Ministry of Electricity in coordination with the National Investment Commission are pleased to announce an investment opportunity to construct three solar power stations and one wind power station with a capacity that ranges between (5-10) MW in Diwaniya, Najaf and Misan provinces according to investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 as amended taking in to consideration the following specifications:

Province Proposed Site Type of Energy
1 Diwaniya Dagharah (50 donum) Solar
2 Diwaniya Al- Suniyah (50-60 donum) Solar
3 Najaf Al- Haideriyah (200 donum) Solar
4 Misan Ali al- Gharbi (to be allocated according to the wind Turbines path) Wind


Investors willing to invest in this opportunity should submit an interest letter to the National Investment Commission within (30) days from the date of publishing this announcement with providing a profile that contains the following:

  • Project feasibility study that matches with the one arranged by the Ministry of Electricity (which can be obtained with the information confidentiality form when visiting NIC)
  • Signing the information confidentiality form when visiting NIC
  • Preliminary engineering plans
  • Financial competency with the details of the project funding sources
  • Duration and stages of project implementation
  • Similar accomplished projects

The project will enjoy the following privileges:

  • Tax and fees exemptions according to investment law provisions
  • Ministry of Electricity, NIC and provincial governments shall undertake providing all facilitations to investor in order to obtain all licenses and approvals needed through the Ones Stop Shop in addition to providing facilitations during the implementation and operation stages
  • The investor has the right to repatriate capitals, revenues and workers fees according to the CBI regulations after paying all financial dues


For any further information please contact us through: –Attention: Mr. Ra’ad Qassem. Director General- Ministry of Electricity

Or   National Investment commission

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