Investment opportunity announcement



The General Company for Textile and Leather Industries is one of the formations of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals in Baghdad / Karrada outside / near the alhuriya Square.

To announce the existence of an investment opportunity to rehabilitate, modernize and operate the production line of diapers for children and women in the Textile Factory in Diwaniyah according to the requirements contained in the investment files.

The company invites investors and international companies specialized from the companies or their authorized dealers to participate in this opportunity because there is a need to meet the needs of the Iraqi market or foreign and economic feasibility requirements.

Those wishing to participate must apply for investment files from the company’s premises for an amount (500000) dinars is non-refundable and bears the anchored by the opportunity of investment fees published publication and legal fees.

The offers shall be presented in three separate and separate conditions, the first one for the technical offer, the second for the commercial offer and the third for the undertakings and documents provided by the company provided that the conditions are sealed with the company’s seal and bearing the contents of the envelope (technical, commercial, undertakings).

The first envelope for the artistic presentation includes:

1- Providing documents and data about the submitted company and attaching (C.V) about it and its supporting companies (specialized manufacturers supporting in the field of advertisement) and providing publications or introductory leaflets about its works.

2 – Provide a list of similar previous work carried out by the company and according to the years of operation.

3- Presenting the company with its technical capability and its plan to develop existing products or enter products   New.

4 – Provide statements including machines and production lines and the willingness to transfer technology and training with details of the amounts allocated for each paragraph with emphasis on the fact that the machines and lines are new and from approved origins.

5- Presenting the work plan of the project (specifying the implementation period and a schedule including the program of implementation of the works for all periods of The project).

-6 Determine the production capacity of the project according to the years of operation.


The second commercial envelope includes:

1-Install the company’s share as a percentage of the production

2Determining the duration of the investment contract

The third circumstance is specific to pledges and reservations:

1- The company’s incorporation certificate attested by the concerned authority in force for the current year. Foreign and Arab companies are to be certified by the Iraqi embassy in the country of origin and to be valid for the current year (provided that it has been established for a period not less than (2) years).

2 – Submit a letter of support from the banks sober uphold their financial efficiency and transactions with the statement of support for money and deposits for the last fiscal year certified by an auditor and the Council of the profession and control and audit accounts of Iraqi companies inside Iraq, according to the forms of the seals of the Council of the profession contained in the uncles of the Department of Internal Control and Audit Issue 1759 on 9 / Final accounts for the last two years are attached.

3- Certificate of establishment of the company certified by the competent authority valid for the current year either foreign and Arab companies are ratified by the Iraqi Embassy in the country of origin and be valid for the current year2-The financial offer document of the company and the financial efficiency supported by international banks with the final accounts for the last two years approved by an accredited certification office

4-A clearance from the General Authority for Taxation valid for the current year.

5- Arriving to buy tenders.

6- The person charged by the assignment shall bear the fees of publishing and


The name and number of the investment opportunity, the name of the participating body, its address and closing date shall be affixed to it.

Confirming that the disclosure of the final accounts will be for the last two years.

The party wishing to participate can consult the company’s headquarters in Karrada outside / near Freedom Square or the headquarters of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals / d. Investments to obtain the investment file for the purpose of reviewing it as of the date of publication of the announcement in the local newspapers.

The deadline for accepting offers shall be at (12) noon “on Tuesday, 15/10/2019.

Any bid submitted after this date shall be disregarded and in the case of coinciding with official and local holidays, the closing date shall be on the first day of work following the holiday.

Tenders are received at the company’s premises and you can visit the company’s website or the Ministry of Industry and Minerals for information.


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