Announcement No. ( 1 ) Investment Opportunity
State Company for Automotive &Equipments Industries, one of the formations of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, invites all Iraqi, Arab and foreign companies with experience inside and outside Iraq to participate in the investment opportunity for the project of Rehabilitation and development of production Lines for power transmission towers according to the conditions and information that can be obtained form the commercial the In the companys headquarters located in Babel Governorate / Alexandria region for an amount
of ( 250,000 ) twohundred and fifty thousand Iraqi dinars that are not refundable one day after the date of the advertisement being published in the local newspapers and for a period of thirty days from the date of publication of the advertisement and in the case of No tenders are received during this period . The advertisement and in the case of No tenders are received during this period. The advertisement is considered effective for another 30 days, and until an acceptable offer is received for a period not exceeding a calendar year, and the company is ready for any inquiries, taking into account the submission of the necessary and required papers within the terms of the tender, and duly certified by.
Dr. Eng
Mazhar Sadiq Sabi AI- Tamimi
General Manager \chairman of board Director
E-mail:scai@ scai . industry Iraq- B abel -Askandriyah