His Excellency Mahmud Muhii- Aldeen, the Egyptian Investment Minister received His Excellency, Dr. Sami R. Al-Araji, NIC Chairman and the accompanied delegation at the Egyptian Investment Ministry HQ at the 10th of June 2010. They reviewed during the meeting the recent events in Iraq and Egypt regarding investment and businessmen. Dr. Sami noted NIC role to remove obstacles and provide required assistance to foreign investors, also emphasized the Egyptian role due to its unique role at the investment field and the great experience which can be utilized.
Dr. Al -Araji explained NIC strategy and its efforts to determine the investment priorities on the national level and provinces in addition to explaining the investment map according to strategic projects. Dr. Sami invited H.E Mahmud Muhii- Aldeen to visit Iraq for one day to meet with Prime Minister Maliki and then prepare for the visit of a big delegation of Egyptian investors and businessmen to visit Baghdad, Kurdistan, Basra and Middle Euphrates provinces to have an idea about the security situation and improvements in addition to know the investment map.
Mr. Mahmud Muhii- Aldeen welcomed the invitation and said that he will visit Iraq in early July due to his engagement in forming and discussing issued relevant to the Egyptian People Council. He also declared his strong desire to support Egyptian investment in Iraq referring to the latest developments and plans according to President Mubarak orders in enhancing relations between the two countries. Focusing on the necessity of outlining the required project in Iraq, H.E mentioned the reason behind the delay in going to Iraq is due to closely watching the elections results and the impact of the international finance crises and some of the latest explosions. Mr. Muhii- Aldeen proposed having a reception party and dinner to the big well-known construction companies during the presence of Dr. Sami in Cairo to explain NIC plans, investment map in Iraq and the role of the Iraqi Embassy in Cairo regarded as the canal with the National Investment Commission.
Dr. Al- Araji and Ambassador Nizar Al- Khiaralla participated in speeches in Cairo Province Conference held in 11th June 2010 under the Patronage of the Egyptian investment Minister and the attendance of a number of ministers and five governors in addition to a big number of businessmen, investors and representatives of strong companies in Cairo. A tour was conducted to see a new city in the 6th of October province built by Orascom company under medium/law cost projects.
Mr. Muhii- Aldeen expressed his thanks to Dr. Sami and Ambassador Nizar Al- Khiaralla for their interest in this field and highly estimated the Ambassador’s role in following up the Iraqi trainees participating in courses developed by the Egyptian investment ministry and their level and efficiency.
The Iraq side represented by the Iraqi Ambassador Nizar Al- Khiaralla in Cairo, Mr. Fadhil Muhamed Jawad, PM consultant for legal affairs, Mr. Fadhil Abdul Mehdi Al- Dujaily, Embassy official responsible for investment file, Mr. Haider Zaid, Public Relation dept. in NIC attended the meeting along with the Egyptian side represented by Mr. Ibraheem Ashmawi, Investment Minister Assistant, Mr. Saeed Abdul Hameed, Investment Minister Assistant, Mr. Abdul Munin Al- Ulfi, Vice Chairman and Mr. Hassan Fahmi Vice Chairman assistant.

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