Bismayah Project Management inserts Tower cranes to accelerate work progress in the city

In line with the latest construction technology

Bismayah Project Management inserts Tower cranes to accelerate work progress in the city

NIC announced that Bismayah project management had inserted giant  tower cranes in to the project in order to accelerate the process of constructing the housing units which are the new form of balanced cranes through which the latest methods of construction technology in terms of height and lifting capacity is used.

An official source in the executing company confirmed that the number of the tower cranes used in the project reached to (15) with a length of (63) meter and (12) tone load for each, it is hoped to increase this number according to work progress.

The source indicated that the tower cranes used widely in construction and other industries to lift and transport materials.

Worth mentioning that Bismayah New city is located to the eastern south of Baghdad with a far distance of 10 KM from the capital borders on the international road that connects Baghdad- Kut and is designed to inhabit 600,000 people.

Launching actual production in the Plastic Pipes and frames plant in Bismayah project

Launching actual production in the Plastic Pipes and frames plant in Bismayah project

Hanawah Korean company , the executing   company of Bismayah project, started the actual production in the plastic pipes and frames  factory  (PVC) as a part of the company’s plan to operate the supporting factories of the project  amounting to (11) in addition to the three other basic  ones.

This was announced by an official source in Hanawah Company, indicating that the factory began its actual production after getting the official approvals from the National Centre for Engineering Consultations, National Centre for Laboratories and Construction Researches in addition to Department of Senior Engineer belongs to the Ministry of Construction and Housing.

The source added that the(PVC) material  has a high hardness characteristic and considered as very good for producing the sewage Pipes and windows frames for its low cost, high resistance to chemicals , ease of installation , lightweight , in addition to being good insulator of sound ,heat, wind with high resistance  to corrosion .

The factory produces the (PVC) material that is used in a wide range of Construction industry because it doesn’t need a lot of maintenance when used in plumbing and sanitation.

The source noted that the factory is divided into two essential stations, the first one gathers raw materials and produces (PVC) in different lengths and volumes while the second station gathers pipes in network forms to be used in constructing the housing units.

It is worth mentioning that Hanawah Company had began producing windows frames in 1986 in South Korea through its factory which is today considered as the most famous in the world in the field of manufacturing construction materials.

NIC and Hanawah South Korean Company holds the Ceremony of Opening the Precast Concrete Plant in Bismayah Project

With the Attendance of H.E Prime Minister, Nuri al- Maliki

NIC and Hanawah South Korean Company holds the Ceremony of Opening the Precast Concrete Plant in Bismayah Project

H.E Prime Minister, Mr. Nuri al- Maliki assured that providing suitable housing units for Iraqi people was a big goal and although achieving great hopes often faces greater obstacles but the slogan according to which all worked was “a housing unit for each Iraqi family”.

During his attendance to the ceremony of opening the precast Concrete plant in Bismayah project, Mr. Maliki expressed his hope for Bismayah city to turn into a new governorate not only for the big number of housing units it contains but for having comprehensive services that covers all medical, educational, energy, commercial and other vital important sides.

He also added that as we are today witnessing completing infrastructure works, specialized plants and factories in Bismayah new city project, we are also in front of a great starting point that can contribute to supporting the process of building the housing units in Iraq which represents a severe strike for all hostile campaigns against the project forwarding his thanks and appreciation for Hanawah Company which could make this dream come true through its high capacities and obligation.

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al- Araji, in his turn, said that the year 2015 will witness handing the keys of approximately 10 thousand housing units to be followed by 20 thousand units each year until hopefully ending the whole project by the year 2019 with all its services.

Al- Araji expressed his gratitude for the support submitted by H.E prime Minister for the whole economic and investment process in the country and especially Bismayah new city project that had got big facilitations. Thanking the Korean side commitment to the implementation plan according the time table specified for each phase.

South Korea Ambassador in Iraq, Mr. Jong Wan Jo, who had taken his pose just a couple of days earlier to this event, assured that Today’s event will be long remembered as one of the “most successful stories” of bilateral cooperation celebrating the “Silver Jubilee”, 25 years of diplomatic relations between Iraq and Korea.

He added that Korean government and people are ready to share their experiences with their fellow Iraqis so as to assist Iraq’s earnest endeavor for rapid economic growth and development, believing that Bismayah New City Project became as a symbol of cooperation between Korea and Iraq, will greatly contribute to the economic reconstruction of Iraq as well as the well-being of the Iraqi people.

Mr. Heong Jong Kim, Hanawah Vice Chairman of the board of directors, expressed his high appreciation for the Iraqi government and the NIC for granting Hanawah Co. their confidence to undertake constructing Bismayah new city giant project adding that the investment of this PC Plant together with 14 other Building Material Plants will play the vital role In building Bismayah New City as well as  implementing other National Reconstruction Plans in Iraq.

He also affirmed that the company is committed to achieving the project according to schedule agreed upon promising that the city will be one of the most modern cities in the region and the Middle East.

The ceremony also included an expanded tour for the Prime Minister accompanied by NIC Chairman and specialists in the plants to see the plants and the housing sites.

The Netherland Embassy in Baghdad Organizes an Expanded Meeting with the Iraqi Private Sector

In Cooperation with the NIC

The Netherland Embassy in Baghdad Organizes an Expanded Meeting with the Iraqi Private Sector

Under the slogan of “welcome to Netherland  … the Country of trade and Investment”

The Dutch – Iraqi Joint Forum was held in Baghdad on the 9th of April 2014 with the attendance of a big number of Iraqi businessmen.

The forum opened with a welcoming speech for Dr. Sami Al- Araji, NIC Chairman through which he affirmed that the relations with the Netherland gets a big interest from the government of Iraq and the NIC as an investment supporting side in Iraq adding that the last three years had witnessed a special cooperation to foster these relations where seven sectors and some big industrial projects (Chemical, Petrochemical, Agricultural, Irrigation and engineering  sectors) were chosen to start cooperation through confirming NIC support for the Netherland Embassy efforts of coordination and converging between Dutch companies and the Iraqi private sector.

Al- Araji also referred to the opportunity of holding two conferences with the Dutch companies the first in Iraq and the second in the Netherland in the second half of this year  to make a visit for the purpose of having a better idea about the market there and the business volume and investment sectors.

From her side, H.E Janet Sefn, the Ambassador of the Netherland in Baghdad assured that this meeting is a good opportunity to communicate and to present the capacities and sectors available in the Netherland when she started presenting a big number of sectors like (Agriculture and Food stuff, Chemical Industries, Energy, High tech systems, horticulture and biology, and logistic services).

Sefn also referred to the privileges the Netherland provide for investors like the competitive taxing system and the advanced infrastructure and logistics with an innovation incubating environment and a solid man power.

Questions and answers panel was opened for Iraqi businessmen to present all obstacles and difficulties they are facing in their cooperation with the Dutch companies where the Ambassador listened to all and promised to study and attempt to find the suitable solutions.

Holding the First International Festival for Air Activities in Babylon Province

With the participation of different countries

Holding the First International Festival for Air Activities in Babylon Province

Under the patronage of the Ministry of Sport and Youth and the National Investment Commission, the first International Festival for Air Activities starts today 23.Mar.14 in Babylon province with the participation of professional air activities teams from different nationalities like (Poland, Netherland, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Brazil, Chili and the United States of America) accompanied by a big group of journalists and media people who will undertake covering the event and broadcast it to the world.

The NIC Media office delegation representative said that the activities to be played for the first time in various provinces of Iraq shall include paragliding with 10 performing gliders, balloons activities with 4 balloons to perform free air jumping and other activities, referring that the participating teams are those of the most internationally well known and having had previous participations in different parts of the world and whose participation in Iraq now delivers a clear message to all the world that Iraq will keep being the cradle of civilization, tourism, sports and arts.

The source added that NIC had actively contributed to support the festival through facilitating the logistic procedures like granting the entry visas for the participating teams, accompanying them to provinces and providing the media coverage.

NIC logo shall be put on the four balloons to be prevailing in the sky of Iraqi province sending a message of peace and love to the world and reassuring that Iraq is open for business.

Starting the Construction of the First Buildings in Bismayah New City Project

Starting the Construction of the First Buildings in Bismayah New City Project

The process of building the first housing units had started in Bismayah New City project in the beginning of March.2014 as it started with compacting the concrete pillars in the soil followed by constructing the foundations of buildings.

The project technical manager said that the company had finished the process of installing the foundations concrete (Socle) which is one kind of the pre casting concrete laid over foundations in order to make the platforms for first floor of each building after installing the hollow concrete segments over the foundations, adding that the sandwich panel walls had also been installed which represent the external walls of the housing units.

Worth mentioning that Hanawah South Korean implementing company had launched the real production of the pre casting concrete in the PHC pile production factory that shall produce the platforms and ceilings for the housing units, knowing that the factory consists of four production lines automatically run.

NIC holds a Conference to Develop Franchise Opportunities in Iraq

For the Purpose of allowing access of International Franchise to Iraq

NIC holds a Conference to Develop Franchise Opportunities in Iraq

NIC in coordination with the International Franchise Association, US Department of State and the American Embassy in Baghdad held the Iraqi- American Conference for Developing Franchise Opportunities in Iraq for the period 17-18,Mar.2014 which was attended by representatives of US departments of State and Commerce, number of NIC officials and representatives of local private sector associations.

Dr. Sami al- Araji, NIC chairman assured in his opening speech that this conference is the first of its kind in Iraq and is considered as a unique opportunity to create strategic partnerships between American companies and the local private sector, adding that this conference comes as a complementary to the first one that was held in the beginning of this year and was devoted to discuss the Iraqi market needs for the American services and the legal and administrative  requirements to insert these services to Iraq.

Al- Araji expressed the NIC readiness to submit all facilities and privileges to American companies wishing to enter the Iraqi market and according to the valid Iraqi laws, inviting Iraqi businessmen to invest this opportunity in a well manner to provide the different services to Iraqi families in all provinces.

The US Charge de affairs, Mr. Jan Desrocher expressed his gratitude and appreciation to NIC for hosting this conference which shall reinforce economic relations between the two countries in the way that serve common interests affirming that opening a new market for American goods in Iraq is a goal that the Embassy is working hard to achieve through holding conferences that connect American companies and franchisors with the Iraqi private sector.

Mr. Keith Kurtz, Senior commercial advisor of the US Embassy in Baghdad, in his turn, said that this conference comes according to a business plan developed in coordination with NIC, US Foreign department of commerce and Commercial laws development program and includes three stages starting from specifying potential franchisees by NIC, training the candidates on franchise basics and finally organizing a study tour to prepare the candidates to conduct negotiations to obtain the franchise rights.

Worth mentioning that there are approximately a million franchise company in the United States of America that covers 50% of the sales volume in the American market while it operates 2.6% of the man power in the American private sector and contributes to the US GDP by 4%.

NIC Receives the Australian Minister of Agriculture

For the Purpose of Developing the Agricultural Sector in Iraq

NIC Receives the Australian Minister of Agriculture

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NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al- Araji received at the NIC premises on Monday 23.02.2014 the Australian Minister of Agriculture and the accompanied delegation with the attendance of the Iraqi Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Ghazi al- Aboodi, a number of officials in the Ministry of Agriculture and NIC and the Australian Ambassador to Baghdad in addition to a number of Iraqi Businessmen, when the two sides discussed the possibility of developing the Iraqi Agricultural sector through presenting the available agricultural investment opportunities to the Australian companies

In the expanded session attended by the two sides, al- Araji assured that the agricultural sector is one of the important economic sectors in Iraq for the promising investment opportunities it has expressing the NIC readiness to submit all privileges and guarantees for Australian investors willing to invest in Iraq according to investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 as amended.

He stated that this meeting had come to exchange thoughts and opinions between the public and private sectors in the two countries in order to create investment partnerships aiming at developing the agricultural sector in the country especially after adopting the free market policy and encouraging the private sector to play a bigger role in the economic development process appreciating the Australian Minister visit and support for the reconstruction and investment process in Iraq.

In her turn, the Australian Minister presented her gratitude and appreciation for the warm reception and hospitality inviting the Iraqi businessmen to visit Australia to view the Australian experience in agriculture and livestock production and expressing  the Australian Government readiness to provide the necessary support in this sector within the framework of the bilateral benefits between the two countries.

From the Iraqi side, Dr. Ghazi al- Aboodi affirmed that Iraq had witnessed a big development in the agricultural sector as it achieved 80% percent of Iraq’s need of wheat and it is hoped to reach full sufficiency of this crop by the end of this year, where as we reached sufficiency in the production of fruits and vegetables while 50% of livestock needs is covered by the local production  inviting the Australian side to reinforce support in the field of expertise exchange between the two countries.

The attendees from the representatives of the private sector in Iraq submitted a number of suggestions and opinions to reinforce Iraq’s capacities in this vital sector which can be a new resource for income in the country, the meeting also witnessed discussing a number of issues of concern to the economic relations between Iraq and Australia to serve the aspirations of the two countries.

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