In response to comments Mr. Attorney Jawad Alshahyla

In response to comments Mr. Attorney Jawad Alshahyla,

National Investment Commission .. Body free from the corrupt and past accomplishment investment projects

Some consistently that does not see the successes and achievements realized by the Iraqis loyal only Psodawih and Hoam in time which must that Taatzafar all the benevolent support of all efforts done push the country forward towards progress and prosperity.

Today, where campaigns electoral blocks and political entities in its waning days ahead of provincial elections on the morning of 20.04.2013 and compete participants, comments come Mr. Attorney Jawad Alshahyla program Studio nine o’clock on channel Baghdadi and see where the attack is not justified on the National Investment Commission.

As surprised by the strongly from these statements that appears where Mr. Rep. Mgtada of praise for the Prime Minister Mr. Nuri Kamal al-Maliki of the Authority and its president, Dr. Sami al-Araji.

We say to Mr. MP Alshahyla that work in the wake of the fall of the former regime in 2003 and until this moment with honesty and sincerity and dedication at each site filled and has won him the support and backing of the main participants in the political process, where he was nominated by her for the assumption of ministerial positions several, as well as its role in maintaining The Ministry of Industry and Minerals and its disintegration and loss in difficult conditions and contribute to the ministry to stop on their feet and keep their employees when he was an agent of the Ministry, freedom to commend it does not doubt his integrity.

With regard to the draft the city residential بسماية .. Confirms body that this project is the largest residential project on Iraq and Middle East region, which includes the construction of 100 thousand residential units integrated services according to international standards of modern for the benefit of citizens with limited income (from employees and retirees and the general citizens) and discounted relative prices the local market, as reimburse citizens (10%) of the value of the housing unit instead of (25%) at the request of the majority of users who are interested to register and Premium and the remaining amount for nearly 20 years, as will cover the company (75%) of the value of the cost of the project and this is what in place with all companies investment.

It should also be noted that the company executed (Hanwha), which began work at the site has received (10%) of the value of the project is paid by Iraqi banks against bank guarantee to be it after receiving payments from citizens registered on the residential units.

The wonder of the National Authority for Investment where he is talking about corruption Mr. Attorney Jawad Alshahyla, about these facts, and if he had information other than what we know and those chock for the project Valajdr that offer to the body instead of defamation via satellite.

National Authority for Investment

National Investment Commission holds the Iraqi-Singapore Business and Investment forum


With the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Ruz Nuri Shawis

National Investment Commission holds the Iraqi-Singapore Business and Investment forum

With the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Ruz Nuri Shawis NIC held in Baghdad the Iraqi-Singapore Business and Investment forum for the period 3-4/3/2013 in order to brief the Singapore delegation on investment opportunities in Iraq, as well as promote economic and commercial exchange between the two countries. The Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Ruz Nuri Shawis confirmed, in an opening speech, that the Iraqi Government is working to support the private sector to be involved in the development process through a number of amendments of laws in forced to grant the investors more facilities to enter the investment process, expressing the Iraqi Government’s desire to create strategic economic partnerships in all economic sectors with the Republic of Singapore. From his part the NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al-Araji, in his speech welcomed the guest delegation presenting the investment and development opportunities in Iraq urging the Singapore companies to participate in the investment process in different economic sectors to serve the interests of the two countries.

Al-Araji showed that NIC will provide, to the investor who wishes to work in Iraq, all privileges and guarantees ensured by investment law no. 13 for the year 2006 as amended indicating that NIC as a part of its quest to create an investment climate after the completion of the second amendment which is in its way to legislation that will provide more facilities to investors to develop the investment work in the country. He also invited the Singapore companies to make investment partnerships contracts with the Iraqi private sector, referring that Singapore is economically developed country especially in financial and banking facilities sectors , in addition to the Singapore companies’ mostly fine characteristics in the field of housing units construction, infrastructure , ports and airports and so on.

From his part the Singapore’s non- resident ambassador, Mr. Zainol Rashid, said that his countries’ companies have the desire to enter the Iraqi market to invest especially in oil and gas sectors in addition to the construction of airports, infrastructure and commercial exchange between two countries. Then Mr. Rashid added that Singapore has enough experience to develop and promote the new Iraqi economy reviewing his country desire to increase the commercial exchange between the two countries especially that Singapore relies on Iraqi oil by 95%.

On the sidelines of the two day forum, workshops was held between the Iraqi private sector represented by (Federation of Chambers of commerce, Federation of Industries, Businessmen Union, Iraqi National Business Council, Association of Iraqi Banks, Economic Community and Federation of Iraqi contractors) and the Singaporean counterparts to exchange ideas and point of view as well as studying the possibilities to enhance partnerships to implement the project for the good of the two countries.


Based upon the Thursday 06.06.2013 (twelve o’clock noon) is the last day for receipt of tenders in the tender box at the Ministry of Transport and is receiving through authorized by the company and what proves it will reject any tender after the deadline and it required noted.

Housing Project management staff of the Ministry of Transport

Iraqi Business Forum – Egyptian


Chairman of the National Investment .. We seek to achieve economic integration between the two countries

The head of the National Investment Commission, Dr. Sami Raouf al-Araji, the pursuit of Iraq and Egypt to achieve economic integration between them and increase trade exchange and the establishment of investment partnerships strategy to serve the interests of the two brotherly countries and bring them economic prosperity, praising the capabilities of Economic enjoyed by the Republic of Egypt and the possibility of investment to participate in the development process and rebuilding Iraq.

This came during chaired by the Iraqi Business Forum – Egyptian held in Baghdad for the period (4-5/3/2013) on the sidelines of a state visit, Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Qandil to Iraq in the presence of Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade Hatem Saleh, as well as 70 of the businessman Egyptians and a number of officials in the Iraqi government and businessmen representing the Iraqi private sector.

The President of the Commission in front of the Egyptian companies a number of investment opportunities in various economic sectors, including (oil and gas, agriculture, industry, tourism and health .. etc), stressing that the Commission has been able to overcome many of the obstacles to the entry of investors to the Iraqi market, including visa, which has become enjoy great facilities, as well as to give them all the facilities and guarantees granted to them under the Investment Law No. 13 of to Ssna 2006 and its amendments.

Of Japinh praised the Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade Engineer Hatem Saleh warmly Alasagbal and hospitality which was met by the Egyptian delegation by the Iraqi government and the National Investment Commission, noting that the Iraqi market is promising and attractive to investors and that Egyptian companies willing to engage and contribute to the investment process through the establishment of projects, strategic and economic partnerships great with the Iraqi private sector.

The forum witnessed the signing of a memorandum of cooperation in the field of investment in the housing sector between the National Investment Commission and the Arab Contractors Company for the purpose of the boot to start negotiations to build housing units in Iraq by the Egyptian investment companies.

This was held on the sidelines of the forum workshops between businessmen in both countries, where she discussed the those workshops possibility of investment and set up projects in five key sectors (engineering goods, construction materials, agricultural crops, oil and chemical products, food products).

National Authority for Investment and Business Forum held Iraqi investment – Singapore


With the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Ruz Nuri Shawis

With the presence of Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Ruz Nuri Shawis NIC held in Baghdad the Iraqi-Singapore Business and Investment forum for the period 3-4/3/2013 in order to brief the Singapore delegation on investment opportunities in Iraq, as well as promote economic and commercial exchange between the two countries. The Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Ruz Nuri Shawis confirmed, in an opening speech, that the Iraqi Government is working to support the private sector to be involved in the development process through a number of amendments of laws in forced to grant the investors more facilities to enter the investment process, expressing the Iraqi Government’s desire to create strategic economic partnerships in all economic sectors with the Republic of Singapore. From his part the NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami al-Araji, in his speech welcomed the guest delegation presenting the investment and development opportunities in Iraq urging the Singapore companies to participate in the investment process in different economic sectors to serve the interests of the two countries.

Al-Araji showed that NIC will provide, to the investor who wishes to work in Iraq, all privileges and guarantees ensured by investment law no. 13 for the year 2006 as amended indicating that NIC as a part of its quest to create an investment climate after the completion of the second amendment which is in its way to legislation that will provide more facilities to investors to develop the investment work in the country. He also invited the Singapore companies to make investment partnerships contracts with the Iraqi private sector, referring that Singapore is economically developed country especially in financial and banking facilities sectors , in addition to the Singapore companies’ mostly fine characteristics in the field of housing units construction, infrastructure , ports and airports and so on.

From his part the Singapore’s non- resident ambassador, Mr. Zainol Rashid, said that his countries’ companies have the desire to enter the Iraqi market to invest especially in oil and gas sectors in addition to the construction of airports, infrastructure and commercial exchange between two countries. Then Mr. Rashid added that Singapore has enough experience to develop and promote the new Iraqi economy reviewing his country desire to increase the commercial exchange between the two countries especially that Singapore relies on Iraqi oil by 95%.

On the sidelines of the two day forum, workshops was held between the Iraqi private sector represented by (Federation of Chambers of commerce, Federation of Industries, Businessmen Union, Iraqi National Business Council, Association of Iraqi Banks, Economic Community and Federation of Iraqi contractors) and the Singaporean counterparts to exchange ideas and point of view as well as studying the possibilities to enhance partnerships to implement the project for the good of the two countries.

National Investment Commission assessed the signing ceremony of laying the foundation stone for the project residential banks of the city of Karbala

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Under the patronage of H.E Prime Minister Nuri Al

The National Investment Commission Holds a Celebration to Sign Agreement and Lay down the Foundation Stone for Diffaf Karbala Residential Project

Under the patronage of the H.E Prime Minister Nuri al- Maliki the National Investment Commission held a celebration to sign agreement and put the foundation stone for Diffaf Karbala residential project on Thursday 28/2/2013 in Holy Karbala city with the presence of the Governor of Karbala ,Chairman and members of the provincial council, members of parliament , UAE Ambassador in Iraq, Executive Director of the National Holding Group, CEO of Bloom Co. and a number of Government officials and Businessmen. The Prime Minister , in his speech on this occasion, praised the efforts of NIC and the executing company to overcome all difficulties that had faced the project expressing the Iraqi need to such strategic projects that will serve the country and stimulate its economy calling the legislative institutions to provide a legislative and legal environment to attract capitals and global investment indicating that his government is working to provide everything that contributes to propel the economy forward .

From his part the chairman of NIC Sami al- Araji showed his gratitude and appreciation to Prime Minister for his continued support to the development and investment process in the country especially strategic projects such as Diffaf Karbala and Bismayia New city projects. Al- Araji also indicated that the project’s area is 20 square kilometers that includes (40) thousand housing units and will be implemented through four stages during eight years with full infrastructure services and public recreational facilities.

The Governor of Karbala, Amal Alher, in his turn said that this project is a big achievement for the province which will reduce the housing crisis and contribute to provide job opportunities for the people of the province.

In the other hand UAE Ambassador, Abdullah Al-Shehhi, assured that the project will be encouraging and attractive to investors in Karbala and that the UAE company is the best to represent the United Arab Emirates in Iraq. On the other hand the Chief Executive of Emirates National Holding Company, Ghassan Abdul Karim, said that Bloom Properties which belong to the Holding Group is one of the leading companies in the United Arab Emirates and has the interest to invest in industry , urban development , general trade and oil and gas sectors in Iraq.

Under the patronage of H.E Prime Minister Nuri Al maliki

Under the patronage of H.E Prime Minister Nuri Al maliki

The National Investment Commission Holds a Celebration to Sign Agreement and Lay down the Foundation Stone for Diffaf Karbala Residential Project

Under the patronage of the H.E Prime Minister Nuri al- Maliki the National Investment Commission held a celebration to sign agreement and put the foundation stone for Diffaf Karbala residential project on Thursday 28/2/2013 in Holy Karbala city with the presence of the Governor of Karbala ,Chairman and members of the provincial council, members of parliament , UAE Ambassador in Iraq, Executive Director of the National Holding Group, CEO of Bloom Co. and a number of Government officials and Businessmen. The Prime Minister , in his speech on this occasion, praised the efforts of NIC and the executing company to overcome all difficulties that had faced the project expressing the Iraqi need to such strategic projects that will serve the country and stimulate its economy calling the legislative institutions to provide a legislative and legal environment to attract capitals and global investment indicating that his government is working to provide everything that contributes to propel the economy forward .
From his part the chairman of NIC Sami al- Araji showed his gratitude and appreciation to Prime Minister for his continued support to the development and investment process in the country especially strategic projects such as Diffaf Karbala and Bismayah New city projects. Al- Araji also indicated that the project’s area is 20 square kilometers that includes (40) thousand housing units and will be implemented through four stages during eight years with full infrastructure services and public recreational facilities.
The Governor of Karbala, Amal Alher, in his turn said that this project is a big achievement for the province which will reduce the housing crisis and contribute to provide job opportunities for the people of the province.
In the other hand UAE Ambassador, Abdullah Al-Shehhi, assured that the project will be encouraging and attractive to investors in Karbala and that the UAE company is the best to represent the United Arab Emirates in Iraq. On the other hand the Chief Executive of Emirates National Holding Company, Ghassan Abdul Karim, said that Bloom Properties which belong to the Holding Group is one of the leading companies in the United Arab Emirates and has the interest to invest in industry, urban development, general trade and oil and gas sectors in Iraq.

Investment opportunity

The Ministry of Construction and Housing

Announces investment opportunities in the province of Nasiriyah for the establishment of a housing complex for employees of the ministry and state officials and the duration of 3 years, an area of ​​100 acres and the project is located on the island of Khmrh on the highway in the northern part of the city of Nasiriyah, near the downstream public and adjacent to the College of Technology.

A component of the residential complex has a role of a number of residential (801) and House models as follows:

Sample 1 (61) Dar area of land (300) m 2 and a building area of 200 m 2

Sample 2 (230) house with an area of land (250) m 2 and a building area of 180 m 2

Sample 3 (510) house with an area of land (200) m 2 and a building area of 160 m 2

Include municipal buildings contain (schools, kindergarten and nursery, a mosque, a health center, markets, shops, capable of building complex, service area)

Those who see the Ministry of Construction and Housing / Investment Department and the object in Baghdad – against Allawi garage for the purpose of access to the required details or contact the email address:


NIC Chairman the council of Ministers agreed to grant an investment license for the implementation of Diffaf Karbala residential project

During his visit to province of Karbala
NIC Chairman …the council of Ministers agreed to grant an investment license for the implementation of Diffaf Karbala residential project

The chairman of NIC Dr. Sami al- Araji declared that the council of Ministers decided to grant UAE’s Bloom an investment license for the implementation of Diffaf Karbala residential project indicating that the Holy City will witness the presence of the Prime Minister Nuri al- Maliki singing ceremony between NIC and Karbala Investment Commission on one hand and the executing company on the other hand as well as laying the foundation stone of the project.
This took place during al- Araji’s visit to Karbala on Wednesday 20/1/2013 when he met Mr, Amal al- Herr, the governor of Karbala, and Mr. Muhammed Hamid al- Musawi, president of the provincial council, with the presence of a number of officials in the province where they discussed the ways to enhance the investment process, stressing that many international companies and investors willing to contribute in investment process because of Karbala’s location and its religious status.
Al- Araji added during a joint press conference that Diffaf Karbala residential project will be a major milestone in the architecture, modernity and services according to the heritage, history and the sanctity of the city, explaining that the project’s area is 20 million square meters and it will be established on the banks of Razzaza Lake which includes building) 40( thousand housing units horizontal and vertical system which will be completed with four stages each stage include )1o(thousand unit accompanied by service installations. The NIC chairman said that this visit comes in the line with the approach in the following –up the investment process in all provinces in Iraq and provide all suitable conditions for establishing investment projects praising the role of the provincial investment commissions to make the investment process a success to serve the public interest.
From his part Karbala’s governor praised the role of NIC in attracting large capitals to the province and facilitates the entry of investors to establish investment projects and revitalize the commercial traffic in provinces such as Diffaf Karbala residential project expressing the province’s readiness to support the investment commission in the province and all investors according to the Iraqi laws.

Investment opportunity

Announcement for investment opportunities

As Iraq Ministry of Communication ( Moc) believe in encourage investment , and in order to activate the role of private sector in the construction and development of telecommunications sector in Iraq, Moc is delighted to announce to private sector companies investment opportunities in optical fiber networks to be implemented as ppp’s (Public Private sector Partnership).

Below are the general descriptions of these investment opportunities, the specialists in , MoC will be ready to clarify the details and provide the investors with the required information assist them submitting their technical offers. The offers are to be submitted to the National Investment Commission or to the Ministry of Communication directly.

Idea of the projects:

The objectives of these projects are to be built optical fiber access network that provides all ICT services ( voice and data) for about two million subscribers using( FTTX )techniques . The network is to be utilized by several private sector operators ‘technically ’ acting as Virtual Service Providers (VSP ).

According to the national network core topology, the three projects are to be implemented by three investors separately (Network Providers) in three zones . Two to three (VSP’s)are to utilize one zone network by renting it from network provider investor.

General Descriptions

  1. The investment contract will be a long term contract, about (15-20) years.
  2. The revenue sharing will be so encouragable, as MoC aims to support such important projects.
  3. The investors has the right to choose out resources to perform the project.
  4. The investors has the right to adopt appropriate ( FTTX ) technique that may be suitable for a given area according to various criteria like feasibility study, demand forecast ,population density, informatics culture, standard of living ,…etc .
  5. The ministry will support investors to make the right decision regarding the choice of FTTX technique to be adopted at a given area .as MoC has good experience due to implementation of several FTTX projects .
  6. In order to prevent monopoly , the operators should not submit for these project .
  7. The technical proposals that will be submitted by the investors are to be situated by specialists at MoC , extensive discussion is to be done with investors . some parts of the solution my need to be redesigned by the investor to accommodate the laws and applied rules especially regarding cyber security issues .
  8. The three zones for project implementations are :
    1. The northern zone includes the provinces of musel , Kirkuk , Salah AL-Deen .
    2. The middle zone includes the provinces of Baghdad , Babylon , AL-Anbar and Diyala .
    3. The southern zone includes the provinces of Dhi Qar , Wasit , AL-Basrah , AL-Semawa , AL-Dewania , Karbala , AL-Nahjaf and Maysan .
  9. The PPP contracts will include statements that enable Iraq CMC to perform its role regulator of the telecommunications sector in Iraq effectively .
  10. Investor will be selected in accordance with principles of transparency and fair competition.