The Ministry of Industry and Minerals has the pleasure to invite the investors, financers, and International specialized Companies to participate in the investment opportunities of the rehabilitation and upgrading of its companies and factories as a complete company or as a separate factories as listed below :-

  1. Ur State Company / Thi Qar Governorate
    • Cables factory
    • Aluminum sections factory
  2. The State Company for Paper Industries
    • Maysan Paper factory
    • Basrah Paper factory
  3. The State Company for Tiers Industries / Najaf
  4. The State Company for Al- Mishraq Sulfer
    • Sulphuric Acid factory
    • Alum factory
  5. The State Company for Cotton Industries / Baghdad – al- Khadimiah
    • Medical products factory
  6. The State Company for Vegetable Oil
    • Al- Ameen factory/ Baghdad
    • Al- Maamoon factory / Baghdad
    • Al- Mutasim factory / Ali al- Hadi factory/ Salah Aldeen Governorate
  7. The State Company for glass and ceramics
    • The Glass factory
    • The Ceramics factory
    • Medical Bottels factory
  8. The State Company for Petrochemical
  9. The State Company for Iron and Steel
    • Spiral Welded Pipe factory / Basra
  10. The State Company for South Fertilizers
    • Abu khaseeb factory
  11. The State Company for Dairy Products
    • Dijla factory for processed cheese (Triangular an Rectangular) / Abu Ghraib
    • Bilady factory / Abu Ghraib
    • Mosul Dairy factory
    • Diywania Dairy factory
  12. The state Company for Tobacco and Cigarettes Industries
    • Al- Nasser Cigarettes factory
  13. The State Company for Sugar Industries
    • Maysan Sugar Factory / (including sugar factory + the farm + the port)
    • Mosul Sugar factory
  14. The State Company for Southern Cement
    • Al- Samawa Old factory
    • Paper bags factory / Kufa
    • Al- Basra Cement factory
    • Lime plant
    • Al- Najaf Al- Ashraf Cement factory

The investors are invited to participate in these opportunities due to its importance, feasibility, and good benefits such as the availability of raw materials locally at low prices and skilled labor force.

The agreement with the investing companies will be on the base of partnerships in production and management targeting to increase the production capacity to cover the local demand of these important products.

The investment opportunities documents may be allocated from the investment department/ Ministry of Industry and Minerals against a payment of (150,000 IQD) for each factory starting from June .20.2012.

The Ministry reserves the right to award one factory only in a state owned factory in case they receive a complete offer.

In the case of receiving an offer for the entire company and for one or more of its factories, then the priority will be for the offer submitted for the entire company if the share given is accepted by the Ministry.

The Ministry is fully ready to provide all the detailed information and facilitate site visits to the companies’ location.

The Ministry would like to draw the attention of the specialized and concerned Companies that they should submit their proposals according to conditions in the investment file not later than 12:00 am Sunday September .2.2012

A special attention will be given to the technical and development side and the financial capability.
You can visit the Ministry website or contact Investment dept. at the Ministry for any additional information of the following address.
E- mail:

Ministry of Industry and Minerals
Investment Department
Tel: 00964 1 8166040
Nidhal Street
Baghdad – Iraq

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