Advertisement of investment opportunity in the industrial sector Supply and Installation complete factory to produce medium voltage cables No. 1/T/M.V/2017

The Ministry of Industry and Minerals

Ur State Company

Subject / Advertisement of investment opportunity in the industrial sector Supply and Installation complete factory to produce medium voltage cables No. 1/T/M.V/2017

Announcement for the (first time)

Ur state company, one of the companies of the Ministry of Industry & Minerals is pleased to announce the availability of an investment opportunity to participate in a percentage of production medium voltage cables products and invites Iraqi, Arab and foreign companies with experience and specialization in the field of investment to participate and contract in the above participation contract in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 paragraph (3) of the public companies Law No. 22 of 1997 amended and the instructions attached to it and the instructions of the Council of ministers Decree No. 492 of 2013 through the partner supply and installation of the complete factory to produce medium voltage cables products and according to the specifications and quantities shown in the attached documents .

Companies wishing to participate in the above participation contract, in accordance with the terms and conditions attached to the declaration, should come to the company headquarters located in Nasiriyah, or Baghdad office, which belong to our company located in Karrada area , Albou Jomaa , 139, Abu Nawas St., adjacent to Diana Tourists hotel , mobile no. 07901794527 by sending authorized person with an official signed letter authorizing him to purchase the declaration documents for the amount of (250000) two hundred and fifty thousand dinars non- refundable and are provided with a receipt bill.

Offers shall be presented in three closed and separate envelopes, the first one for the technical offer, the second for the commercial offer and the third for the participating company commitments and documents, provided that the envelopes are sealed and stamped and write on it the contents of the envelope (technical, commercial, closing date and company name ).


The first envelope of the technical offer includes:

  • Presenting statement documentation of the participating company and attach C.V for it and its assisting companies, its nationalities and its business history.
  • Submit a list of similar previous works carried out by the company in the field of investment for last five years provide that it is certified by the beneficiary if any.
  • Determine the production capacity of the project
  • Presenting the details of machines and production lines (numbers, specifications and originators) and equipment and networks of industrial services required of electricity, industrial water and compressed air … etc.
  • Determine the period of implementation and submit a schedule that includes the implementation of the work for all parts of the project.

The second envelope of the commercial offer includes:

  • Determine the required share of the participating company from the production.
  • Determining the period of the participation contract

The third envelope is related to the participating company’s obligations and commitments and includes the following:

  • The certificate of registration of the participating company (colored copy) certified by the concerned authorities of the national companies valid for the current year, and for the Arab and foreign companies are certified by the Iraqi Embassy in the country of origin and be valid for the current year .
  • The financial position document of the company and its financial efficiency supported by the international banks attached to the final accounts for the last three years and approved by the office of certified auditing.
  • Clearance from the general authority for taxes for the current year for national companies and Arab and foreign companies that have a branch or agent or office inside Iraq.
  • The offer shall be accompanied by bid bond guarantee in the amount of (1%) from the estimated cost amount of 37.5 million $ under a certified check or letter of guarantee issued by an accredited bank to ensure the seriousness of participation in the advertisement.
  • Advertisement purchase bill
  • The awarded company shall bear the cost of the publishing of the last advertisement.

Bids may be sent to our company’s headquarters by an authorized person bearing an authorization letter signed by the managing director of the bidding company. The authorization letter shall be authenticated by the Iraqi Embassy if the company is develop from Arab or foreign company.

Bids shall be deposited in the offers box at the company’s headquarters no later than 1:00 pm on the closing day Tuesday, 31.10.2017. The offers shall not be accepted if arrived after the closing date or were sent by email.

The Arab and foreign companies that do not have a branch in Iraq can submit the offer by DHL international express mail and must be delivered before the closing date.

If the date of the closing day coincides with an official holiday, the next day shall be the date of the closing advertisement.

Our company is ready to provide possible facilities to visit and is ready to answer the queries that come to us by email below:


Our company invites all participants to attend the conference held by our company a week before the closing date to answer the queries. Our company also invites all participants to attend the opening procedures in the first hour of the official day following the closing date.

For any further information, please see the general terms and conditions of the advertisement and the attached annexes on the company’s website:, and the Ministry’s website:

Announcement/ The State Company for Glass & Refractories Industry


The State Company for Glass & Refractories Industry (SCG&R), one of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals (MIM) companies, has the pleasure to announce its following investment opportunity as (sharing in management and production) according to Investment Iraqi Law (No. 22 of 1997 article 15/ III) to moderate , increase capacity , improve quality for the following production factories :

  • Rehabilitation & operation of Ceramic Wall Tiles Factory
  • Rehabilitation & operation of Ceramic Floor Tiles Factory
  • Rehabilitation & operation of Ceramic Sanitary Ware Factory

Announcement Target

(SCG&R) aims by participating with manufacturers and producers of above products in factories management and production to rehabilitate and increase the production capacities through this valuable opportunities to meet the Iraqi market needs and economic feasibility and benefits accruing to the investor , exploit the availability of raw materials which used in production at good prices improving national product quality, investors are requested to obtain a copy of Investment files against a sum of ID 250,000 (Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Iraqi Dinar) non- refundable for each factory file , in addition our company ready to assist the investors with additional detailed information and take necessary arrangements to facilitate site visits to the factories , the investors must submit bids in accordance with the conditions contained in the investment file and will focus on the technical proposal, developmental and financial efficiency . The winner company shall be all announcement charges , offers should be submitted no later than the end of the working hours of Sunday (22/10/2017) . The offers collected in offer box in Baghdad company location , For any urgent explanation send a letter to  .

Announcement Extension




The State Company for Glass & Refractories Industry (SCG&R), one of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals (MIM) companies, has the pleasure to announce its following investment opportunity as (sharing in management and production) for Rehabilitating, Operating and raising capacity for high Alumina Refractory Production Plant according to investment Iraqi law (No. 22 of 1997 article 15/ III)

Announcement Target

(SCG&R) aims by participating with manufacturers and producers of above products in factory management and production to rehabilitate & increase production capacities through these valuable opportunities to meet the Iraqi market needs and economic feasibility and benefits accruing to the investor, exploit the availability of raw materials used in production at good prices improving National product quality. Investors are requested to obtain a copy of investment files against a nun- refundable sum of ID 250,000 (Two hundred fifty thousand Iraqi dinar), additionally, the company is ready to assist investors with further detailed information and take necessary arrangements to facilitate site visit to the factories . Investors must submit bids in accordance with the conditions contained in the investment file and will focus on the technical proposal, developmental and financial efficiency. The winner company shall undertake all announcement charges, offers should be submitted no later than the end of the working hours of Tuesday 17/10/2017 instead of 17/9/2017 , collected in offer box in company location in Baghdad , For any urgent explanation send a letter to  .


Announcement/ Student Sports Club project

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Government Contracts Department

Sub./ Announcement(first time)

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in cooperation with the National Investment Authority, is pleased to announce its desire to present the Student Sports Club project as an investment opportunity. The object is in Baghdad / Al-Sulaikh. Under to the plans, designs and the quantities tables prepared by Thomas Livador Spanish company according to FIFA standards ,on piece of land about (28) acres that equal (70000 m2) which described in the instructions , conditions and documents required for the bidders . so for those wishing to participate in the competition mentioned above should be from Companies or Contractors whose or have the desire to review the headquarters Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Government Contracts Department , In the building of the Ministry’s center near the General Passports Department to get all the documents of competition and the conditions of participation there in , The bidder who win the competition shall bears the advertising fees , The offer shall be presented in a closed sealed envelope containing the name of the competition, its number, date, name of the bidder, address and telephone number on the envelope with note that the last day to accept the offers at 12:00 pm (8/10/2017) and neglect bids that do not conforms for the conditions . the Ministry has the right to cancel the competition without the bidders have the right to claim any compensation. All applicants must submit their bids at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Government Contracts Department. For more information about the required documents and general conditions, visit the website of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research( and also the website of the general authority of investment . on midday (12pm.) on Sunday (1/10/2017) at the headquarters of the government contracts department in the ministry to hold the meeting to answer the questions of the competition participants.

Government Contracts Department

Instructions and Requirments

Announcement/ Chlorine and caustic soda plant


Ministry of Industry and Minerals

Investment Opportunity no. 1/2017 – Industrial Sector


Al- Furat State Company for Chemical Industries and Pesticides as one of the affiliates of Ministry of Industry and Minerals in Republic of Iraq is pleased to announce the a/m investment opportunity for (Project expansion of Chlorine and caustic soda plant to increase the production capacity by (45) ton/ day caustic soda calculated based on 100% pursuant to the Article (15/ Thirdly) of amended and valid Law of State Companies no. (22/ 1997) and Ministers Council Decision no. 492 of 2013.

The investors of most reliable , specialized, and qualified technically and financially manufacturers and producers of Iraqi , Arabic and International companies in the field of chlorine and caustic soda industry can visit our company headquarter / investment in / Babylon / A;- Musayab / Saddat Al- Hindiyah to obtain the investment documents against a non – refundable amount of (250000) two hundred fifty thousand IQD and submit their technical and commercial offers in our company a/m address, knowing that last date for receiving the offers is on Saunday 10.9.2017 . 12 am supported with the following documents :

  • Registration certificate of the company
  • Allowance letter issued from the Ministry of Finance
  • Submitting the financial capacity accounts for the last five years (positive indicators)
  • The investment company should be having experience in chlorine and caustic soda products
  • The company should be known with good performance in implementing its obligations (previous contracts with Iraqi ministries and government agencies if any)
  • The company should not be listed in the black list
  • The company should belong to countries that have good business relations with Iraq.
  • Submitting a written obligation of not dealing with Israel, its institutions and companies whether at the present time or in the future

Our website

Web site of the MIM

Email for inquiry :   


Investment Manager :  07732941338

P. O Box 11230


Chairman of the National Investment Commission… The One Stop Shop should be seriously activated, and provide the suitable legal environment for the investment projects

During the Investment and reconstruction Conference in Dyiala Province

Chairman of the National Investment Commission… The One Stop Shop should be seriously activated, and provide the suitable legal environment for the investment projects     

Dr. Sami R. Al Araji, Chairman of the National Investment Commission, confirmed the importance of unifying economic goals and visions regarding several investment activities in Iraq by focusing on lost opportunities and required treatment using effective and brave decisions by relevant economic agencies in the country.

During the Investment and reconstruction Conference in Dyiala Province, organized by NIC sponsored by the Parliament Investment and Economy Committee, Wednesday 16/8/2017, he presented a number of various obstacles such as unimplemented items in investment law no. 13 for 2006 (amended) like activating the One Stop Shop, solving the lands issues, and banks and financial services in addition to allowing PICs to enjoy more immunity and independence, hiring the right people for the task according to investment law and regulations.

Mr. Burhan Al Mimary, Parliament Member representing investment and economy committee, mentioned in his speech that Dyiala Province is, more than any other time, ready to develop and we all should invest available actual opportunities including human potentials, promising opportunities and open market. He also focused on the government support for this aspect.          

Mr. Muthana Al Timimy, Diyala Governor, assured investors wishing to invest in the province a stable and secure statues after being attacked by ISIS. Now, Diyala is safe and unified against ISIS due to its ancient tribal variety.  He added that the investment map allowed everyone to know about available resources.

Mr. Mohamed Jawad Al Hamdani, representing Chairman of Dyiala Province Council, reviewed a number of available investment opportunities in different sectors (oil and gas, health, housing, infrastructure, agriculture and industry). He added that the province council is a great support to any investment project that might be of any benefit to Diyala people who suffered for a long time from lack of services. The province geographic location is a strong attracting factor for investors due to land roads linking Baghdad to neighboring countries.    

The conference witnessed a detailed presentation of available investment opportunities by Dr. Sami R. Al Araji, Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Mr. Mijwel Mehdi, Chairman of the Dyiala Investment Commission, Mr. Raad Almas, Parliament Member representing Dyiala, Chairman of the Iraqi Industry Union, General Secretary of Chambers of Commerce, a member of Businessmen Association, and Chairman of the Iraqi National Business Council. 

The conference was attended the Head of Parliament Investment and Economy Committee, a number of Iraqi Parliament members,  in addition to Vise Ministers and DGs of Industry, Agriculture, Electricity, Housing, Municipalities) ministries and a number of businessmen and investors. 


Announcement ( Industrial Investment Opportunity )

Announcement ( Industrial Investment Opportunity )

Number (1/IRT/2017 )


We are the State Company for Rubber Goods Industries and Tires, one of the companies of the Ministry of Industry and minerals in Iraq which is located in ( Al Najaf governorate – Al- Haydariah district – Karbal road- Najaf ) have the pleasure to announce the investment opportunity to rehabilitate , modernize and operate its factories as follow according to the investment files requirements:

  • Babylon tire factory located in the site of the company in Al- Najaf governorate – Al- Haydariah district.
  • Dewaniya tire factory located in the center of Al Dewaniya governorate – Al Iskan quarter .
  • Rubber products factory – Najaf- Aden quarter

We invite all investors and global specialized companies to participate in these important opportunities because there is a very critical need for cars tires and other vehicles tires as well as other rubber products that meet the requirements of Iraqi or foreign markets and the economic feasibility study for this investment.

Anyone who has the desire to participate should apply to obtain the investment files (all or part) from Najaf site against a non- refundable sum as follow:

  • Babylon tires factory , amount of (300000) IQ.
  • Dewaniya tire factory file, amount of (200000) IQ
  • Rubber products factory , amount of (150000) IQ

Receipt of purchasing the investment files to be attached with submitted offers inside closed and stamped envelopes, fixed on it the name and number of investment opportunity and the name of interested party.

Obtaining of investment files begins on (Sunday) dated Augest 6, 2017 .

Participants can visit the site of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals (Investment Department) as well as the site of the company in Najaf governorate if there is a need for any legal or technical information or visit the site which are offered to investment.

The last date to accept offers is before the ending of the working hours of November 1, 2017.

Participants also can visit the Ministry website to see the information and details … and contacting the Investment Department in the Ministry of Industry and Minerals through the following address :

Republic of Iraq – Baghdad – East Gate- Al Nidhal street , phone No. (009648162006) in (40 lines) – p.o Box (5815) Email ( ) – website ( )

Participants can also see the site of the company by address : Republic of Iraq, Najaf governorate – p.o box (240) Email: , website :


Investment Opportunity Announcement/ General Company for Mining Industries

General Company for Mining Industries

Investment Opportunity Announcement

Subject/ Contract for the production of Printing inks

Announcement for the first time

Closing date: 29/08/2017

The General Company for Mining Industries, one of the companies of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals , announces an investment opportunity (a joint contract for the production of inks)  with the Iraqi, Arab and international companies in accordance with Law No. (22) f 1997 Article (15) / third and the Council of Ministers resolution No. (492) who wish to review the company’s headquarters located in the district of  Al- Taji behind the lamps factory to bur the tender, which includes the conditions and instructions to be obtained from the Commercial dept. at the company’s headquarters for a sum of   (150000) ID one hundred and fifty thousand dinars non- refundable . offers shall be received until the end of the working hours of Tuesday 29/ 08/2017 taking into account the following :

  • The bid shall be submitted in two sealed envelopes and the name of the company shall be affixed to it , the first is technical and commercial (price) and the second contains the required documents including :
  • Certificate of establishment of the company a replica
  • A patent issued by the General Authority for Taxation for the year 2017
  • The purchase of teaser
  • A book supporting the blocking of the ration card
  • The participant is obliged to provide a letter of guarantee after the signing of the contract (30 days for equipment and salaries of (3) months for employees
  • The company is not obliged to accept the lowest bids
  • Winner shall bear the cost of publishing the last announcement
  • Any tender that does not meet the requirements shall be disregarded
  • The company invites all participants to attend the opening of bids in the first hour of the official working day following the closing date above
  • The company invites all participants to attend the conference scheduled to be held at its headquarters to respond to inquiries at 10:00 am on Tuesday 22/08/2017