Aiming at providing all facilitations to fulfill investors task in Iraq

The National Investment Commission holds a meeting with ministries’ representatives
The NIC held a meeting in its head quarter with ministries and unrelated bodies representatives headed by Mr. Abdulla Al Bander, NIC Advisor, his assistance in the One Stop Shop Mr. Saad Mizal and head of representatives dept. in OSS.
Al Bander emphasized during the meeting on the importance of representatives role to be more active by following up letters issued by NIC regarding projects submitted to the sectoral bodies and ensure response in a time limit according to the law (15 days). They follow up technical issues with all levels.
Attendees reviewed investment law 13 of 2006 and explained article 2, first and second. NIC efforts in connecting with representatives to achieve the best mutual cooperation were also reviewed.
They discussed the necessity of granting representatives the required authority to enable them of fulfilling the investor’s documentation within the time limit. NIC informed them of meeting with their officials and explained the fundamental goals of working with the NIC and cooperate in activating legal articles and paragraphs as a sectoral body and inform NIC with any difficulty that may hinder their task especially when responding to NIC requests.

Al Najaf PIC grants 6 new investment licenses with total of more than 64 million USD

Al Najaf PIC granted 6 new investment licenses for commercial, industrial and entertainment projects with a total value of 64.9 million USD
Rasool Al Kabi, media official in Najaf PIC said that they granted a license to build a commercial mall to Aurans Ghalib, investor, total value 286 thousand USD. This mall consists of two floors, ground floor has 9 commercial shops and the second one has a big hall. Execution period is 10 months. The second project is to build a complete fuel station with value of 1 million USD to Hazim Kamil Muslim, investor. The station has 10 tanks with capacity of 64 thousand litters to sell fuel, gasoline, kerosene and gasoil. It also has commercial shops and a green park. Execution period is 12 months.

He added that two investment licenses were granted. The first one for investor Hassan Noori Abdul Hassan to build a hotel with a total value of 800 thousand USD. The hotel consist of two floors, 156 rooms and 12 suites with other activities such as games hall, restaurant and other services facilities.
The second project is a tourism one to develop Zamzam Tourism Complex, estimated cost is 27.230.000 USD. 151 additional rooms will be built, 4 of them for individuals with special needs, rebuilding the existing services facility, establishing underground garage, increasing the number of elevators, services office, communication, and internet in addition to importing modern vehicles for visitors and delegations. Execution period is 23 months.
He continued saying: an investment license was granted to establish an entertaining park that consists of shops, children’s’ games, green fields and water circulations. Execution period is (141) days.
Another license was granted to Taj Al Zumurud company to establish a plant for producing and assembling housing units. The plant consists of warehouses, concrete station, assembling equipments, electro mechanic-extensions, panel casting, steel reinforcement and treatment. Execution period is 6 months. Total number of granted licenses is 103 in all sectors. Applications for investment licenses is more than 500.

A delegation of Turkish Investment Companies Visits Kirkuk to explore interesting Investment Opportunities

Kirkuk Investment Commission announced that a delegation of Turkish Investment Companies visited the province recently and discussed ways of investing and constructing a power station of 150 MW capacity. KIC in its turn assured the readiness to obtain all necessary approvals from concerned ministries and provide all facilities required to implement the project.
Mr. Falah Al- Bazaz, Chairman of Kirkuk Investment Commission, informed the NIC media office that a delegation of big Turkish investment companies visited Kirkuk and explored investment opportunities available, he also assured that the delegation had showed the willingness to implement several projects in Power and Housing sectors.
Mr. Bazaz also declared that the delegation had had a meeting with Mr. Abdul Rahman Mustafa, Governor of Kirkuk during which they discussed the increasing need of the province for the generating power stations to solve the power lack crisis, the governor stressed the preparedness to provide all services to implement such important projects for the long term experience these companies have in electricity sector.
KIC Chairman assured that the province shall open contact channels with the Ministries of Electricity and Oil in order to accelerate the procedures of implementing the power station project.

Babylon Investment Commission participates in the conference of “Supporting Iraqi Business Women”

Babylon Investment Commission participated in the conference of Supporting Iraqi Businesswomen under the slogan of (Woman is half of the society … Hand in hand we build Iraq) for the period from (10-11.08.10) on the land of Babylon resort.
A source in Babylon Investment Commission informed the NIC Media Office That Dr. Ibraheem Rasool, BIC member of the board represented the commission in the conference mentioning that the conference had included a speech by Mrs. Suhaila abdul Redha, member of the Provincial Council through which she stressed the importance of supporting such conferences and paying more attention for Iraqi Businesswomen .
Mr. Tariq Majeed, representative of Babylon Governor also gave a speech through which he assured the support of the local government for such conferences.
The news source added that a workshop had been held during the conference focused on the Role of Babylon Investment

Nineveh Investment Commission grants 29 new investment licenses in various sectors

Nineveh Investment Commission announced granting 29 new investment licenses in various sectors with capitals reach around 1 billion dollars.
Mr. Younis Qasim, Chairman of Nineveh Investment Commission, explained that the licenses were granted to projects in sectors like services, entertainment and housing units’ construction noting that the stable security situation in the province encouraged the international companies and foreign investors to start their investment projects in the province.
Mr. Qasim added that the problem of allocating the suitable lands for the granted projects is still hindering the implementation despite moving the investment wheel in the province and the stable security situation certifying that the commission is working hard to coordinate with the concerned ministries to obtain the lands from the owning sides ASAP.

Karbala Investment Commission signed a memorandum of understanding with a delegation from the Romanian companies

Karbala Investment Authority said that the Authority signed a memorandum of understanding with a delegation representing the eight Romanian companies to perform a variety of residential projects, agricultural and industrial .
A statement issued by the Information Office in Karbala Investment Commission explained that the Authority signed a memorandum of understanding with a delegation representing the eight Romanian companies to implement a number of industrial projects, agricultural and residential .
Among the projects that have been signed, according to the statement, building thousand housing units in a vertical and three floors on an area of ​​10 hectares with all accessories related infrastructure for the project, was also signed to establish a cattle farm and animal feed.
The statement was signed on the implementation of the project to establish a factory for recycling of waste, and a special technique paving roads using enzymes, noting that he was relying on modern technology is used in many countries of the world, help the cohesion of the upper layer of the soil and prevent the scattering of dust, dirt and can be utilized in agricultural roads.
The statement stressed that Romanian companies have pledged all the documents and feasibility studies and plans necessary to implement the projects.

Karbala Investment Commission signed a memorandum of understanding with a delegation from the Romanian companies

Karbala Investment Authority said that the Authority signed a memorandum of understanding with a delegation representing the eight Romanian companies to perform a variety of residential projects, agricultural and industrial .
A statement issued by the Information Office in Karbala Investment Commission explained that the Authority signed a memorandum of understanding with a delegation representing the eight Romanian companies to implement a number of industrial projects, agricultural and residential .
Among the projects that have been signed, according to the statement, building thousand housing units in a vertical and three floors on an area of ​​10 hectares with all accessories related infrastructure for the project, was also signed to establish a cattle farm and animal feed.
The statement was signed on the implementation of the project to establish a factory for recycling of waste, and a special technique paving roads using enzymes, noting that he was relying on modern technology is used in many countries of the world, help the cohesion of the upper layer of the soil and prevent the scattering of dust, dirt and can be utilized in agricultural roads.
The statement stressed that Romanian companies have pledged all the documents and feasibility studies and plans necessary to implement the projects.

National Investment Commission participates in the work of the Iraq project in Erbil

The NIC participated in the “Project Iraq 2010” Fair, which was held for the period 27th – 30th of September 2010 on the grounds of Erbil International Fair, represented by a high level delegation.
The head of the delegation said that the purpose behind this participation is to promote the investment process in the country in addition to being introduced to the international investors and companies’ participating in the fair and opening new contact channels with them to enter the Iraqi market and seize the big investment opportunities.
He added that several meetings had been made with a number of participating investors who had showed a big interest to invest in Iraq benefiting from incentives and guarantees insured by the investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 and its amendments.
On the other hand, officials responsible for the fair management highly evaluated the NIC role in attracting Arab and foreign investors to participate in the huge projects aiming at rebuilding Iraq, asserting through the opening ceremony speech that the arrival of this big number of international companies is a great opportunity for those companies to participate in the ongoing reconstruction process and the huge projects announced by the NIC like the project of the One Million Housing Unit.
It is also worthwhile to mention that “Iraq project 2010” was mainly devoted for the constructional and environmental companies where 300 companies from 20 regional and international countries were participating in addition to a number of ministries. The fair also was highly attended by businessmen and Iraqi people.

Chairman of the National Investment .. Emphasizes communicating the plans to create residential complexes

Co-chairman of the National Authority for Investment, Dr. Sami Raouf al-Araji, in the celebration which was chaired by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Abdul Dhiab to lay the foundation stone of Ameria residential complex for employees of the ministry and the University of Baghdad

During the ceremony, said: that “the National Investment Commission is working with major international companies for the implementation of the project one million housing units adopted by the Commission, in addition to other residential complexes which in turn will reduce the current gap housing crisis.”

He added that “this complex is a testament to continue Authority with the ministries within the plan aimed at constructing residential complexes and all segments, especially low-income people under the Investment Law No. (13) of 2006, as amended, indicating that this compound will be implemented within the international standards that befits بالأستاذ university and employees of the Ministry of Education Higher Education and Scientific Research for their efforts in the march of science and knowledge and create the future men who will have a big role in rebuilding Iraq.

For his part, praised the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Abdul Dhiab the Kabiralve role played by the National Investment Commission, represented by its president Dr. Sami al-Araji, by taking it upon themselves to facilitate the entry and attract investors to participate in projects designed to serve Iraq.

As presented by Dr. Collier Khalil representative Noor Ritaj Turkish executing the project thanks and appreciation to the National Commission for Investment and its president, Dr. Sami al-Araji for their facilities and great support in order to enter the investor to Iraq and participate built, indicating that the compound Ameria housing for employees of the Ministry of Higher Education and the University of Baghdad will complete his time and selected international specifications.

The ceremony was attended by the President of the University of Baghdad, Dr. Musa al-Musawi and a number of officials and umpteen.

The complex will be implemented on an area of 45 acres and the rate of (2000) residential units, in addition to facilities other (such as schools and all stages, kindergartens, social club, complex marketing, mosque), as well as the complex will have the availability of water and electricity in accordance with high-level specifications, knowing that the time limit for the completion of the project (3) years.

Chairman of the National Investment .. Emphasizes communicating the plans to create residential complexes

Co-chairman of the National Authority for Investment, Dr. Sami Raouf al-Araji, in the celebration which was chaired by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Abdul Dhiab to lay the foundation stone of Ameria residential complex for employees of the ministry and the University of Baghdad

During the ceremony, said: that “the National Investment Commission is working with major international companies for the implementation of the project one million housing units adopted by the Commission, in addition to other residential complexes which in turn will reduce the current gap housing crisis.”

He added that “this complex is a testament to continue Authority with the ministries within the plan aimed at constructing residential complexes and all segments, especially low-income people under the Investment Law No. (13) of 2006, as amended, indicating that this compound will be implemented within the international standards that befits بالأستاذ university and employees of the Ministry of Education Higher Education and Scientific Research for their efforts in the march of science and knowledge and create the future men who will have a big role in rebuilding Iraq.

For his part, praised the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Abdul Dhiab the Kabiralve role played by the National Investment Commission, represented by its president Dr. Sami al-Araji, by taking it upon themselves to facilitate the entry and attract investors to participate in projects designed to serve Iraq.

As presented by Dr. Collier Khalil representative Noor Ritaj Turkish executing the project thanks and appreciation to the National Commission for Investment and its president, Dr. Sami al-Araji for their facilities and great support in order to enter the investor to Iraq and participate built, indicating that the compound Ameria housing for employees of the Ministry of Higher Education and the University of Baghdad will complete his time and selected international specifications.

The ceremony was attended by the President of the University of Baghdad, Dr. Musa al-Musawi and a number of officials and umpteen.

The complex will be implemented on an area of 45 acres and the rate of (2000) residential units, in addition to facilities other (such as schools and all stages, kindergartens, social club, complex marketing, mosque), as well as the complex will have the availability of water and electricity in accordance with high-level specifications, knowing that the time limit for the completion of the project (3) years.