NIC Chairman, Dr. Haider Makkiyah, previews the investment offers submitted by Hazar Turkish group

NIC Chairman met on Wednesday 1st of Feb. 2023 with Shekh Hazar Al- Zibari- chairman of Hazar group and partner of YDA Holding Turkish group

He discussed with him a number of the projects that the group seeks to implement in Iraq among which housing projects in Baghdad and Mosul and high way project that connects Basra – Mosul beside others in infrastructures, airports, hospitals, industrial and services buildings.

NIC Chairman previewed the preliminary offers submitted by the company and promised to study them and take adequate decisions in the way that match with NIC plans to attract solid capitals and companies. Worth to mention that YDA group is one of the pioneers in ten of the key sectors like (constructions and entrepreneurships, real estate development, general medical sectors, energy,

mining, agriculture and IT) and has an experience of more than half a century that puts it within NIC field of interest.



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