Rasheed Camp Development Project (race) five investment opportunities
Modern designs meet the requirements of modern life
National Investment Commission announces the development project
Rasheed Camp (formerly) five investment opportunities
Announced the National Authority for Investment Development Project Rasheed Camp (formerly) five investment opportunities (Residential, Commercial, sports, health, entertainment) through three modern designs according to international standards that meet the requirements of modern life prepared by the architects of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and the University of Technology.
The President of the National Investment Commission, Dr. Sami Raouf al-Araji, during a press conference held at the headquarters of the occasion on Sunday, 07.22.2012 that the Authority had approached a number of international companies competent investment to contribute to these opportunities five, and that is open to any investor to enter and participate in this project Dynamic and declared the official website of the National Investment ( www.investpromo.gov.iq ) for a period of (60) days from the date of the announcement, as the investment will be direct investment and sales of the citizens are in accordance with the principle of supply and demand, noting that the designs of the three provided and developed specific criteria for implementation , aspect housing will be built (50 – 70) thousand residential units according to the vertical construction and four areas (120 m 2 , 140 m 2 , 160 m 2 , 200 m 2 ) and high (10) floors above, in addition to (5) of thousands of housing units horizontal form a separate building is composed of two-or three-storey per unit.
He added that the business side of the city will include commercial centers, malls and chain Five Star hotels with the services of a cultural and social cinemas, theaters and cultural centers, either the medical side will work on the rehabilitation and development of Rashid Hospital Military (formerly) and the addition of buildings have a capacity of a thousand bed with building complex and the College Studies and medical specialties to be a teacher Medical large in Iraq and will be done in coordination with the Ministries of Health and Higher Education, as will the entertainment set up an entertainment complex and the city of games, as well as the development of Corniche Tigris River, including the city’s water with hotel services required, including the aspect of sports will build a stadium Contributor capacity (60) thousand spectators with a secondary stadium capacity (10) Thousands of spectators with closed multi-purpose rooms and an Olympic swimming pool (open and closed).
This saw the end of the press conference a detailed view of the three designs for the project by the gentlemen in the engineering department officials and the National Consulting Center at the Ministry of Construction and Housing professors and specialists from the University of Technology.