Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Dr. Haider Makiya meets with the Secretary General of the Holy Husayni Shrine, Hajj Hassan Rashid al-Abaiji, and reviews a number of projects implemented by the shrine

Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Dr. Haider Makiya meets with the Secretary General of the Holy Husayni Shrine, Hajj Hassan Rashid al-Abaiji, and reviews a number of projects implemented by the shrine

Chairman … NIC is supportive to projects implemented by the Holy Husayni Shrine, we work on easing challenges and difficulties facing those projects.

Chairman … Shrine’s project are now success stories visible to Iraqis and foreign visitors.

Chairman visits a number of projects on site, etc, Al Sabtain University and Warith Oncology International Institution considered being the most important one in the Middle East.

Secretary General of the Holy Husayni Shrine.. Our projects are non-profit projects that serves Iraqis and visitors in all provinces, and not limited to Karbala.

Secretary General.. Karbala International Airport, built according to  international standards, shall soon be operated. It will contribute to smoothing the  visitors’ movement.


Dr. Haider Makiya, Chairman of the National Investment Commission in Holy Karbala to meet with Mr. Nsaif Jasim AL Khitabi, the Governor and a number of officials. All reviewing and following up the investment process in the Province

Dr. Haider Makiya, Chairman of the National Investment Commission in Holy Karbala to meet with Mr. Nsaif Jasim AL Khitabi, the Governor and a number of officials. All reviewing and following up the investment process in the Province

From Holy Karbala

Chairman of the National Investment Commission .. we are keen to continue fruitful cooperation between NIC and the local government in Karbala that reflects positively on the economic development in this important religious province.

Chairman of the National Investment Commission.. we are working according to a sustainable investment strategy based on an integrated administration, design and planning for the current and future generation.

Chairman of the National Investment Commission.. investing Al Razaza Lake shall be reactivated to establish a full served urban town for local and foreign tourists.

|Governor of Karbala …due to Karbala’s commercial and religious investment attracting location, tens of requests reached us from abroad desiring to invest in the province.

Governor of Karbala …investment projects created thousands of job opportunities to young people in Karbala which participated in improving the living standards in the province.

Governor of Karbala.. we have 22 residential blocks in different prices. In the agriculture sector, we were able to produce 2 b eggs/ annually .

Completing the needed requirements to grant investment license for Jadet Baghdad project in its residential and commercial sides

In preparation to conclude investment contract with Uraifi Suadi Group

NIC Chairman Dr. Haider Muhammed Makkiyah assures..

  • Completing the needed requirements to grant investment license for Jadet Baghdad project in its residential and commercial sides
  • With the attendance of the concerned sides, Discussing obstacles facing the project and finding the suitable solutions

An expanded meeting has been held today Monday, 6th of Feb. 2023 at the premises of NIC presided by Dr. Haider Makkiyah, NIC Chairman and Mr. Ammar Mousa Kadhum, Mayor of Baghdad with the representatives of Uraifi Suadi Group.

During the meeting they discussed the most important steps needed to be taken by the concerned sides to go forward with the construction and development of Jadet Baghdad project in its residential and commercial sides, the project that had already been granted a license by NIC in the year 2021.

NIC Media office added in a statement that the company had received the 600 donum land specified for the mentioned project in two separated parts in order to launch the process of leveling and contouring the site after completing the possession contract for the residential part of the project with Baghdad Mayorship (the possessor of the land)

The company was also provided with draft of the investment contract in order to study it and convey their notes before signing it in the coming period.

A detailed presentation of the most prominent obstacles facing the project implementation was presented during the meeting to discuss taking the necessary actions to solve these obstacles and facilitate procedures.

NIC Chairman, Dr. Haider Muhammed Makkiyah, meets with the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia Kingdom in Baghdad, Mr. Abdul Aziz Al- Shimarry and the accompanying delegation.

NIC Chairman, Dr. Haider Muhammed Makkiyah, meets with the Ambassador of Saudi Arabia Kingdom in Baghdad, Mr. Abdul Aziz Al- Shimarry and the accompanying delegation.

The two parties discussed the progress of mutual relations and possibilities of economic cooperation in various investment fields in the way that serves the good of the two countries.

Good news to Bismayah city and other housing complexes inhibiters

Good news to Bismayah city and other housing complexes inhibiters

After a stoppage for years …

NIC Chairman, Dr. haider Makkiyah, was able, after one meeting with the Minister of Justice and DG of Real Estate registration, to settle the matter of defining the housing units in Bismayah city project and issuing possession bonds for buyers.

It was agreed upon the form of the possession bonds to save the rights of buyers, the measure that shall be generalized on all other housing complexes in Iraq.

Settling the matter of defining the housing units in Bismayah project with issuing possession bonds for buyers

In coordination with the Iraqi Minister of Justice , Dr. Khalid Shwani

NIC Chairman, Dr. Haider Makkiyah, confirms

  • Settling the matter of defining the housing units in Bismayah project with issuing possession bonds for buyers
  • Adopting a mechanism to define the housing units of vertical order which shall be implemented outside Baghdad borders
  • Preparing an adequate place in Bismayah city as an observation building for real estate registration

An elaborated meeting was held today Thursday, 2nd of Feb.2023 in the Ministry of justice premises with the attendance of Dr. Khalid Shwani, Minister of Justice and Dr. Haider Makkiyah, Chairman of the National Investment Commission and a number of the concerned officials from both sides, during the meeting an agreement had been reached to define the housing units of Bismayah city project and issue the possession bonds for buyers in an exception from the real estate registration law.

The two sides also agreed to adopt a new mechanism to define the housing units of vertical order which shall be implemented outside the borders of Baghdad as a big support for the process of marketing these projects.

There was a confirmation during the meeting to support the department of real estate registration of Bismayah city project after providing the needed building and other needs, enabling it to act its role in the proper way that can match the expected rise in the numbers of registrars

This new NIC moves come to solve the problems facing housing projects in Iraq in general, within the framework of the serious plans to support this vital sector harmoniously with the governmental programs

Worth mentioning that the meeting was also attended by a number of DGs and concerned members from the Ministry of Justice and NIC.

NIC Chairman, Dr. Haider Makkiyah, submits a review for three strategic projects

During his meeting with the Minister of Transport, Mr. Razaq Mhebes al- Saadawi

NIC Chairman, Dr. Haider Makkiyah, submits a review for three strategic projects

NIC Chairman met on Wednesday 1st of Feb.2023 with H.E Minister of Transport, Mr. Razaq Mhebes al- Saadawi and discussed with him plans and mechanisms of implementing three strategic and vital projects that NIC intends to announce for investment in direct coordination with the governmental concerned sides. The projects are ( Oh Hussein Metro, expansion of Baghdad International Airport, in addition to the construction of new airport in the capital).

Minister of transport expressed his consent to list the projects of (Oh Hussein and the new airport) in the paper of the opinion Committee of the Ministry of Transport.

NIC Chairman, Dr. Haider Makkiyah, previews the investment offers submitted by Hazar Turkish group

NIC Chairman, Dr. Haider Makkiyah, previews the investment offers submitted by Hazar Turkish group

NIC Chairman met on Wednesday 1st of Feb. 2023 with Shekh Hazar Al- Zibari- chairman of Hazar group and partner of YDA Holding Turkish group

He discussed with him a number of the projects that the group seeks to implement in Iraq among which housing projects in Baghdad and Mosul and high way project that connects Basra – Mosul beside others in infrastructures, airports, hospitals, industrial and services buildings.

NIC Chairman previewed the preliminary offers submitted by the company and promised to study them and take adequate decisions in the way that match with NIC plans to attract solid capitals and companies. Worth to mention that YDA group is one of the pioneers in ten of the key sectors like (constructions and entrepreneurships, real estate development, general medical sectors, energy,

mining, agriculture and IT) and has an experience of more than half a century that puts it within NIC field of interest.