Al Dewaniya PIC discusses the possibility of establishing cement and ceramic plants in the province

Eng. Hakim Al Khuzaie, Chairman of Al Dewaniya Province Investment Commission discussed with a local company the possibility of establishing cement and ceramic plants in the province.
Al Khuzaie informed NIC media office that the proposal submitted by Zain Al Qawafil Company for Trade and Contracts includes establishing a cement plant with Italian specifications in Al Shanafiya district on a land of 600 domens area.
The company submitted the project designs and the feasibility of establishing it. Both parties discussed the possibility of establishing a ceramic plant in the same district.
Al Khuzaie assured that Dewaniya PIC provided all Facilities and capabilities to this company to facilitate their work in the province.
According to Dewaniya PIC, many local and international companies has visited the province in the last years and discussed investment with officials there.

During Heading a Meeting with the Iraqi & German Businessmen in Baghdad

NIC Chairman confirms the willingness to create Huge Economic Partnerships between Iraq & Germany

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji confirmed the NIC willingness to create huge economic partnerships between Iraq and Germany in various sectors according to an investment strategy aiming at reinforcing the economic relations between the two countries, his confirmation came during a meeting with the representatives of the German Ministries of Economy and Foreign Affairs and a number of German and Iraqi Businessmen in Baghdad, the meeting was also attended by the German Ambassador to Iraq.
Dr. Sami also said that NIC is ready to grant all facilities and privileges mentioned in the investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 and its amendments for investors interested to invest in Iraq asserting that the Iraqi market is a promising one; he also stressed the Iraqi businessmen need to the expertise of the big German companies in sectors like (electricity, Housing and Transport) not to mention that the German manufactured goods enjoy a very good reputation among Iraqis.
Sessions of negotiations between Iraqi and German companies of mutual interests and specializations were held during which important ideas were discussed to create real partnerships between the two sides and how to overcome difficulties that may hinder concluding these arrangements to seize available investment opportunities in Iraq.
German ambassador in his turn showed his deep gratitude for the warm reception made to the German delegation by the government of Iraq in general and by NIC in particular; he also stressed his government willingness to reinforce the economic relations between the two countries and seize the available opportunities to enter the Iraqi market in a way that serves both countries interests.

NIC Chairman signs an MOU to Build 500 Thousand Housing Unit All Over Iraq

During an Official Visit to South Korea
NIC Chairman signs an MOU to Build 500 Thousand Housing Unit All Over Iraq

Dr. Sami Al- Araji, NIC Chairman signed in Seoul an MOU with the world well known Korean company ” Track Group for investment & Development” to build 500 thousand housing unit all over Iraqi provinces.
Dr. Al- Araji, who had headed a delegation of specialized officials to South Korea, invited all Korean companies to enter the Iraqi market through direct investments or through investment partnerships with the Iraqi public and private sectors to participate in the current investment process in Iraq.
The Iraqi delegation was warmly welcomed by the Korean officials, where the NIC Chairman met with a number of high officials of the Korean government as (the Prime Minister, Chair of the Parliament and the president advisor for economic affairs) in addition to a number of ministers and deputy ministers, chairs of government enterprises and chairs of the most internationally well known construction companies. Dr. Sami referred to the GOI high appreciation for the Korean stands towards Iraq assuring that all meetings with the Korean side were fruitful, during which available investment opportunities in several sectors like (Electricity, Industry, Housing, and Transport, Communication, and Infrastructure projects) were discussed.
NIC Chairman said that one of the important achievements which was achieved during this visit was meeting with the Korean public and private sectors in addition to the visits paid to a number of housing projects of high construction technology implemented by huge companies like Hyundai, SK, Bosco in addition to LH company which is doing great efforts to provide the appropriate lodging for each Korean citizen.
Dr. Sami hoped that these meetings could be made use of to establish solid partnerships in all investment and economic fields so that Iraqi businessmen can benefit from the Korean expertise since the big projects in Iraq need high technological and organizational capabilities which can be provided by the Korean side.
The high Korean Officials in their turn conveyed their happiness to meet the Iraqi delegation showing that the two countries have good relationships on both political and economic sides

NIC Vice Chairman Confirms that the commission has put a new Investment Strategy

NIC Vice Chairman, Mr. Salar Muhammad Ameen announced that the commission had put a new investment strategy that deals with each economic sector separately, noting that NIC shall hold international conferences to encourage investment within the next few months and shall concentrate on the following sectors; Medical care, Agriculture, Electricity, Communication and infrastructure.
Mr. Ameen added that NIC had held several international conferences that dealt with all economic sectors collectively but those conferences did not come out with the results hoped for, and that was the reason behind putting this new strategy for holding the conferences referring that the commission is working currently to prepare a new investment map focusing on economic sectors and the number of investment opportunities within each sector for the purpose of attracting international companies.

NIC Vice chairman said that the commission currently has a complete investment map that includes 700 projects in all sectors expecting good results out of the new strategy that shall be touched by the Iraqi citizen starting from the next year.

Aiming at providing all necessary facilities to make investor’s projects a success in Iraq

NIC Holds a Meeting with the Ministerial Representatives

NIC held a meeting attended by the Ministerial representatives headed by Mr. Abdullah Al- Bander, the NIC advisor.
Mr. Al- Bander asserted the importance of reinforcing the role of the Ministerial representatives through following up the letters issued by NIC regarding the sectoral approvals within the legal period of time specified by the law which is (15 days).
The attendees also reviewed the article No. 20 (first & second) of the investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 and the NIC efforts in coordinating with the ministerial representatives to reach the best forms of cooperation and issue the investment licenses within the time specified by the law were also clarified.
Granting authorities required to obtain sectoral approvals also was discussed since this will minimize the time required to grant the investment license. Mr. Abdullah reasserted the importance of explaining the goal of having a representative of each ministry by the representative himself to his superior, at the same time the representative must inform the NIC about all obstacles or difficulties they have in their departments especially those connected to responding to the commission’s requests.

During attending the celebration organized by the Ministry of Construction & Housing on the occasion of the International day for Housing

The NIC chairman confirms that the project of the One Million Housing Units will contribute to solving part of the housing Crisis

NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji announced that 125 companies of various nationalities had submitted offers to implement the project of the One Million Housing Unit all over Iraq within the framework of the National Housing Project providing that 35 companies shall be chosen to implement the whole project.
Dr. Sami, during a celebration organized by the Ministry of Construction and Housing on the occasion of the International Day for Housing, explained that the project of the One Million Housing Unit adopted by NIC within the framework of the National Housing Project shall be implemented on an area of 80 thousand Donum.
NIC Chairman added that the commission shall choose only 35 companies out of 125 with an implementation term of two years, referring that these companies are of local and international origins as of the international ones were American, French, Spanish, Korean in addition to 12 big Turkish companies like (Torkey) well known company.
Dr. Sami also said that the NIC is currently evaluating the applying companies on technical and economic basis before starting the implementation phase, referring that the commission had also informed the investing companies about the importance of cooperation with specialized companies to provide the infrastructure necessary for the projects as electricity, water, sewerage, communication and other important services.

Investment opportunities’ announcement

The National Investment Commission is pleased to announce its exceptional opportunity in building many central malls, warehouses and free markets in addition to constructing residential building in Baghdad and some other provinces.
The above mentioned facilities will have high and modern specifications and techniques to keep up with the ongoing progress taking place in the developed countries.
Bellow is the projects table.




Type of property


Under construction

16 dunam

8 evlek


Baghdad/ Karkh

Al Mansour Mall


8-10 floor residential buildings, most of them allocated to the Ministry of Trade staff 

14 dunom

4 evlek

44.72 m²

Baghdad/ Rusafa

Al Mustansiriya Mall


Modern mall

9 dunom

11.5 m²

Baghdad/ Karkh

Al Adil Mall


Modern mall

10 dunom

15 evlek


Baghdad/ Rusafa

Al Shaab Mall


8-10 floor residential buildings, most of them allocated to the Ministry of Trade staff 

9 dunom

22 evlek

Baghdad/ Karkh

Al Amil Mall


Modern mall

4 dunom

9 evlek

55.10 m²

Baghdad/ Karkh

Al Salihiya


8-10 floor residential buildings, most of them allocated to the Ministry of Trade staff 

4 dunom

19 evlek

19.78 m²

Baghdad/ Rusafa

Central warehouse in Zafaraniya


Modern mall

5 dunom

3 evlek


Al Faw central Mall


Modern mall

18 evlek

64.38 m²


Al Zubair Mall


Modern mall

3 dunom

18 evlek

54 m²


Um Al Broom Park


Modern mall

1 dunom

17 evlek

36.40 m²


Empty land near the branch HQ


Modern mall

4 dunom

6 evlek

25 m²


Duty Free Shop


Modern mall

3 dunom

60 m²


Al Najaf Central Market


Modern mall

3 dunom

12 evlek

50 m²


Babylon Central Market


Modern mall

1 dunom

24 evlek

50 m²


A Land in Simawa


NIC Chairman confirms that Iraq has great Investment Opportunities

NIC chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji met with Mr. George Christian, German Ambassador to Baghdad on the 17th of October.10 and discussed means of cooperation.
Dr. Sami said during the meeting that Iraq is considered a fertile investment land for the great investment opportunities available in various fields as (Housing, Electricity, Oil, Transport, Tourism and other fields directly touching the Iraqi people life), calling for German companies to participate in the ongoing Investment process and to implement the big investment projects announced by the NIC especially the project of the One Million Housing Unit all over Iraq.
The German Ambassador in his turn confirmed his country’s willingness in entering the Iraqi promising market and creating serious investment partnerships with the Iraqi public and private sectors.

Investment Opportunity

The Department of Real Estate and Engineering – Division of property in Al- Rafidain Bank of Iraq and in cooperation with the National Investment Commission announces the intention to invest the land number 07/14/1877 Mashtal / Waziriya, area of 5000 m ² for the establishment of six residential buildings to the staff of Al Rafidain Bank in addition to services and up to 72 ( Seventy-two) apartments.
Please submit application forms to either the National Investment Commission directly or by e-mail to within a period of thirty days from the date of publishing this announcement.