
In a Meeting with the Chairmen of the PICs
NIC Chairman discusses a project of Unifying Investment Licenses in all Provinces

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji put forward the idea of unifying the investment license template to be granted to investors in all provinces while excluding the NIC template the matter which comes within the framework of systemizing the process of granting the investment licenses and facilitating the role of other relevant departments especially that of the State Customs Commission.
The new license template was discussed during a meeting headed by Dr. Sami and attended by PICs chairmen, Dr. Sami also gave his directives to accelerate the process of allocating lands required for implementing investment projects in all provinces in order to enable investors to commence their projects especially the project of the One Million housing Unit to be implemented all over Iraq .
In terms of updating the provincial investment maps, Dr. Sami referred to the importance of taking privacy and economic hubs in to consideration in drawing the investment map for each province with including the appropriate projects for the province nature and requirements.

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