Bismayah Project Managing Team adds new Work Shifts

In order to proceed according to schedule
Bismayah Project Managing Team adds new Work Shifts


Bismayah project managing team decided to increase working hours until midnight in the project site, assuring that they took all necessary actions to make this decision succeed in a way that lead to increase achievement rates.
An official source in Hanawah Co. explained that the time commitment policy followed by the company requires fulfilling all its obligations towards Iraqi people. As for Hanawah business tower, the source added that after accomplishing the external structure the work is moving quickly forward in the tower site to complete the finishing works simultaneously with installing its solar power system expressing his gratitude and appreciation for all Iraqi institutions that contributed to make this project a success.
On the other hand, Hanawah Co. started constructing the glasshouses that can provide all types of seedlings, saplings and trees that are intended to be used in the landscaping that will be achieved by a specialized team in the company in coordination with the soil department at the university of Baghdad.


The process of constructing greenhouses and umbrellas is currently being conducted close to the housing construction site on a total area of 49.500 m² in which different types of saplings and trees are being planted to test their adaptation according to stages of growth in addition to allocating certain areas for planting different types of grass and testing them to know which is the most suitable one for the Iraqi climate.
Worth mentioning that unique irrigation systems shall be installed which shall be as hidden networks extended under all the green area remotely controlled to open and close in precise timings.

NIC arranges a tour for registrars in Bismayah New City project

In order to see work progress stages

NIC arranges a tour for registrars in Bismayah New City project


NIC arranged an expanded field tour in Bismayah  for more than 70 of registrars and those willing to register to buy housing units in Bismayah New City project on the 20th of Nov.14 in order to make them see work progress .

An official source in the National Investment Commission stated that this tour comes as one in a series of periodical tours arranged by the commission to let people see the work mechanisms and to find answers for all their inquiries and also to discuss their suggestions with the executing company representatives, the source added that the tour started by assembling people in the sale center in Baghdad International Fair wherefrom they were transported by buses to the project site which is 10 km far from Baghdad administrative borders.

The NIC source said that the tour had witnessed presenting a short movie that talks about work stages in the project followed by a tour in the pre casting concrete factory which is considered as the biggest in the middle east with detailed explanations submitted by the specialized engineers , the visitors continued the tour to reach the 1440 accomplished housing units in sector A1 where they met the in charge engineer who answered all their questions and most important of which is the procedures taken to construct the new high way connecting the city with the center of Baghdad, dates of delivering the housing units in the serviced sector, and the administrative system to be adopted to run the city after it is fully accomplished.

The administrative manager of the project, Mr. Suesatek Kim warmly welcomed the visitors assuring that the project is progressing smoothly and according to plans agreed upon adding that Hanawah Co. is highly pleased to work in Iraq and is willing to leave good effects in Iraqi people hearts, Mr. Kim also presented his gratitude to the National Investment Commission for the great support it is submitting to make this project a success.

The NIC media office polled the visitors opinions and it came as follows; Mr. Ghassan Deshar, a journalist, said that he noticed clear progress in the project and that he had previously visited the site with a number of journalists the matter that pushed him to accompany his family this time to see the progress achieved.

While Ms. Ibtisam Muhammed, an employee in the Rafidain Bank, highly praised the situation reached in the project that had exceeded her expectations expressing her happiness to be one of the registrars to have such modern housing unit in such modern city and her pride with this big national achievement.

The tour was ended with taking memorial shots for people with a number of NIC and Hanawah Co. officials.

In the NIC Premises

Iraqi- Emirates extensive negotiations to invest in Power sector



With the attendance of H.E Minister of Electricity Mr. Qasim Al- Fahdawi, NIC chairman received Sheikh Ahmed ben Delmook Al- Maktoom and the accompanying delegation in the NIC premises in Baghdad, where negotiations about the desire of the Sheikh companies to invest in power sector was done.

Minister of Electricity and NIC chairman submitted an elaborated explanation about the requirements of the electrical sector in Iraq and the need to attract investments in the power production sector in addition to rehabilitating and developing the electrical transformation and distribution networks.

Sheikh ben Delmook, in his turn, showed his full readiness to invest in the power sector and provide all its requirements assuring that his group is willing to enter the Iraqi market from its widest gates and invest in its various sectors.

The attendants agreed to make extensive meetings to come out with the decisions that lead to implement the projects asap in the way that serves both countries benefits.

Worth mentioning that Sheikh al- Maktoom group is the partner of al- Handhal international group which is currently implementing Mustaqbal 2 housing project in Baghdad.

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NIC: Baghdad International Fair exhibiting period had witnessed high demand for Bismayah project’s housing units

NIC: Baghdad International Fair exhibiting period had witnessed high demand for Bismayah project’s housing units




NIC pavilion in Baghdad International Fair which was held for the period (20-29/10/2014) had witnessed big number of visitors of those willing to register to buy Bismayah housing units.

An NIC authorized source stated that Bismayah registration management office in coordination with the NIC media office shall work together to conduct field visits to Bismayah site for people willing to know more about how work is going there before buying a housing unit in the said project.

NIC pavilion also included booths for some other big important projects supervised by NIC like al- Mustaqbal city with 30 thousand housing units and Janat Baghdad city with 20 thousand housing units which are to be constructed in Baghdad while Dhifaf Karbala project with 40 thousand units in Karbala province and Basra New city project with 100 thousand units in Basra province.

NIC Chairman. Dr, Sami al- Araji, and during his inspection visit to the Fair, described the NIC participation in such economic activities as a fundamental pillar for investment promotion process in Iraq inviting companies to invest available investment opportunities in the country and the big incentives and facilitations granted by investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 as amended.

Meanwhile, NIC and implementing companies representatives submitted elaborated explanations about all work phases, mechanisms of implementation and ways of registration in the projects.

A number of officials and global companies representatives visited the NIC pavilion and viewed the exhibited investment projects and the available investment opportunities in the different sectors and discussed the possibility of opening new cooperation horizons between the two sides.

Baghdad International Fair also witnessed the participation of the provincial investment commissions as (Baghdad, Babylon, Karbala, Salahadeen, Dayala, Diwanyia, Thi Qar, Wasit) where implemented and under construction projects in these provinces were exhibited in addition to promoting the available investment opportunities in various sectors like commercial, health, housing, and industrial sectors while preliminary agreements were signed with some visiting companies to exchange visits.

NIC Chairman: Work in Bismayah project is proceeding according to Schedule

During a press conference in Bismayah housing project site

NIC Chairman: Work in Bismayah project is proceeding according to Schedule


NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al- Araji assured that the work in Bismayah New City project is proceeding according to schedule agreed upon overcoming all difficulties and obstacles, simultaneously he praised the positive role played

by official entities in supporting the project and Hanawah Company strong commitment to implement all its obligations.

The announcement came during the big press conference organized by NIC at the 14th of October/14 to show the media all progress achieved when Dr. Sami revealed accomplishing all buildings in A1 sector which consists of 10 thousand housing unit with full services shall be delivered to registrars during the year 2015 while implementing the commercial centers shall start on 2017. The master plans for 16 project of building schools, sewage plants and medical centers have also been done waiting to be started soon.


NIC Chairman also revealed the intention to start up a company in cooperation with Hanawah co. to run Bismayah city according to internationally adopted management systems for housing compounds against regular fees to be paid by dwellers referring that there will be 7 entrances for the city provided with high standard security system.

Al- Araji also added that the NIC had contracted with UNIGAS Lebanese company to provide liquidized gas to the housing units in the city through the pipes in coordination with NIC and Iraqi Ministry of Oil. Coordination had also been done with the Iraqi Ministry of Housing AND Construction to expand Baghdad- Kut road to reach New Diyala bridge ending with Bab al- Sharqi point. NIC also is studying with the Iraqi Ministry of Transport the possibility of implementing a project of Metro that connects Bismayah with the center of Baghdad through announcing the project as an investment opportunity.

Hanawah Co. declared that (8) km out of (20) km total length of the services tunnel that contains electrical wires and telecommunication lines had been accomplished, while the company is keen to increase its equipments and heavy vehicles from 1600 to 20600 during the next year and increase its staff number which is 6500, 650 of whom are Korean expats by adding 550 more Korean expat.

The conference, which was held in the marketing tower just accomplished in the city, was attended by a big number of media channels and journals.


Attention of: all Media centers

Sub: Notification

Dear Sirs;

We would kindly like to notify you that NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al- Araji does not have any personal account on Facebook and that any that any account claims his personality is fake.

Please also be informed that you can contact us any time through ,

This notification has come after discovering some fake accounts with the name of Dr. Al- Araji which have already been reported as shouldn’t be on Facebook.


With the best regards of NIC Media Office

Bismayah’s Milestones Became Clear


Bismayah’s Milestones Became Clear



Despite the exceptional circumstances Iraq is running through and difficulties faced in obtaining the logistic supplies, Bismayah project is witnessing recognizable development represented by expanding the work progress ground in several sites of the project.

More staff are expected to arrive in Baghdad to contribute the construction of the project in order to expedite the building construction process and to cover larger areas. Among those staff, there would be engineers, supervisors and workers planned to be deployed on more workplaces.

As for the latest developments on the ground, specifically in town (A), they can be summarized as follows:-

• Pile Driving Process

Recently, the pile driving works have been expanded in construction site to cover most of Town (A) blocks, where the pile driving and foundation works of Block (A-2) have been finished in preparation for the launching of building erection process, after the erection of Block (A-1) buildings to the ninth or tenth floor. On the other hand, the pile driving process rates have reached an advanced level in the Block (A-3), and pilot pile driving is being conducted in the Block (A- 6), in addition to the on-going work on the land development in the other Blocks of Town (A).

• Foundations and Buildings Construction

Coordinating construction of all nine Blocks of Town (A) is a difficult task. Some buildings are erected to reach the tenth floor (Last Floor). On the other side, the foundation casting process is being continued in other neighboring Blocks, as the block (A-2) building foundations have been completed along with significant progress in other neighboring Blocks. Regarding water tanks in Town (A) which are (9) tanks, known as (Break Tanks), 3 out of (9) have been constructed so far.

• The Infrastructure (Water, Sewage Networks, and Electricity) The work is ongoing in full swing to complete all infrastructure of BNCP, the most notable ones are water, sewage, electricity and communication networks. All Bismayah City Towns will be supplied and fed with huge underground networks to cover the entire area of the project. The underground water, sewage and electricity networks have been fully laid down in the Block (A-1), while similar networks are about to be finished in Block (A-2). In addition, the work is in progress to complete rain water and sewage systems in Block (A -3).

Meanwhile, the company had constructed giant silos in Bismayah’s plants that have the capacity to store large amounts of cement that can be used in the events of emergency.

NIC Chairman: Most of the Investment Companies are continuing their activities in Iraq including Bismayah project Executing Company

During his Participation in the Economic Mobilization Conference

NIC Chairman: Most of the Investment Companies are continuing their activities in Iraq including Bismayah project Executing Company


During the conference held by the General Committee of Integrity in coordination with the NIC under the slogan of “the Economic Mobilization is a vital source to support official efforts to overcome Terrorism” , NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji assured that most of the global companies working in Iraq are still going forward in implementing their different projects and at the forefront of these companies is Hanawah South Korean company executing Bismayah New City project.

NIC Chairman added that the recent military actions Iraq had witnessed affected certain provinces, the matter that led to temporary withdrawal for some of investment companies due to the shutdown of borders outlets of importing equipment and raw materials for these companies stressing that the stoppage shall continue for a temporary period as NIC is working continuously to meet with these companies and their countries ambassadors in addition to provincial investment commissions and the Iraqi private sector to lay down plans and draw a road map in consistence with the forthcoming phase.

Dr. Al- Araji also said that NIC is comfortable with Iraq economic status denying all tendentious rumors broadcasted to distort the image of the Iraqi economy and confirming that work is proceeding well especially in the middle and southern provinces while adding that NIC had directed provincial investment commissions to document the continuation or withdrawal of companies to discuss the relative economic and legal aspects of each situation.

NIC Chairman stressed the importance of the role played by the Iraqi private sector in economic mobilization through supporting defense fronts and supplying them with what they need of food, clothing and other supplements by donations or big facilitations adding that one of the most big challenges that NIC faced is closing roads and border outlets the matter that was solved by the private sector which suggested opening new outlets especially with Iran.

Meanwhile, Dr. Al- Araji praised the role of the economic organizations and unions which were able to control vital commodities prices in the Iraqi market especially those that enter within Iraqis everyday life indicating that there is an operation room that works around the cloak in coordination with the private sector to deal with all developments might occur on the ground.

The conference was attended by Chairman of the General Committee of Integrity, the Judge Alaa Jawad Al- Saaedy, the economic advisor in the Prime Minister office Dr. Abdul Hussein al- Anbaki, Deputy Ministers of Planning, Dr. Mahdi al- Alaq and Dr. Sami Maty in addition to a number of Ministries and Unions representatives.

Hanwah Company Constructs Warehouses in Bismayah city factories

With Storage Capasity of 53 thousand Piece of Concrete

Hanwah Company Constructs Warehouses in Bismayah city factories

storage bismayah

Hanwah Company for Construction and Engineering adopted the self- sufficiency sustem by constructing Bismayah factories complex which is considered the first of its kind in Iraq and the biggest in the world to be aligned with the immensity of Bismayah Project and the importance of implementing it in the perfect way . the complex consists of more than 14 main and subordinate factories in addition to other vital aminities.

The factories production of the materials used to construct the project represent a qualtative jump in the constructional industries in Iraq by means of quality and quantity as the external walls factory produces concrete panels that are sufficient to construct 80 housing units a day while the concrete pillers factory produces about 260 pillers a day the matter that pushed Hanwah company to construct one of the biggest and most important supplementary facility for the factories which is the storing warhouses.

A specialized technical source in Hanawah company said that the main function of the warehouses is storing the precasting concrete produced in the external walls factory, the internal incisors factory, seilings and floors factory and the light blocks factory in addition to special storage for the concrete pillers and the plastic pipes factories production.

From the other side, warehouses were designed to be divided in to 11 partitions, 4 of which are currently being used while the others will be used when reaching the work prime and it is worth to mention that the total storage capacity for the 11 partitions will be 53 thousand concrete piece .

The National Investment Commission: Work in Bismayah Project is proceeding according to Schedule

The National Investment Commission: Work in Bismayah Project is proceeding according to Schedule


NIC confirmed that work in Bismayah city project is proceeding according to schedule agreed upon with the excuting company despite the exeptional conditions Iraq is going through, clarifying that the company had accoplished the infrastructure of the first housing compound in the project while it is comleting the construction of its housing units simultaneously with leveling the land and laying the pillers and the building bases in the neigbouring housing compounds.

Meanwhile, the finishing work in the housing units constructed is moving ahead according to the latest scientific technologies.

On the other hand, Hanawah Compan had submitted offers with complete designes to the conserned ministries regarding the services needed for the project represented by power grid, water networks, roads conecting the city to baghdad, kindergartens and schools, police and fire extinguishing stations, post offices, gas stations and others as NIC is negotiating with the company to sign a contract to implement the aforementioned works in the same time of completing the constructions and other utilities in the project site.