During his meeting with the National Security Chancellor, Mr. Qasim Al- Araji

NIC Chairman affirms.. Our plans to develop Investment are harmonious with the Governmental program and depend on the essential needs of the Iraqi economy

NIC Chairman, Dr. Haider Mohammed Makkiyah, said during his meeting with the National Security Chancellor that being in charge of investment in Iraq, in the mid of what Iraqi economy is witnessing of critical need for strategic vital projects that can run economy wheel and move it positively and actively, put us before a national and personal responsibility that abide us and all workers in this field to work relentlessly and according to realistic planning to fix shortages in the economical body.

He added during this meeting which was held on Saturday, 28th of Jan.2023, that new projects in important sectors shall be announced after completing all their requirements, and this comes according to NIC plans for the coming phase that depends on the governmental vision

Chancellor, Qasim Al- Araji, in his turn stressed the importance of providing adequate environment for investment in shade of  the stable political and security situation to attract strategic investments and achieve the required economic growth assuring the support of the National Security Chancellorship for all NIC’s steps.

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