For the Purpose of Attracting International Companies to Invest in Transport Sector
NIC updates the Transport Projects within the Investment Map

NIC in coordination with the Ministry of Transport are preparing to update the transport projects within the investment map since they will be presented as investment opportunities represented by constructing airports, railways in addition to rehabilitating and upgrading the big seaports in Basra.
Faw Grand Port is considered as the most important project in this sector, An NIC reliable source said, which lays in the Faw Peninsula south of Basra and covers an area of 30 KM², the project includes constructing a seaport ready to yearly receive 5000-6000 large ships carrying cargo containers, the project will be implemented in two stages with a total cost amount that exceed 47 Million Euro and hopefully it will be one of the biggest 10 seaports in the world on the Arabian Gulf exploiting the distinguished site of Iraq which connects east Asia, Gulf and Europe.
Regarding the air transport projects announced for investment, the NIC source said that there are two new projects will be announced within the new version of the investment plan, the first is represented by Al- Furat Al- Awsat Airport which aims at facilitating transport within the middle Euphrates area and activating the religious tourism in the holy sites (the area allocated for this purpose is 47km²) while the second project is Al- Mosul International Airport with estimated cost amount of 700 million $.

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