NIC, still with the Saudi program, discusses with the Ministry of Health the construction of (6) investment hospitals 

NIC, still with the Saudi program, discusses with the Ministry of Health the construction of (6) investment hospitals 

NIC representatives keep attending the meetings of the Saudi delegation program that reached discussing the health sector projects in the Ministry of Health.

NIC spokesman said that the National Investment Commission is continuing its efforts to develop investment transactions between different sectoral sides and solid investment companies like those of the Saudi side, stating that the health sector has many investment opportunities that can attract companies especially those pertaining to pharmaceutical industries and the construction of investment hospitals and medical public clinics in the various provinces according to ruling laws and contexts of investment in Iraq.

The meeting was headed by H.E. Minister of Health, Dr. Salih Al- Hasnawi and attended by the technical deputy minister, Dr. Hani Musa, and a number of the DGs who discussed with the Saudi delegation mechanisms of applying the governmental program in terms of investment and the work on the policy of localizing pharmaceutical industries in Iraq.

The Ministry declared the opportunities of constructing six investment hospitals of 200 beds each in the provinces and showed the readiness to organize joint visits programs to exchange expertise in the medical field and health management.


    NIC attends a joint meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Saudi delegation and urges to conclude quality investment partnerships

    NIC attends a joint meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Saudi delegation and urges to conclude quality investment partnerships

An NIC delegation attended a joint meeting with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Saudi delegation.

With the attendance of H.E. Minister of Agriculture, Eng. Abbas Al- Elyawi, the meeting discussed nature of investment projects in the agricultural sector and the possibility to conclude mutual agreements with the specialized Saudi companies.

The meeting also focused on the investment profile prepared by the Agricultural investments directorship in the Ministry and a presentation was made to explain real investment opportunities with specified water shares.

The head of the Saudi delegation, Mr. Meshaal Bn Khalid al- Hathal- representative of the Saudi Ministry of Investment, in his turn, showed his country readiness to cooperate with the Iraqi side to activate investment file between the two countries.

NIC participates in the meeting between the Ministry of Electricity and the Saudi delegation and stresses the importance of reinforcing the national economy resources through partnering with the foreign investors.

NIC participates in the meeting between the Ministry of Electricity and the Saudi delegation and stresses the importance of reinforcing the national economy resources through partnering with the foreign investors.

NIC participated in a meeting between the Ministry of Electricity and the Saudi delegation and stressed the importance of working on developing level of the partnerships with foreign investors and defining investment map in Iraq.

The meeting, that was attended by H.E Minister of Electricity, Eng. Ziad Ali Fadhil and a number of the Ministry’s DGs, included presenting investment projects in different provinces and the possibility of getting the Saudi side participating in these projects through the specialized companies in the electricity sector.

The presentation also included detailed information about the projects that need rehabilitation, like Biji power complex in Saladin province in addition to a number of new electrical, and provided information about the sites, damage rates and production capacity.

NIC shares Ministry of Oil meetings with the Saudi Arabian delegation and both discuss the Oil investment map

NIC shares Ministry of Oil meetings with the Saudi Arabian delegation and both discuss the Oil investment map

NIC participated in the negotiations sessions held between the Iraqi Ministry of Oil and the Saudi Arabian delegation regarding oil investments and work mechanism according to legal framework.

The meeting was headed by Minister of Oil, Mr. Hayan abdul Ghani, who assured the Iraqi government proceeding in developing oil sector through attracting specialized investment companies and defining the work mechanisms specified after the determinants laid by investment law no. 13 for the year 2006, as amended and investment law no. 64, pertaining to crude oil refining, for the year 2007, as amended.

On the margins of the meeting, a round table session was held with the attendance of a number of NIC departments and sections representatives in addition to a number of the Ministry of Oil officials.

The attendees brought to light the importance of oil refining investment opportunities which are six in different Iraqi provinces and were named as : Al- Qayyara investment refinery project in Nineveh province, atmospheric residue desulphurization investment project in Basra province, Missan investment refinery project in Missan province, Al- Nassiryah investment refinery project in Dhi Qar province, al- Samawah investment refinery project in Muthana province, Al- Kut investment refinery project in Wasit province, and a still to be determined investment refinery in Haditha/ Anbar province, in addition to discussing the sixth permit rounds that include (11) investment project

Head of the Saudi delegation, in his turn stressed the importance of opening investment horizons in Oil sector between the two countries institutions.


NIC Chairman receives a Saudi Arabian delegation and discusses the completion of Riyadh talks regarding opportunities paths between the two countries 

NIC Chairman receives a Saudi Arabian delegation and discusses the completion of Riyadh talks regarding opportunities paths between the two countries 

NIC Chairman, Dr. Haider Muhammed Makiya, received a Saudi Arabian investment delegation and discussed path of investment opportunities of strategic nature aiming at developing the two countries’ economies.

NIC Chairman and during presiding a joint meeting that was attended by representatives of Ministries of Oil, Eletricity, Industry and Minerals, Trade, Housing and Construction, municipalities and public works, and Health assured the importance of completing talks and negotiations that had started in KSA in the recent month and laying down an executive roadmap to define investment projects that can serve Iraqi people.

He added that the goal behind this meeting is to strengthen investment movement and explain legal and technical terms of all available opportunities, stressing that NIC is working on fostering partnerships with the region and world countries to reinforce Iraq’s economic resources through foreign capitals and investors.

Head of the Saudi delegation, Mr. Meshaal Bn Khalid, in his turn expressed his appreciation to NIC chairman referring to his government support to the Iraqi government plans in investment and development of sectors like agriculture, electricity, oil, trade, housing and health.

Chairman of the National Investment Commission discusses encouraging and protecting mutual investments and reveals to Saudi businessmen the elements of Iraq’s safe environment

Chairman of the National Investment Commission discusses encouraging and protecting mutual investments and reveals to Saudi businessmen the elements of Iraq’s safe environment

The Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Dr. Haider M. Makiya, met with the Deputy Governor of the Saudi Public Investment Fund, Mr. Yazid Al-Hamid, and discussed measures to encourage and protect mutual investment work between the two countries.

Dr .Makiya stressed on activating the Iraq- Saudi Co. for investment works by starting a branch in Iraq according to Iraqi laws.

The two sides discussed work mechanisms in the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the International Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and strengthening bilateral relations in order to develop the wheel of investments in Baghdad and Riyadh provide pillars of a safe environment in Iraq.

Makiya explained NIC efforts to present an agreement to protect and encourage mutual investment business to the House of Representatives for a vote, in a way that enhances the status of investment in supporting the national economy.

In the same context, NIC Chairman attended the Iraqi-Saudi joint round table meeting, with the participation of undersecretaries of the Ministry of Investment and a number of Saudi businessmen and investors.

NIC presentation during the meeting included explaining the Investment Law no. 13 for 2006 and some available investment opportunities in different sectors.

Saudi businessmen and investors cleared some points related to the nature of investment work inside Iraq and the procedures for granting licenses to projects and exemptions.

At the end of the meeting, Deputy Governor of the Saudi Public Investment Fund thanked NIC Chairman and his delegation and stressed on S.A support to complete a mutual agreement that serves work sectors in both countries.


The Chairman of the National Investment Commission discusses the mechanisms for adopting electronic governance to manage smart city projects in Iraq

The Chairman of the National Investment Commission discusses the mechanisms for adopting electronic governance to manage smart city projects in Iraq

The NIC Chairman, Dr. Haider Muhammad Makiya, discussed with the CEO of Elm for Digital Transformation, Mr. Abdul Rahman Al-Jadhei, the mechanisms of employing digitization technology in the management of investment projects.

The two parties discussed the ideal usage of the digital technology in investment projects and smart cities in the next period of time in Iraq.

Both parties agreed on the importance of keeping pace with technology and benefiting from the potential of digital transformation in managing development projects and adopting digitization and electronic governance in the economic, commercial and investment sectors.