Ministry of industry and minerals

State company for constructional industries

Subject/   Announcement for investment 0pportunity No. 2/I.N/ 2019

Rehabilitate and Operate Baghdad bricks factory

Khan AL- RUba`a location to produce Filtration sand    

The state company for constructional industries which belong to Iraqi ministry of industry & Minerals is pleased to announce the Sid investment opportunity for year (2019)to participate and invest with specialized companies according to item15/3 of state companies law no.(22) for year 1997 (adjusted) and item 32/B of investment law no.(13) for year 2006 which adjusted with law No.50 for year 2015 and civil investment law No .91 for year 1988 (adjusted) and as follow:-

Investment Opportunities

  1. Baghdad Brick factory by Rehabilitate and operating contract
  2. Invest khan AL-RUba’a location to produce filtration sand by participation contract

Taking in consideration the below:-

  • The submitted company should be Sober and manufacturer or an independent agent for such companies and not Mediator Company.
  • To submit final accounts for the last two years
  • Obligate to all requirements and conditions mentioned in the investment file for each opportunity.
  • The participants have the right to submit their offers for one location or two

-The qualified bidders who want to participate in this investment opportunity to submit their requests and bids according to the bid conditions documents that can get from the company HQ/ commercial Dept. after paying the value of documents amounts of (200 000 I.D) Two hundred thousand Iraqi Dinars (not repayable).

-The bids are delivered to the following address (the state company for construction industries/ tender box at front desk after supporting that by the opening committee in the company) which located at Baghdad- Hay-Babil, Mahalla 931, Zukak-27, Building No. 2 / Al-Rasheed Camp road nearby the state company for vegetable oil industries till (12:00 PM of Wednesday 2/10/2019).Which consider the closing date. Late bids after this date will be rejected (the offers will be opened after 30 days of tha announcement publishing date and in case receiving one offer or more with the said period the announcement to be .stopped to analize and study the offer /s and take the decision about it and in case not awarded then continue in the announcement for another 30 days with same mechanism which will continue for one year starting from the first publishing date and after that re- study the subject  the bids will be opened by the attendance of the bidders or their representatives. Attendance shall be at the following address (Meeting Hall/ Ground floor at the company HQ) after 12:00PM of Wednesday 2/10/2019.

-The awarded company will bear the announcement fees

– our company not obligated to accept the lowest price offer


                                                                                                                  Salleh A.Josef

                                                                                                                Director General

                                                                                                     & Chairman of the Board



Mobile : 00964 7830112210

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