The NIC receives a number of Investment applications to build 1 Million housing unit

The National Investment Commission ended receiving lots of applications submitted by well-known Iraqi, Arab and foreign companies willing to participate in implementing the 1 million housing unit program (previously was 500 thousand housing unit) raised due to the big number of applications received as there were more than 98 interested investment companies .
NIC is determined to coordinate efforts with the PICs to choose the lands required for the project while currently the commission is planning to negotiate applications submitted by all companies during the months (April, May and June).
Dr Al- Araji confirmed that the planned number of the housing units will be distributed over all the Iraqi provinces including Kurdistan region, he also mentioned that each housing unit value will be 50 thousand dollars (approximately equals 59 million ID), Iraqis will have to pay a quarter of the price while the rest of it shall be paid in installments for ten years.

The Monthly NIC Board of directors Meeting

The NIC board of directors held its 14th meeting in the 16th of March. 2010 during which the NIC latest variables were discussed.
The following issues were discussed.
– Discussing the Legal department memo concerning the statute of specifying the lands prices.
– Informing the board of the status reached for the strategic project of building 500 thousand housing unit. When the chairman explained the phases of the housing program and raising the total number of the housing units into 1 million due to the number of applications received by NIC.
– Informing the board about the progress of (Dhifaf Kerbala Project, Al- Mustaqbal City , Al- Rashid compound) projects
– Discussing the project of Iraq oasis which was proposed by Mr. Ibrahim Baghdadi – Board member
– Discussing tasks and duties of the Board of Directors according to the Investment Statute No 2 for the year 2009.

City of the Future project in Baghdad

Considering the National Investment Commission in cooperation with other ministries and departments involved in the implementation of its Kabaralamtnavs project to implement each of the UAE’s Bloom and architecture and melon company to build the city of the future, which includes 35,000 thousand residential units typical in Baghdad الدهنة district.

Al- Mustaqbal City

The NIC is studying implementing Al- Mustaqbal City big project in cooperation with the concerned ministries and departments when several companies like Bloom, Al Bunyan and Alhandhal are competing to undertake the project consisting of 3500 housing unit in Al Dehna area in Baghdad.

The Iraqi – Egyptian Joint economic Cooperation

The National Investment Commission is expecting to receive a delegation of Egyptian companies within the few forthcoming months; the companies’ representatives who are interested in various investment sectors like housing, pharmaceuticals, textile industry shall meet with their counterparts from the Iraqi Public and Private sectors according to a memorandum of understanding to activate the economic cooperation between the two sides. On the other hand, NIC delegation visited Egypt in 6-18.Feb. 2010 to participate in the training course held in the Investment Ministry Leaders Center in Egypt to train government employees on developing and upgrading human capacities and other topics relevant to investment , insurance, securities and free zones.
Dr. Ashraf – head of the center of the Egyptian Investment Commission opened the course with a welcoming speech followed by a thanking one by Mr. Abdul Razaq Alsaady and a brief for the 15-day program presented by Mr. Abdullah Al- Bander.
The program included topics like (The Strategic Management Challenges, The characteristics of the Modern manager and the major factors affecting the individual performance, Investment Zones as one of the Investment catigories, Governance and social responsibility of organizations, Developing Investment services and Business Environment, Visiting the Free Zone in Alexandria, investment services branch and some of the big factories in the area, attracting foreign direct investments and encouraging local investments, investment in provinces, investment map and investment policies)
Dr. Mahmood Muhyee – Minister of Investment, attended training course ending ceremony when he talked about investment in Egypt and his last visit to Iraq, Mr. Abdullah Al- Bander in turn thanked him on behalf of Dr. Sami Al- Araji – Chairman of NIC.

Regular meeting of the Joint Government investment in Iraq

The head of the National Investment Commission Sami Raouf al-Araji, the need to accelerate the implementation of the national program of housing project launched by the Commission in all provinces in the country and provide plots of land necessary for the implementation of the project. This came during chaired the regular meeting of the joint investment bodies in Iraq and stressed al-Araji, during the meeting the importance of drawing Alkharthalastosmaria new attention next to the housing sector and to give him the initial maximum among the projects set for the current year. Referring to the advantages achieved by the amendment to the Iraqi investment law and the need to take advantage of them and work out to attract and attract international companies to invest in all provinces in Iraq. also stressed the importance of accuracy in media statements and give the numbers and the real data to the media. For his part, General Manager of Muthanna Investment Commission that the share of the province of the project National Housing (11,000) housing units have been agreed with the Bank Iraqi Trade for funding also said that the Authority has allocated plots of land necessary for the implementation of the project, in cooperation with the local government in the province have been identified rent for those pieces with the Commission estimate their rent. it praised the Chairman of the National Investment role of Excellence Muthanna Investment Commission stressing the need to exert more efforts in order to build a new Iraq.

The Periodic meeting of the Provincial Investment Commissions in Iraq

Dr. Sami Al- Araji – Chairman of the National Investment Commission assured the importance of accelerating the implementation of the National Housing Program, that NIC had launched all over Iraq, and the necessity of allocating the lands required to implement the said program, This was mentioned during his heading the periodic meeting of the Provincial Investment Commissions in Iraq, he also asserted the importance of drawing up the updated Investment map and paying more attention to the housing sector with giving it the first priority for the projects planned for this year.
Dr. Sami referred to the privileges provided by the investment law especially after the last amendments ratified by the Iraqi parliament and the importance of exploiting these privileges to attract the international companies to invest in all Iraqi provinces, He also insisted on giving the accurate numbers and information to Media.
Muthana Provincial Investment Commission Chairman said that his province has to build 11000 housing unit, accordingly; an agreement had been signed with the Trade Bank of Iraq to fund implementing this project. Muthana Province also had been able to allocate the lands required in coordination with the local government of the Province with specifying the lease amount by the lease amounts evaluation Committee.
Dr. Sami highly estimated the hard work Muthana provincial Investment Commission is doing, pushing towards paying more efforts to build the New Iraq.

Work Shop

Partnership between Public and Private Sector

Sharm Al Shaikh , Egypt, witnessed a workshop addressing the partnership between public and private Sector in the field of infrastructure especially in transportation 9-11/3/2010. Representatives participated from many Arab countries under the patronage of the Arab League and the World Bank Arabic Organization for Administrational Development, the workshop aims at explaining untraditional funding methods for infrastructure projects through private sector investment, it also helps decision makers to know these methods and chose the best of them to fund infrastructure projects expected to be listed in future plans.

The workshop is a work guide to untraditional funding methods which includes a number of case studies in many developed and developing countries to gain more experience from them and use it in avoiding any challenges in implementing these untraditional methods. A number of proposals were presented to activate this partnership through developing corporation basics between public and private sector in transportation infrastructure projects and pricing policies and its relation with funding infrastructure projects.

Training workshop

One Stop Shop services to investors
The National Investment Commission participated in a training workshop (One Stop Shop services to investors in the Middle East and North Africa) held in Beirut by (Mena- Oecd). The workshop program included presentations and analyzing OSS issues. In addition to the Iraqi NIC delegation, Egyptian, Lebanese and Portugal delegation also participated in this workshop. NIC submitted an investment opportunities presentation in English and an explanation to the GoI and NIC role in promoting foreign investments. The presentation was very interesting during the workshop also it explained investment law regarding the important items relevant to serving the foreign investor. In addition to this, it clarifies the mechanism of OSS implementation to their duties and contacts with state organizations.

Subjects addressed in the workshop
Experience from participants
There was a chance to know the mechanism of implementing investment duties through the OSS and the legislations and agreements which help them to fulfill their duties and the role of their representatives.
Maintaining communication with the relevant ministries and high level decision makers
Supervising implemented investments
Privileges granted to investors
Conditions to grant investment license
OSS role in non- investment works
The OSS concept
A chance to promote investment in Iraq and different projects
Clarifying investment in Iraq and utilize foreign capitals


NIC granted three investment licenses. The first one in 1/11/2009 to implement cold warehouses and Al Yousif Expiation by Samir Coyal Yosho for 4604400 USD, implementation period 18 months. It is one of the Iraqi national private sector project. At the moment, it has no cooling system facing extinction in infrastructure. Investment project includes rehabilitation, modernization, and development to become usable for imported red and white meet in addition to building a purchasing center, administration building and any other required facilities.

In 22/11/2009, NIC granted another license to build a mall by Mafkhar Ardh Co. with capital of 12 m USD for 2 years to implement. It is one of the private sector projects.