NIC Holds a Meeting with the Ministerial Representatives

NIC held a meeting attended by the Ministerial representatives headed by Mr. Abdullah Al- Bander, the NIC advisor.
Mr. Al- Bander asserted the importance of reinforcing the role of the Ministerial representatives through following up the letters issued by NIC regarding the sectoral approvals within the legal period of time specified by the law which is (15 days).
The attendees also reviewed the article No. 20 (first & second) of the investment law No. 13 for the year 2006 and the NIC efforts in coordinating with the ministerial representatives to reach the best forms of cooperation and issue the investment licenses within the time specified by the law were also clarified.
Granting authorities required to obtain sectoral approvals also was discussed since this will minimize the time required to grant the investment license. Mr. Abdullah reasserted the importance of explaining the goal of having a representative of each ministry by the representative himself to his superior, at the same time the representative must inform the NIC about all obstacles or difficulties they have in their departments especially those connected to responding to the commission’s requests.

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