employees of Basra Federal Appeal Court on the land numbered (2075 M4 / Al- Ribat AL- Kabeer) owned by the Supreme Judiciary Council according to Investment Law no. 13 for the year 2006 as amended.


Willing local and foreign specialized companies are invited to apply for this investment opportunity through filling in the application form available on the NIC website ( with attaching all required documents mentioned there in the application form.

Receiving the applications shall be within 60 days from the date of publishing this announcement and for any further information please visit the Supreme Judiciary Council headquarter – Administration and Financial Dept. – Iraq – Baghdad- Al- Harithiah – Baghdad Clock site.



Investment opportunity/ Al- Zawraa State Company



Announcement no. (7) 2019

Investment opportunity for partnership contract

In the field of

Producing and assembling solar panels with different capacities and modern technologies 

     Al-Zawraa state company (one of the companies of the ministry of industry and minerals announced to sign a partnership contract in the field of Producing and assembling solar panels with different capacities and modern technologies according to the article (3/15) from the company’s law no. (22) of the year 1997 which sets   the general frame of the contract.

AL-Zawraa State Company would be pleased to receive the specialized Iraqi, Arabic and International companies who like to participate in this opportunity.

You can get the technical specifications, the required documents and the general conditions and obligations starting from the day following the announcement on 4 of September 2019 from 8 A.M. till 12 P.M in the company (the commercial department) location: Baghdad, Zafaranyia, Industrial area near to Electronic Industries Stat Company against unreturnable amount of (150000) one hundred and fifty thousand Iraqi Dinars.

Offers will not be opened until 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the official newspapers and the company’s website.  In case of couldn’t finalize the recommendation of the referral, the advertisement will be considered active for a period of another 30 days.



For any technical and legal enquire contact our company directly or through:






Investment opportunity / Diala State Company


  Diala state company is pleased to advertise an investment opportunity as (partnership contract) to execute a project to produce step down  electric distribution transformers with capacity 1000MVA yearly with transfer rates (33/0, 416) KV and (11/0, 416) KV according to international standard technical specifications IEC60076 and the ministry of electricity demands. The wishing companies submit their requests and offers to the company headquarters in Diala province and the last date to deliver the bidding will be at 2:00 p.m of closing date on 30/9/ 2019 as per obligations and terms bellow :-

Required Documents :

  • Submitting offers and requests by international manufacturing companies specialized in industrial field and it is possible to accept offers from other companies or commercial or financial establishments or investors or capital owners attached to contracting documents and cooperation (authorization or agency or partnership) with specialized manufacturing companies supporting in the announced field through (DHL, TNT, …etc) or direct submitting in our company headquarters.
  • Submitting company documents including establishment certificate and CV about the company and supporting companies (if there any) and presenting leaflets about their works.
  • Submitting financial situation attached to it financial statements for last Two years legalized by legal accountant or international auditing company provided that all documents should be legalized by Iraqi Embassy in country of with legal Arabic translated copy.
  • Submitting a letter from reliable banks confirming financial efficiency and transactions with statement of cash and deposits for last financial year legalized by statements auditor and career council of monitoring and auditing statements of Iraqi companies inside Iraq as per samples and stamps of career council or by Iraqi Embassy in country of foreign companies.
  • Depending on a letter from council of ministers / law office No. Q7289/59/1/21 on 13/3/2018 regarding regulations of clause (14) of foreign companies branches No. (2) in 2017 regarding establishment license and opening branch in Iraq at contracting and recording it formally at companies registration within (3) months after date of signing the contract.

Required Obligations from Bidding Companies:-

  • Submitting letter of guarantee equal (200 000) Dollars (Two hundred thousand Dollars ) at signing the contract to be released after completing supplying production lines, machine, equipments.
  • Supplying and executing all civil works and required designs to establish the production line , accessories and warehouse.
  • Supplying production lines, machines, equipments, mould, spare parts and necessary devices for production, test from reliable origins to ensure fulfilling required capacity.
  • Supplying raw materials, semi-finished parts and all production requisites from reliable international origins .
  • Supplying know how, technical documents, drawings, technology process required for testing , maintenance and services.
  • Submitting feasibility technical and economical study of the project including execution timetable , business plan showing mechanism of executing the rates, specifying production capacity, number of workers and their specialty, financial study including (production costs, sales prices … etc) and fixing the shares for each party.
  • The bidding company bear all taxes and customs fees incurring from entering materials into Iraq as per valid regulations and instructions.
  • Submitting complete program to train our company staff inside and outside Iraq on production, maintenance, test, designs and technical know- how.
  • The partnership contract period no less than (5) years and no more than (20) years and we suggest (15) years.
  • Mutual cooperation in marketing the product.
  • The additional value for manufacturing the product no less than (20 %).
  • Inviting delegation from Dial company before signing contract to view the bidding company abilities or the supporting technical parties.

Diala Company Contribution in the Project :-

  • Providing necessary areas for the project.
  • Providing workers for the project.
  • Providing necessary industrial services and any other requirements which the contributing company can’t submit and our company is able to provide.
  • Facilitating getting formal approvals as per Iraqi law and valid instructions.

Our company is ready to answer any question or inquiry through E-mail or attending our company and there are attachments you can view on the company website (Technical and economical feasibility study).








Investment opportunity for partnership contract To produce polymer joints


Re announcement no. (1) 2019

Investment opportunity for partnership contract

To produce polymer joints

       Al-Zawraa state company (one of the companies of the ministry of industry and minerals announced to sign a partnership contract in the field of produce polymer joints according to the article (3/15) from the company’s law no. (22) of the year 1997 which sets   the general frame of the contract.

AL-Zawraa State Company would be pleased to receive the specialized Iraqi, Arabic and International companies who like to participate in this opportunity.

You can get the technical specifications, the required documents and the general conditions and obligations starting from the day following the announcement on 4 of September 2019 from 8 A.M. till 12 P.M in the company (the commercial department) location: Baghdad, Zafaranyia, Industrial area near to Electronic Industries Stat Company against unreturnable amount of (150000) one hundred and fifty thousand Iraqi Dinars.

Offers will not be opened until 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the official newspapers and the company’s website.  In case of couldn’t finalize the recommendation of the referral, the advertisement will be considered active for a period of another 30 days.


For any technical and legal enquire contact our company directly or through:






Investment opportunity/ Producing and assembling solar panels with different capacities and modern technologies 



Announcement no. (7) 2019

Investment opportunity for partnership contract

In the field of

Producing and assembling solar panels with different capacities and modern technologies

     Al-Zawraa state company (one of the companies of the ministry of industry and minerals announced to sign a partnership contract in the field of Producing and assembling solar panels with different capacities and modern technologies according to the article (3/15) from the company’s law no. (22) of the year 1997 which sets   the general frame of the contract.

AL-Zawraa State Company would be pleased to receive the specialized Iraqi, Arabic and International companies who like to participate in this opportunity.

You can get the technical specifications, the required documents and the general conditions and obligations starting from the day following the announcement on 4 of September 2019 from 8 A.M. till 12 P.M in the company (the commercial department) location: Baghdad, Zafaranyia, Industrial area near to Electronic Industries Stat Company against unreturnable amount of (150000) one hundred and fifty thousand Iraqi Dinars.

Offers will not be opened until 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the official newspapers and the company’s website.  In case of couldn’t finalize the recommendation of the referral, the advertisement will be considered active for a period of another 30 days.



For any technical and legal enquire contact our company directly or through:






Investment Opportunity/ State Company for Iron and Steel

Invitation for investment opportunities



The Ministry of Industry and Minerals of the Republic of Iraq/ State Company for Iron and Steel is pleased to announce the investment opportunity for the construction of the sponge iron factory in Basra Governorate in state company for iron and steel

Specialized international companies ,local companies,  businessmen and financiers are invited to participate in this opportunity that will achieve economic feasibility and create quick positive returns.

The investor participates in supporting, managing and operating the plant for a period of time that can be negotiated.


It is possible to obtain the investment file from the state company for iron and steel   commercial  Department for an amount of (150) thousand dinars (one hundred and fifty thousand dinars) is not refundable as of       25      /     8     / 2019  for one month from the date of Announce


The main strengths of this opportunity

1- Availability of manpower and experience

  1. Adequate investment legislation and conditions favorable to the agreement
  2. Quick recovery period for capital

4-the great and growing demand  for the material produced in the iron and steel industry and the absence of  similar factories in  the country.


The Ministry of Industry and Minerals expresses its readiness to assist the investor in clarifying and facilitating necessary visits to the plant if necessary

Investors are kindly requested to submit their offers at:


Iraq – basrah – khoralzuber

Email :




Investment Opportunity/ State Company for Mining



Investment Opportunity No. (1 / T / F / 2019)

Set up a chlorine production plant to hold a new plant co

Terms and conditions required The General Company for Mining Industries announces the investment opportunity to set up a chlorine production plant to hold a new plant in our company’s site in Al Muthanna Governorate

According to the provisions of Article (15) of the Companies Law (22) of 1997 issued on the basis of the text of paragraph (IX) of Article (4) and the text of the first paragraph of Article (5) of the law of the Ministry Industry and Minerals No. (38) of 2011 Amended and pursuant to the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 190 of 2019 Those wishing to participate should review the company’s headquarters located in Baghdad / Taji / behind the electrical lamps factory to submit their offers according to the required conditions and instructions which can be obtained from the company’s headquarters / The amount of (250,000) two hundred and fifty thousand dinars is not possible Bids shall be returned and placed in the tender box at the company headquarters


Firstly :-

1-Preference shall be given to international companies that are manufactured and specialized in the industrial field, as well as accepting offers from any other companies, financial or commercial institutions, investors or owners of capital, accompanied by the documents of their contracting and cooperation (authorization, agency or participation) with specialized specialized companies in the declared field. about him .

The establishment of a period not less than (2) years.2-

3-Submit the documents of the establishment certificate, the financial statements (in English for non-Arab companies) for the last two years and the final accounts of the last two years (certified by the office of a legal accountant or international auditing company, provided that all documents are authenticated by the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in the country of the company) Arabic Legal Translator

Presenting publications or leaflets about their work 4-

5-to provide a letter of support from the banks of the firm supports the financial efficiency and transactions with the disclosure of support for money and deposits for the last fiscal year certified by the auditor and the Board of the profession and control and audit of Iraqi companies in Iraq and according to the models of the stamps of the Council of the profession received the uncles of the Internal Control and Audit No. 1759 on 9 / 1/2019 or from the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in the country of non-Iraqi companies

6-Providing the company offering its technical capabilities and plan to develop existing products or enter new products

7-Provide lists of machines or lines of production and the number and tools and readiness to transfer technology and training with details of the amounts allocated to each paragraph with emphasis on the machines and lines and the number of tools and new and from approved sources

. 8-Participation contracts shall be subject to Iraqi laws and the jurisdiction of the Iraqi judiciary in resolving disputes and their methods which may arise after signing the contract.

9-Provide a letter of guarantee in the amount of one billion dinars according to the nature and cost of the project for the implementation of general obligations are launched upon completion of the requirements of the partner (the second party)

10-Approving the provisions of Article (14) of the Foreign Companies Companies Law No. (2) for the year 2017 regarding the establishment’s license in accordance with the provisions of Article (14) of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers / Legal Department No. S / 2/1/59/09827 dated 13/3/2018. A registered branch in Iraq must be opened when the contract is signed and duly registered with the Registrar of Companies within a period of (3) months from the date of signature or a branch of the companies described in (1)

11-Companies, financial institutions and other non-industrial parties, investors and owners of capital referred to in (1) above shall be covered by providing a summary of the paragraphs to the specialized companies that support them.

Second :-

1-Offers shall not be opened for a period of (30) days from the date of publication of the advertisement. In the event of the receipt of one or more offers during the period, the advertisement shall be stopped for the purpose of studying and analyzing the offer or the offers submitted for the recommendation of referral. The declaration shall be valid for up to (30) days and by the same mechanism approved above which shall not exceed one calendar year from the date of the first publication, after which the subject matter shall be re-examined and evaluated.

2-The duration of the participation contract shall not be less than 5 years and may be extended


3-To view and comply with all paragraphs fixed in the declared investment file, including the free share


For more information contact the company’s website and e-mail:




General Director


Investment opportunity/ The State Company for Glass &Refractories Industries




The State Company for Glass &Refractories Industries (SCG&R) one of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals(MIM)  has pleasure to announce its  following investment opportunity as (sharing in management and production) according to companies Iraqi Law( No.22 of 1997 article 15 / III) to Rehabilitate ,Increasing Capacities, Quality Improvement for following production factories:-

Opportunity No. Opportunity Name(Factory Name) location
1 Supply & Install With Operation Of Complete Flat Float Glass Factory(700)TPD Ramadi
2 Rehabilitation &Operation of Container Glass (175)TPD =
3 Rehabilitation &Operation of Figured Glass 120 TPD =
4 Rehabilitation &Operation of Pharmaceutical Bottles (95)TPD =
5 Rehabilitation &Operation of Ceramic Wall Tile  Factory =
6 Rehabilitation &Operation of Ceramic Floor Tile Factory =
7 Rehabilitation &Operation of Ceramic Sanitary Ware Factory =
8 Production of Thermal Bricks, Mortar &Thermal Concrete In Baghdad Factory Baghdad

Announcement Target

(SCG&R) aims by communion with manufacturers and producers of  above products companies in  management and production to rehabilitate  and increase the production capacities  through this valuable opportunities to meet the Iraqi market needs and economic feasibility and benefits accruing to the Investor Company(IC), exploit  the availability of  raw materials which used in  production at good  prices improving  National product quality.

(IC) are full free to participate in invest  one factory or more . to obtain  a copy of investment files against a sum of 250,000 ID (Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Iraqi Dinar)not refundable for each Factory file, in addition our company ready to assist(IC)with additional detailed information and take necessary arrangements to facilitate site visit s to the factories ,(IC) must  submit bids in accordance with the conditions contained in the investment file and , must focus on the technical proposal , developmental and financial efficiency. The winner company  shall bear all announcement  charges, offers should be submitted  in Offer Box in Company main location in Ramadi , the offers will be opened after 30 days from announcement date in newspapers,  if not found  or  qualified  any offer(s) as per investments files instructions  , the announcement considered as continue  for another 30 days which can be continues in same way for period not more than one  year if not submitted or qualified any offer(s) , then our company will update  the announcement again if needs.  please connect with us for any  urgent explanation through  company e-mail address



Eng. Yousif .M. Muhammad

General Director

Investment Opportunity/ Set up a chlorine production plant to hold a new plant co




Investment Opportunity No. (1 / T / F / 2019)

Set up a chlorine production plant to hold a new plant co


Terms and conditions required The General Company for Mining Industries announces the investment opportunity to set up a chlorine production plant to hold a new plant in our company’s site in Al Muthanna Governorate

According to the provisions of Article (15) of the Companies Law (22) of 1997 issued on the basis of the text of paragraph (IX) of Article (4) and the text of the first paragraph of Article (5) of the law of the Ministry Industry and Minerals No. (38) of 2011 Amended and pursuant to the Council of Ministers Resolution No. 190 of 2019 Those wishing to participate should review the company’s headquarters located in Baghdad / Taji / behind the electrical lamps factory to submit their offers according to the required conditions and instructions which can be obtained from the company’s headquarters / The amount of (250,000) two hundred and fifty thousand dinars is not possible Bids shall be returned and placed in the tender box at the company headquarters


Firstly :-

1-Preference shall be given to international companies that are manufactured and specialized in the industrial field, as well as accepting offers from any other companies, financial or commercial institutions, investors or owners of capital, accompanied by the documents of their contracting and cooperation (authorization, agency or participation) with specialized specialized companies in the declared field. about him .

The establishment of a period not less than (2) years.2-

3-Submit the documents of the establishment certificate, the financial statements (in English for non-Arab companies) for the last two years and the final accounts of the last two years (certified by the office of a legal accountant or international auditing company, provided that all documents are authenticated by the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in the country of the company) Arabic Legal Translator

Presenting publications or leaflets about their work 4-

5-to provide a letter of support from the banks of the firm supports the financial efficiency and transactions with the disclosure of support for money and deposits for the last fiscal year certified by the auditor and the Board of the profession and control and audit of Iraqi companies in Iraq and according to the models of the stamps of the Council of the profession received the uncles of the Internal Control and Audit No. 1759 on 9 / 1/2019 or from the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in the country of non-Iraqi companies

6-Providing the company offering its technical capabilities and plan to develop existing products or enter new products

7-Provide lists of machines or lines of production and the number and tools and readiness to transfer technology and training with details of the amounts allocated to each paragraph with emphasis on the machines and lines and the number of tools and new and from approved sources

. 8-Participation contracts shall be subject to Iraqi laws and the jurisdiction of the Iraqi judiciary in resolving disputes and their methods which may arise after signing the contract.

9-Provide a letter of guarantee in the amount of one billion dinars according to the nature and cost of the project for the implementation of general obligations are launched upon completion of the requirements of the partner (the second party)

10-Approving the provisions of Article (14) of the Foreign Companies Companies Law No. (2) for the year 2017 regarding the establishment’s license in accordance with the provisions of Article (14) of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers / Legal Department No. S / 2/1/59/09827 dated 13/3/2018. A registered branch in Iraq must be opened when the contract is signed and duly registered with the Registrar of Companies within a period of (3) months from the date of signature or a branch of the companies described in (1)

11-Companies, financial institutions and other non-industrial parties, investors and owners of capital referred to in (1) above shall be covered by providing a summary of the paragraphs to the specialized companies that support them.

Second :-

1-Offers shall not be opened for a period of (30) days from the date of publication of the advertisement. In the event of the receipt of one or more offers during the period, the advertisement shall be stopped for the purpose of studying and analyzing the offer or the offers submitted for the recommendation of referral. The declaration shall be valid for up to (30) days and by the same mechanism approved above which shall not exceed one calendar year from the date of the first publication, after which the subject matter shall be re-examined and evaluated.

2-The duration of the participation contract shall not be less than 5 years and may be extended


3-To view and comply with all paragraphs fixed in the declared investment file, including the free share


 For more information contact the company’s website and e-mail:




General Director