To enhance the value of the Iraqi currency and cut off speculators

NIC Chairman orders paying housing project installments in Iraqi currency.

Today, Tuesday 21/2/2023, the Chairman of the National Investment Commission instructed the investment commissions in all the provinces to pay the installments of the housing units in the investment housing complexes of those who obtained investment licenses from the Baghdad Investment Commission and the Provincial Investment Commissions, where each of the investing companies to open an account in Iraqi banks (different currency) in US dollar with an exchange rate of 1310 dinars per dollar.

This official announcement for the Provincial Investment Commissions ordered deposit housing units installments in those accounts in Iraqi currency with an exchange rate of 1310 dinars per dollar to avoid extra burdens on Iraqi people.

NIC issued an announcement on the 1st Feb. to contracting companies investing in housing complexes to collect installments in Iraqi dinar  with an exchange rate of 1470 dinars per dollar as decided by the Central Bank of Iraq to the final  beneficiaries along with the government policy to stabilize the market.

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