
During Heading meetings with the Korean Delegation in Baghdad
NIC Chairman Stresses the Companies Seriousness to Implement their Obligations in the Project of the One Million Housing Unit

A Korean delegation represented by chairmen of the companies specialized in constructing the housing units visited Baghdad for the period 8-12.Dec.10 within the framework of the NIC project to construct One Million Housing Unit all over Iraq.
NIC Chairman, Dr. Sami Al- Araji stressed during meetings with the Korean companies representatives and the Iraqi technical committee, stressed the Koreans seriousness in implementing the One Million Housing Unit project referring that NIC had organized a series of field visits in coordination with Baghdad provincial investment commission to view the lands specified for the project in Baghdad which cover 224 thousand unit.

Dr. Al- Araji explained that the two sides agreed to build 50 thousand unit in Basmaya, 15 thousand unit in Nahrawan and 35 thousand unit in Tajyat.
The Korean Ambassador, who had attended some of the meetings, said that the two countries had always enjoyed strong relations on both political and economic levels and that the Korean Government highly supports the reconstruction process in Iraq while Korean companies stressed their adherence to the memorandums of understanding signed between the two sides which will create real investment partnerships between the private sector and the public sector in Iraq.
NIC also organized a visit for the Koreans to Al- Salihya housing compound in Baghdad in coordination with the Ministry of Housing and reconstruction to view the vertical type of housing units previously implemented in Iraq.

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