Investment opportunity


In light of the State’s relentless pursuit to solve the housing problem in the country, through expanding the construction of housing complexes and promoting its erection by investment,

NIC in coordination with the Supreme Judiciary Council are pleased to announce the investment opportunity of the construction of housing compounds for the employees of Basra Federal Appeal Court on the land numbered (2075 M4 / Al- Ribat AL- Kabeer) owned by the Supreme Judiciary Council according to Investment Law no. 13 for the year 2006 as amended.


Willing local and foreign specialized companies are invited to apply for this investment opportunity through filling in the application form available on the NIC website ( with attaching all required documents mentioned there in the application form.

Receiving the applications shall be within 60 days from the date of publishing this announcement and for any further information please visit the Supreme Judiciary Council headquarter – Administration and Financial Dept. – Iraq – Baghdad- Al- Harithiah – Baghdad Clock site.



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