U.S. company seeking to invest in building hospitals, hotels and entertainment venues in Diwaniya

Mr. Ghassan al-Moussawi, The representative for Star Joseph Company, American, for building and construction announced during his visit to the headquarters of Diwaniya investment commission, their desire to invest in various sectors including the building of hospitals, hotels, entertainment venues. He also said that his company applied to invest in Diwaniya, through a project to establish a modern entertainment city aiming at applying for investment in many other sectors later.
In turn, Eng. Hakim Hameed Hatem, Director General of the Commission said that the procedures in our commission are simplified as considered by investment companies that received investment licenses to work in Diwaniya. It is known that our province suffers shortage in entertainment venues so we have allocated a land for this project and we have no problems in establishing it.

National Investment Commission concludes the program for the training of its staff in Cairo


During an official ceremony in the facility of the Egyptian Ministry of Investment
National Investment Commission concludes the program for the training of its staff
In Cairo

The ninth session was the last one of the training program of the National Investment Commission staff in the Egyptian capital, Cairo. The program was agreed on according to the memorandum of understanding signed by the chairman of the National Investment Commission, Dr. Sami R. Al-Araji, representative of the Iraqi government with the Egyptian Minister of Investment Dr. Mohiuddin representatives of the Egyptian government in February for 2010.
The economic advisor at the National Investment Commission , Mr. Abdullah Al-Bandar, head of the Iraqi delegation said that the aim of participating in these courses is to see the experiences of other countries in the field of investment and management of free zones and investment zones and take advantage of the extensive experience owned by these countries, as well as the exchange of views, that can be of benefit to the investment process currently in Iraq in general, especially when Egypt has a long experience in this area that can extend to four decades.
Al- Bandar added, that these courses are part of the technical investment cooperation between Egypt and Iraq, and more than (488) employees working in many state institutions graduated from these courses, including in addition to the National Investment Commission, the Stock Exchange Commission, Baghdad Mayoralty and investment commissions in the provinces.
Iraq’s Ambassador to the Republic of Egypt Mr. Nizar Khairalla said that the Iraqi government aims at the rehabilitation of Iraqi cadres to be able of promoting the institutional work in the country to boost the Iraqi economy, expressing the Iraqi government appreciation to Egypt for their support and attribution to the Iraqi delegations visiting Egypt for training.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Egyptian Investment Commission, Mr. Osama Saleh, said that the training programs that have been implemented, included a specialized program at the Center for Leadership Development with respect to management strategy, government and social responsibility, in addition to the program for the development of investment services, creation of business environment, promoting investment areas and investment policy in the provinces and how to explore investment opportunities in the provinces, indicating that trainees visited the main Investment Services Complex and some of its main branches in the provinces.

Vice-Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Salar Mohammed Amin, speech during the signing of a memorandum of understanding with Japan

Signing the Memorandum of Understanding today, we would like to increase the depth of the special relationship between our two countries, and we would like to thank the Government and people of Japan for their support to Iraq being the second largest donor to us, where Japan has donated $ 1.5 billion in grants and $ 3.5 billion as loans.
Iraq has welcomed several Japanese companies in the past and we would like to welcome more of them in the future. Today, Iraq launched a new stage of comprehensive development in all sectors, particularly in large infrastructure projects
During the next days a new government will be announced that will work hand in hand with a functioning Parliament which was elected democratically by the Iraqi people
Which will ensure greater stability and improved security situation, which will increase the interest of investors and the private sector in the Iraqi market.
We in the National Investment Commission stand ready to support all parties wishing to invest in Iraq, I would like to thank you again for this wonderful opportunity, and I look forward to welcoming you all to Iraq in the near future

During his visit the city of Detroit / Michigan Chairman of the National Investment Commission urges the Iraqi community to participate in rebuilding Iraq community to participate in rebuilding Iraq


The Chairman of the National Investment Commission urged in his speech at a gathering of the Iraqi community in the city of Detroit / Michigan to participate in building Iraq, based on their specialization, and the possibilities available to each individual or institution, announcing his readiness to support efforts and provide the appropriate atmosphere for each fruitful opportunity that may serve the country and the people
This came during a visit paid by the Chairman of the NIC, Dr. Sami al-Araji to the state of Michigan recently within the official business visit to the U.S. starting with the city of Detroit. His Excellency held a series of meetings with American, Arab and Iraqi businessmen,investors and economists. He also met with the mayor of Dearborn, Mr. Jacques Orly, and a number of investors and members of the Arab American Chamber of Commerce. He presented NIC program, the economic development plans and the investment climate in Iraq.
He also stressed in his speech that the nature of his visit to the United States of America is to follow-up and activate the official economic and investment affairs between the two countries, pointing to the achievements of the NIC in terms of completed projects and existing ones which accelerated the economic development in the country and support of labor and employment through the creation of investment projects covering the largest area of the country and reflect its benefit on the country and the Iraqi people.

At the end of his speech and after answering a lot of interventions and questions from the audience, He expressed his thanks and gratitude of the Iraqi community and the Consulate General of the Republic of Iraq in Detroit, which worked on preparing this fruitful meeting.
His Excellency presented to the Iraqi Consulate General a model of a memorial gift symbolizes the Iraqi palm in the name of the National Investment Commission. HE Mr. Louay Nouri al-Bashar the Iraqi Consul General received it.

It should be noted that the Consulate General of the Republic of Iraq in Detroit organized this meeting with the Iraqi community in the state of Michigan, where the meeting was opened with a speech by His Excellency Consul General of the Republic of Iraq in Detroit, Mr. Louay Nouri al-Bashar who welcomed His Excellency the Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Dr. Sami R. Al-Araji. He explained the nature of NIC and its work, functions, achievements and the nature of the visit of His Excellency the Chairman of the National Investment Commission to the United States of America, explaining that it is an official working visit that focused on the follow-up to a lot of issues between the two countries, most important is the economic investment one

This meeting was attended by a number of businessmen, academics, journalists, representatives of civil society organizations and some prominent figures.

Speech of His Excellency the Chairman of the National Investment Commission

Dr. Sami R. Al-Araji
Electricity Conference on 18/12/2010
Since the first day, we have worked in the National Investment Commission on developing the investment map to involve all ministries, in the forefront the Ministry of Electricity, by including the investment sectoral opportunities which was updated twice during the last year and the beginning of this year to play its role in the promotion of investment opportunities through conferences, seminars and meetings held by the National investment Commission inside and outside Iraq. Honestly, we have faced many obstacles which hindered activating the investment opportunities in the electricity sector as these opportunities have its own privacy in terms of production and distribution process. If one takes into consideration the projects granted by the National Investment Commission and Provinces Investment Commissions, the need for more production of electric power will be greater, especially with strategic projects such as the New City of Karbala, The cities of the Future and Al-Rasheed in Baghdad and the one- million housing units project throughout Iraq, and to overcome the difficulties of processing potential, we are dealing with this project in a special way through addressing investors and developers demand to set up production units specific to each compound and thus new opportunities will be created aside from the ones offered now.
The National Investment Commission have continued, despite all the difficulties mentioned earlier, to pay this sector a special importance to the extent that we have allocated a special file to electricity projects and follow-up directly by us, and Mr. Vice-President of the National Investment Commission as well as contributing to the committee established in the Ministry of Electricity for this purpose so facilitate all procedures relevant to investment in electricity projects.

Today we have four investment opportunities in the four provinces with a total of (2750) MW and there will be other stages to cover the needs of all provinces of the country through direct coordination between the Ministry of Electricity and the National Investment Commission. We sincerely hope that this symposium contributes to promote the this important sector which we hope will lead to the signing of a number of contracts with the participating companies to utilize their experience in this field to achieve the mutual benefit of both parties. With my sincere thanks and appreciation to His Excellency, the Minister of Electricity, and all the workers in the electricity sector and our attendees.

NIC Chairman Asserts that Iraq has Huge Investment Opportunities


During his meeting with the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Baghdad

NIC Chairman Asserts that Iraq has Huge Investment Opportunities

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji discussed today with the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Baghdad, Mr. Ali Al- Mu’amen means of investment cooperation between the two countries.
Dr. Sami said during the meeting that Iraq is a fertile land for investment for the big investment opportunities it has in all economic fields especially the infrastructure projects which directly touches the Iraqi people life, welcoming the specialized Kuwaiti companies to participate in the ongoing investment process and ahead of all the project of the One Million Housing Units to be built all over Iraqi provinces.
The Kuwaiti Ambassador confirmed in his turn his country’s willingness to enter the promising Iraqi market and to participate in the investment process serving both countries benefits.

NIC Chairman Confirms the Commission’s Willingness to create Huge Economic Partnerships between Iraq & Netherlands


During receiving the Netherlands Ambassador to Baghdad

NIC Chairman Confirms the Commission’s Willingness to create Huge Economic Partnerships between Iraq & Netherlands

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji confirmed, during his meeting with the Netherlands Ambassador to Baghdad, the National Investment Commission’s willingness to create huge economic partnerships between Iraq and Netherlands in various sectors according to an investment strategy aiming at reinforcing the economic relations between the two friendly countries.
Dr. Al- Araji said during the meeting that the commission is ready to grant investors willing to invest in Iraq all facilities and incentives guaranteed by Iraqi investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 and its amendments, referring that the Iraqi market is a promising one and that Iraq has a very fertile soil for planting great investments in addition to the need of the Iraqi public and private sectors to the Netherlands companies expertise in the diverse economic fields like (Agriculture, Water resources and infrastructure projects).
In his turn, the Netherlands Ambassador to Baghdad confirmed his country’s government desire to reinforce the bilateral economic relations and to utilize the available opportunities to enter the Iraqi market in a way that serves the two countries benefits.

NIC Chairman Asserts the Commission’s readiness to submit all support guaranteed by the Iraqi Investment Law for Investors willing to invest in Iraq


On the Sidelines of the Conference of the Housing Development in Amman
NIC Chairman Asserts the Commission’s readiness to submit all support guaranteed by the Iraqi Investment Law for Investors willing to invest in Iraq

NIC chairman Dr. Sami Al- Araji asserted that NIC is ready to submit all support, privileges and facilities guaranteed by the investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 for investors willing to invest in Iraq in all sectors.
The mentioned words came during his chairing a series of meetings with a number of investors on the sidelines of the summit of the housing development in Amman where several important companies had joined as (Lafarge) of France an (Maaber) of UAE.
NIC Chairman also headed a meeting through which he explained the project of the one Million Housing Units to be constructed all over Iraqi provinces which will solve a big part of the housing crisis in Iraq, the meeting was attended by a number of Arab and Foreign investors.
Dr. Al- Araji referred that the project of the One Million Housing Units had reached advanced stages after agreeing to carry it out with the biggest international companies as more than 165 company had submitted their applications to participate in the project when the focus was put on only 35 companies applications being negotiated currently hoping that contracts shall be signed soon to witness during the next few months the launch of this vital project which will not only solve the housing problem but also will create a big number of job opportunities in addition to activating the other sectors through front and backup connections.

NIC Chairman also answered all enquiries and questions made by investors who in their turn highly appreciated the NIC efforts and the support it provides investors with enabling them to enter the promising Iraqi market.
The meeting was also attended by a number of high NIC and PICs officials in addition to some Iraqi Ministerial representatives.

NIC Chairman Stresses the Korean Companies Seriousness to Implement their Obligations in the Project of the One Million Housing Unit


During Heading meetings with the Korean Delegation in Baghdad
NIC Chairman Stresses the Companies Seriousness to Implement their Obligations in the Project of the One Million Housing Unit

A Korean delegation represented by chairmen of the companies specialized in constructing the housing units visited Baghdad for the period 8-12.Dec.10 within the framework of the NIC project to construct One Million Housing Unit all over Iraq.
NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji stressed during meetings with the Korean companies representatives and the Iraqi technical committee, stressed the Koreans seriousness in implementing the One Million Housing Unit project referring that NIC had organized a series of field visits in coordination with Baghdad provincial investment commission to view the lands specified for the project in Baghdad which cover 224 thousand unit.

Dr. Al- Araji explained that the two sides agreed to build 50 thousand unit in Basmaya, 15 thousand unit in Nahrawan and 35 thousand unit in Tajyat.
The Korean Ambassador, who had attended some of the meetings, said that the two countries had always enjoyed strong relations on both political and economic levels and that the Korean Government highly supports the reconstruction process in Iraq while Korean companies stressed their adherence to the memorandums of understanding signed between the two sides which will create real investment partnerships between the private sector and the public sector in Iraq.
NIC also organized a visit for the Koreans to Al- Salihya housing compound in Baghdad in coordination with the Ministry of Housing and reconstruction to view the vertical type of housing units previously implemented in Iraq.

Prime Minister, Mr. Nori Kamil Al- Maliki Lays down the Foundation Stone for the Iraqi- German hospital and German Medical College Project in Baghdad

Press Statement – Ministers Council Presidency – Media Offic
Sunday 12. Dec.10
Prime Minister, Mr. Nori Kamil Al- Maliki Lays down the Foundation Stone for the Iraqi- German hospital and German Medical College Project in Baghdad
H.E Mr. Nori Al- Maliki – Irqi prime Minister laid down today the foundation stone for the Iraqi- German hospital and the German Medical college project in Baghdad.
H.E said in a speech he gave during the celebration ” We feel extremely happy when we find one project is started here and another there the matter that indicates that the reconstruction wheel has started to move on in the right direction which leads the private sector and businessmen and investing companies to compete and harry to maintain the reconstruction process.’ Prime Minister added ” the government in its own cannot gear up with all the citizen’ requirements and needs unless the private sector stands by its side and back its efforts, and if the conditions were not allowing the private sector to go ahead in the past especially security wise, so now and after achieving good amount of progress in this respect and the development of the country in various fields and under the light of the constitution and laws ratified to protect investments and providing the suitable framework to make business in Iraq a success , now doors are open for our businessmen and every one willing to participate in reconstructing the country to take his role though we defiantly can touch the competition of businessmen in the time being.
Mr. Al- Maliki went on “If the security situation was of the main obstacles for the process of reconstruction so we must now work on its maintenance and sustainability and this is of our main priorities to allow the return of international companies and businessmen.
Prime Minister Nori Al- maliki also stressed the government readiness to support the Iraqi National Business Council and businessmen and companies in all their efforts especially in the medical sector since Iraq had not witnessed constructing new hospital or medical center since 1985 despite all the national wealth it is enjoying, assuring that the state in its turn had started giving priority to this sector and this example celebrated today shall not be excluded for treatment only but also for teaching.
The celebration was also attended by the Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Rafea Al- Easawi, the National Investment Commission Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji, the Charge De Affairs of German Embassy in Baghdad, Chairman of the Iraqi national Business Council, Mr. Ibrahim Baghdadi, and the executive manager of the project, Mr. Hasan Hadad and a number of businessmen and investors and officials in Baghdad Mayoralty.